
Wei Guoyu: Adhere to the road of Haicang's characteristic integrated circuit industry

author:Strait Herald Big Finance

From June 28th to 29th, 2024, the 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference was held at the Xiamen International Conference Center Hotel. With the theme of "Crossing Boundaries, New Future", the conference brought together many well-known experts and industry leaders in the semiconductor field at home and abroad, as well as multiple industrial circles such as government, industry, academia, research, application, and investment, to create an excellent exchange platform for high-end industry insights, capital and resources. At the main forum of the Jiwei Semiconductor Conference on the 29th, Wei Guoyu, deputy director of the Management Committee of Xiamen Haicang Taiwanese Investment Zone, gave a keynote report on "Carrying forward the past and forging ahead into the future, not forgetting the original intention, and insisting on taking the road of Haicang's characteristic integrated circuit industry".

Wei Guoyu pointed out that Haicang District is the earliest and largest state-level Taiwanese investment zone in the country. There are export processing zones, bonded port areas and pilot free trade zones in the jurisdiction, with obvious location advantages. The regional transportation network is developed, and it is the starting point of the China-Europe and Central Asia trains, with 50,000-ton berths. In 2023, Haicang District will achieve a GDP of more than 100 billion yuan, ranking 42nd in the "Top 100 Industrial Zones in China", and ranking first among all districts in the city in terms of industrial output value and total added value all year round.

Wei Guoyu: Adhere to the road of Haicang's characteristic integrated circuit industry

After more than 30 years of development, on the basis of Xiamen's "4+4+6" industrial system, Haicang District has formed a "3+1+1" industrial system in line with regional characteristics. The three leading industries of biomedicine, semiconductors and integrated circuits, and new materials have all formed a certain leading edge in the country, among which the integrated circuit industry is the most strategically significant pillar industry among the three leading industries.

The layout of the industrial chain is complete, forming a good industrial agglomeration

In 2016, with the strong support of the Xiamen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Haicang District Party Committee and District Government took integrated circuits as a key industry to build. Haicang District adheres to the idea of "a game of chess in the whole city, differentiated layout", establishes Xiamen Semiconductor Investment Group Co., Ltd., through the direct investment of the district finance, focuses on the development path based on characteristic technology, and drives the implementation of market-oriented projects with government-guided investment, and gradually forms an industrial layout such as IC design, wafer manufacturing, carrier board, packaging and testing.

In recent years, the introduction of enterprises includes 12-inch manufacturing project Silan Jike; the third-generation compound semiconductor projects Shilan Ming gallium and Silan Jihong; display driver packaging project Xiamen Tongfu; AKM Meadville, a high-end packaging substrate headquarters project that has been implemented through overseas mergers and acquisitions; engaged in the research and development and production of fan-out packaging process, Zhongke Sihe; Yuntian Semiconductor, which is committed to advanced packaging and system integration; RF front-end module IC design enterprise Kaiyuan Communication; and Hengkun New Materials, a leading domestic substitution enterprise of semiconductor photoresist materials. The industry's leading consulting agency Aijiwei. The implementation of the above projects has formed a good industrial agglomeration.

Taking Aijiwei as an example, in 2017, the headquarters settled in Haicang, and nearly 1,000 participants were involved in the first Jiwei Conference, and now there are more than 6,000 participants in the 8th Jiwei Conference. It provides a very important communication platform for the development of the domestic integrated circuit industry, and also provides an important communication channel for the integration of industrial resources, and is the most professional and influential semiconductor industry conference in China. The conference is getting hotter and hotter, and it has become a hard-core business card of Xiamen City and Haicang District.

The industry has begun to take shape, and its influence is prominent

After nearly eight years of development, the integrated circuit industry in Haicang District has begun to take shape and has formed a certain influence in China. Haicang District has successively invested in the construction of integrated circuit manufacturing industrial park, semiconductor industry base, integrated circuit design industrial park, and issued industrial policies and talent policies such as "Measures for Further Supporting the Development of Integrated Circuit Industry in Haicang District" and "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Building a World-class Talent Bay Area in Haicang District", attracting more than 65 enterprises and gathering more than 5,000 integrated circuit practitioners. At present, there are 7 key manufacturing projects settled in the integrated circuit manufacturing industrial park, and 45 design projects settled in the integrated circuit design industrial park, with a total investment of more than 40 billion yuan.

Kaiyuan Communication, Yuntian Semiconductor, Bolian Technology and other enterprises have been recognized as national specialized and new "little giant" enterprises; Silan Jike and Silan Minggallium have become key investment projects of the National Fund; Haicang Integrated Circuit Industrial Park has been awarded the "Top Ten Excellent Parks for High-quality Development of Integrated Circuits in China" for three consecutive years; Haicang's semiconductor industry development model of "three-chain integration" was awarded the industrial chain cooperation award of the 4th "IC Innovation Award", which is the only region in Fujian Province to receive this honor since the award was established.

In order to improve service efficiency, Haicang District has established a "eight offices" linkage mechanism, including investment promotion office, industry office, and land office, to provide full-cycle, full-factor, and full-closed-loop service guarantee for the implementation of investment promotion projects and the capital increase and production expansion of enterprises; The city took the lead in setting up a comprehensive service center for "enterprises that can't enter the window", and streamlined the capital increase and production expansion links from 10 to 5 through process reengineering, shortened the processing time from 224 days to 64 days, and accelerated the approval by 285%. At the same time, Haicang District has set up a professional investment team, investment team and management team to serve the integrated circuit industry - the team is immersed in the enterprise, understands the demands of the enterprise at any time, solves the problems of the enterprise, resonates with the enterprise at the same frequency, and assists the enterprise to become stronger and bigger.

With a deep understanding of regional industrial development and a high-quality service foundation, Haicang District has recently landed the Silan Jihong project with a total investment of 12 billion yuan. The main investor of the project is Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Province attaches great importance to and provides a ready-made plant, Haicang District in Xiamen City, under the deployment of the main leaders, quickly set up a professional investment negotiation team, accurately sort out the project needs, grasp the key points of concern of the enterprise, and completed the national window guidance work in only 58 days, and finally settled the project in Haicang, Haicang has the first 8-inch silicon carbide chip production line with completely independent intellectual property rights and the largest production capacity in China. The first phase of the project has started construction in June this year and will be completed and put into operation by the end of next year. The implementation of the project will drive the upstream and downstream enterprises of the third-generation semiconductor equipment, substrates, vehicle gauge devices and applications in Xiamen to gather, and play an obvious role in promoting regional economic development.

The future path is clear, and we will adhere to the road of Haicang characteristics

Since last year, Haicang District has accelerated the transformation of its investment model, amplified the leverage effect of financial funds, and actively revitalized equity and park assets. At the same time, we will continue to rely on the multiple forces of the state, provinces, municipalities and districts, and always focus on the characteristic process and the upstream and downstream industries of the third-generation compound semiconductor to "extend, supplement and strengthen the chain" to support the implementation of major projects.

Wei Guoyu pointed out that Haicang's goal is to build the most professional integrated circuit industry cluster in China and become the highland of integrated circuit industry in Fujian Province and even the whole country. She also introduced one of the outstanding teams from Haicang, Xiamen Semiconductor Investment Group. (Author: Chen Bingxin Source: Aijiwei)


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