
General Administration Ratings: Celebrating more than 2 years Fifth, the story of Rose was also crushed, and there was no suspense in the first

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General Administration Ratings: Celebrating more than 2 years Fifth, the story of Rose was also crushed, and there was no suspense in the first

Recently, CVB released the latest primetime TV drama ratings rankings, which not only reveal the popularity of recent TV dramas, but also reflect the preferences and trends of viewers to a certain extent.

In this list, we saw quite a few familiar names and also found some unexpected surprises.

Today, let's take a closer look at this list and explore the secrets behind it.

First of all, let's set our sights on the fifth place on the list - "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

As a high-profile costume drama, the show has attracted much attention since its broadcast.

The joining of powerful actors such as Zhang Ruoyun and Li Qin has made this drama extremely high in terms of acting skills.

General Administration Ratings: Celebrating more than 2 years Fifth, the story of Rose was also crushed, and there was no suspense in the first

In terms of plot, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" continues the excitement of the first season, with ups and downs in the plot and exciting.

Although there is a slight difference in the ratings of Dragon TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV, on the whole, it still has achieved good results.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Ruoyun officially announced a new drama "The Beginning of Man" at the end of "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

This suspense drama has also attracted much attention, and I look forward to Zhang Ruoyun being able to bring us a wonderful performance again.

It was followed by No. 4 "Just Time".

This urban drama is set in a warm family life, and through delicate emotional portrayals, it shows the joys, sorrows and sorrows of modern urbanites in their fast-paced lives.

The superb acting skills of powerful actors such as Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng made the audience feel the freshness and reality of the characters.

The warm and loving scenes in the play allow the audience to absorb the power of life while moving.

General Administration Ratings: Celebrating more than 2 years Fifth, the story of Rose was also crushed, and there was no suspense in the first

and the third place is occupied by the period drama "South to North".

The joining of young actors such as Bai Jingting and Ding Yongdai has injected fresh blood into this drama.

They interpreted the characters in their own way, and also made the audience have a strong interest in that era.

The success of "South to North" lies not only in its wonderful plot and excellent performances, but also in the kind of love for life and respect for the times it conveys.

Next, let's focus on the second place - "The Story of the Rose".

General Administration Ratings: Celebrating more than 2 years Fifth, the story of Rose was also crushed, and there was no suspense in the first

The ratings of this drama on CCTV8 have reached a peak, which is enough to see its high popularity.

The joining of stars such as Liu Yifei and Tong Dawei has undoubtedly added a lot of highlights to this drama.

Their wonderful performance in the play makes the audience feel as if they are in the story, breathing and sharing the fate with the characters.

Although Lin Gengxin's image in the play has been criticized, his acting skills have been unanimously recognized by the audience.

Even his footage was cut into the admissions video by Tsinghua University, which is enough to see its influence and popularity.

So, which drama can beat the crowd and become the first in the ratings?

The answer is the military drama "Haitian Eagle".

General Administration Ratings: Celebrating more than 2 years Fifth, the story of Rose was also crushed, and there was no suspense in the first

This drama is co-starred by powerful actors such as Zhu Yawen, Hou Yong, and Li Youbin, and their acting skills are naturally beyond doubt.

During the filming process, Zhu Yawen and other actors not only worked the set to keep fit, but also danced and relaxed from time to time, adding a touch of relaxation to the tense shooting atmosphere.

It is this kind of professionalism and professionalism that has allowed them to successfully create a group of vivid and three-dimensional military images, which have won the love and recognition of the audience.

The reason why "Haitian Eagle" can achieve such excellent results is not only the outstanding performance of the actors, but also the positive energy and values it conveys.

General Administration Ratings: Celebrating more than 2 years Fifth, the story of Rose was also crushed, and there was no suspense in the first

By telling touching stories that happened in the barracks, this drama shows the noble spirit of the soldiers' selfless dedication and defending their families and the country.

This spirit not only infects the audience, but also inspires people's sense of pride and identity for the country and the nation.

So, do you endorse this ranking? What's your favorite show?

Of course, in addition to these top-ranked episodes, there are many other excellent titles on the list that are worth mentioning.

For example, the revolutionary drama "Bloody Battle of Songmaoling", the legendary drama "I Wish People Were Long", etc.

Although these dramas are not ranked high, they also have their own characteristics and charm.

They either show the grandeur of history through grand narratives, or let the audience feel the warmth and brilliance of humanity through delicate emotional portrayals.

General Administration Ratings: Celebrating more than 2 years Fifth, the story of Rose was also crushed, and there was no suspense in the first

Overall, this list of TV dramas released by CVB provides us with a window into the current TV drama market dynamics.

From this, we can see that whether it is a costume drama, an urban drama, a military drama, or a revolutionary drama, as long as it is produced and performed with heart, it can win the love and recognition of the audience.

At the same time, this list also brings us more thoughts: in the highly competitive TV drama market, how to create more ideological, artistic and ornamental works?

How can we better meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the people?

General Administration Ratings: Celebrating more than 2 years Fifth, the story of Rose was also crushed, and there was no suspense in the first

These are all questions that deserve our deep thought.

Whether you like the power struggle of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" or the romantic emotions of "The Story of Rose";

Whether you are attracted by the family warmth of "Time is Just Right", or moved by the feelings of the era of "South to North";

Or maybe you have a soft spot for the military style of "Haitian Eagle......

In short, I hope you have found your own happiness and satisfaction in these excellent TV dramas.