
"City is not city", what is the stalk? Netizen: It has been hard controlled for 3 days......

author:Youth Shenzhen

Recently, a large number of foreign tourists have poured into China, and some video bloggers who love to work together have created various memes that have become popular on the Internet, such as the recent "city is not city"

This meme originated from the foreign blogger "Bao Bao Bear"

He came to China for tourism

While chatting with my sister

Always ask in a magical tone


For example: "Is Shanghai a city or not?" ”

"What a city!"

"City is not city", what is the stalk? Netizen: It has been hard controlled for 3 days......

Because the voice is too demonic brainwashing, "city is not city" has become the object of imitation by many people. Under everyone's interpretation, this colloquial phrase has become an adjective of urbanism, foreignness, novelty, and even "excitement".

Foreign tourists come to China

Explosive reform of "special forces"

The rapid rise to popularity of "City" bloggers is not unique, and there is now a large number of foreign influencers on Chinese social platforms. One of the reasons behind this is China's 72/144-hour transit visa-free policy.

Up to now, China's 72/144-hour transit visa-free policy has been extended to 54 countries. Among them, three cities, including Changsha, Harbin and Guilin, have implemented a 72-hour transit visa-free policy; 20 cities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Qinhuangdao, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Jieyang, Shenyang, Dalian, Qingdao, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Xiamen, Wuhan and Kunming, have implemented a 144-hour transit visa-free policy.

With the blessing of favorable policies, more and more foreign tourists have entered the mysterious eastern country to experience the long history, splendid civilization and magnificent mountains and rivers of the land of China.

There was a hot post circulating on the Internet, about a foreign friend asking a Chinese friend if his travel arrangements were feasible. Looking at this itinerary that is still in Beijing today, going to Shanghai tomorrow to enjoy the night view, and then going to Guangzhou for morning tea the next day, netizens can only cry and laugh, "Versailles" sighed "No way, who made our China so big".

"City is not city", what is the stalk? Netizen: It has been hard controlled for 3 days......

▲Foreign tourists visit Shancheng Lane in Chongqing. Photo by He Penglei

Having said that, foreign tourists who have not been able to make it once in a while are not going to miss this great opportunity, and the 144-hour or 6-day itinerary is still fully scheduled. "Little foreigners" exploded and changed "special forces", this wave of popularity can let them catch up!

Foreign tourists who brave the "novice village" generally choose to enter from big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, where there are more frequent flights, higher popularity, and more convenient life.

But it is not all the way, many foreign tourists focus on a casual, basically will not do a strategy in advance, cash withdrawal, route check. Not only that, but when they arrived at the destination, they found that the cash usage rate in China is now significantly lower than that in foreign countries, and online APP payment and taxi are not too convenient.

At first, they complained that various apps did not have foreign language translations and could not bind bank cards, and they were also embarrassed when faced with high international roaming fees.

However, it didn't take long for this group of foreign tourists to appreciate the power of "China speed". In March this year, the People's Bank of China issued the "Payment Guide for Foreign Visitors to China", introducing the acquisition and use process of five payment services such as mobile payment, bank card and cash in an illustrated and textual manner.

"City is not city", what is the stalk? Netizen: It has been hard controlled for 3 days......

▲Screenshot of "Payment Guide for Foreign Visitors to China".

At present, foreign tourists can download Alipay, WeChat and other payment tools, support the binding of international bank cards, and enjoy the one-stop service of "eating, drinking, playing and Tesco" in China; There are more than 30 e-wallets that can be used in China.

In addition, passengers who do not want to open international roaming can bring their passports or foreigners' permanent residence ID cards to the business offices of China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Radio and Television and other telecommunications companies to apply for mobile SIM cards and open mobile communication services. Some operators also set up check-in windows or counters at airports to facilitate passengers to handle the application on demand.

Came with doubts

Harvest and return

Before coming to China, it is dangerous to be backward, so don't go!

After coming to China, the beautiful scenery and delicious food are really fragrant!

"City is not city", what is the stalk? Netizen: It has been hard controlled for 3 days......

"I really appreciate the videos, just because of what we see in the media, China has always been very low on my list of travel destinations. It's very close to the top now! ”

In the past, many foreign tourists were hesitant to travel to China, but now, due to the implementation of China's 72/144-hour transit visa-free policy, some foreigners who plan to travel to Japan, South Korea or Southeast Asian countries have added China to their travel packages in line with the principle of "come and come".

When they arrived in China, this group of "uneasy" foreign tourists exclaimed after an in-depth experience: China is indeed "too unsafe, and if you are not careful, you will gain ten pounds". Hot pot, roast duck, milk tea, skewers...... Can't stop!

"City is not city", what is the stalk? Netizen: It has been hard controlled for 3 days......

▲Foreign tourists praise "pancake fruit". Screenshot of the video

On this side, some people ate the "food of life" at their first meal after getting off the plane, and thought it was some kind of delicacies from the mountains and seas, but when they looked at it, it turned out to be hot pancakes and fruits! Take a look at it again, it's still eating in Shanghai, I don't know how friends in Tianjin feel when they hear this?

On the other hand, some people came to the "fairyland on earth" and lamented that Lijiang is indeed "the city is as its name suggests", and praised it as the most beautiful city.

"City is not city", what is the stalk? Netizen: It has been hard controlled for 3 days......

▲Foreign tourists praise the beautiful river as the most beautiful city. Screenshot of the video

"This is what 2050 will look like!" Indian influencer TravelwithAK used a 4-minute video "Most Developed City on the Planet|Shenzhen China" to focus on Shenzhen, documenting the subway, buildings, green spaces, street food and citizens enjoying life in the city.

After the video was released, a "Shenzhen wave" was set off on foreign social platforms, and foreign netizens praised Shenzhen's international city construction.

▲Source: Weibo @HW HR video screenshot before the end. Click to read ""This is what 2050 will look like", what makes foreign Internet celebrities incoherent? 》

Wait a minute, why does it seem to be different from what the foreign media say? At this time, foreign tourists suddenly realized, "It turns out that we have been kept in the dark"!

“China is not what we expected.” (中国根本不是我们预想的那样!)耳听为虚眼见为实,实际来中国走上一遭的外国游客们,纷纷开始为中国正名。

▲Click to read ""It turns out that we were all deceived! What makes foreign netizens sigh so much? 》

The mysterious Oriental country is revealed, and people find that the streets are clean and tidy, the pedestrians are friendly and the city is lively and safe at night......

And those lives that we have long been accustomed to have become new in the eyes of foreigners. Swipe your face to pay, that's cool! High-speed rail travel, too fast! Even the main road, which is usually not noticed at all, has been praised by foreign friends: so quiet, Amazing!

"City is not city", what is the stalk? Netizen: It has been hard controlled for 3 days......

▲Foreign tourists sigh that face payment is so cool! Screenshot of the video

Fire, fire, fire!

China Travel成流量密码

Nowadays, people seem to have become accustomed to the grand occasion of "China's scenic spots are full of foreigners"; And abroad, videos with the label "China Travel" are setting off a boom and becoming the new "traffic password".

"City is not city", what is the stalk? Netizen: It has been hard controlled for 3 days......

▲On overseas social platforms, the number of posts with the hashtag "China Travel" has reached 888,000