
Window of Superior Bone: Want to take advantage of the summer vacation to help your child chase high? There are four bad habits to avoid


Compared to going to school, summer vacation has more free time, better food, more sleep time, and more time for exercise. However, it is worth noting that some parents have to go to work, and there is no elderly person at home to manage it, or the elderly are not in place, resulting in the children not only not being as tall as children of the same age, but being overtaken by other children in the class. The window of the bones pointed out that most of this is related to the life and eating habits of the summer vacation, and to help children chase high in the summer vacation, it is necessary to avoid these four bad living and eating habits.

1. Stay up late and sleep lazy

Window of Superior Bone: Want to take advantage of the summer vacation to help your child chase high? There are four bad habits to avoid

Sleep is an important stage of human growth and development. Staying up late can disrupt the normal sleep rhythm, leading to sleep deprivation or decreased sleep quality, which reduces the secretion of growth hormone. In the long term, it can also affect the development of bones and muscles, potentially negatively affecting height development.

In addition, staying up late often can also lead to problems such as mental malaise, decreased concentration, and low immunity, which means that children are more likely to get sick, further hindering children's height development and development.

2. Don't eat breakfast in the morning

Window of Superior Bone: Want to take advantage of the summer vacation to help your child chase high? There are four bad habits to avoid

After a whole night of metabolism, the human body wakes up in the morning and the gastrointestinal tract is in a state of emptiness, and at this time, it needs to supplement nutrients by eating to meet the energy required by the human body. Skipping breakfast occasionally usually does not have a huge impact on physical health and height development, but if you skip breakfast for a long time, because there is not enough energy supply in the body, it is easy to trigger hypoglycemic reactions, such as paleness, dizziness, sweating and other uncomfortable symptoms, and even lead to malnutrition, gastrointestinal dysfunction and other problems, which will have an adverse impact on height development.

Breakfast is a very important meal of the day, and the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022) recommends that a nutritious breakfast should include 3 or more types of cereals and potatoes, vegetables and fruits, meat and eggs, milk beans and nuts.

3. Eat, sleep, eat, and don't exercise

In summer, the weather is hot, and children don't want to go out, but just want to watch TV, play games, and brush their mobile phones at home, which is not only not conducive to children's height development, but also not conducive to physical health. A good body is inseparable from the support of exercise, and long-term inactivity may not only lead to insufficient secretion of growth hormone and decreased human immunity; In addition, regular inactivity can also make children indigestion and poor absorption; Children who do not exercise for a long time will also have a significantly slower rate of increase due to lack of exercise in muscle and bone tissue.

Fourth, snacks do not leave the hand, ice cream does not stop mouthing

Window of Superior Bone: Want to take advantage of the summer vacation to help your child chase high? There are four bad habits to avoid

Children are at home during the holidays, snacks are readily available, and without the constraints of adults, it is easy to eat snacks all day long. For children, eating too many snacks can do more harm than good, and the most significant problem is that after eating snacks, they will not want to eat meals, resulting in unbalanced nutritional intake.

Especially in summer, children's favorite ice cream, ice cream, milk tea and various carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar and additives. After these sugars and additives enter the body, they will lead to tooth decay and obesity in children, and even induce diabetes in children, resulting in a large loss of calcium in the body, affecting the development of bones, and causing children to grow taller.

Therefore, even during the summer vacation, parents should pay attention to supervising their children's habits and life, ensuring that their children can go to bed early and get up early every day, eat regularly and exercise in a balanced manner, so as to be more conducive to growing taller. In addition, taking advantage of the long summer vacation, parents can take their children to the hospital or a special height management institution to measure their bone age, so as to understand the growth and development of their children in advance, so as to help their children reach a more ideal height in adulthood. (Xie Xiaomei)

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