
You're not lazy, you're deficient in qi and blood! Qi deficiency has no strength, blood deficiency does not want to move, teach you a trick to make you full of energy

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Usually when we see people who don't want to move, we may casually say, why are you so lazy, you don't want to move. In fact, in this case, it may not be lazy, but because your qi and blood are very deficient.

You're not lazy, you're deficient in qi and blood! Qi deficiency has no strength, blood deficiency does not want to move, teach you a trick to make you full of energy

In traditional Chinese medicine, qi and blood are the most basic substances of the human body, and the entire life activities are carried out under their promotion, which has the functions of nourishing the human body, invigorating the spirit, and resisting external evils.

You're not lazy, you're deficient in qi and blood! Qi deficiency has no strength, blood deficiency does not want to move, teach you a trick to make you full of energy

First of all, what about this kind of people. Maybe I usually want to lie in bed at home, I don't want to do anything, I feel heavy in my limbs, I feel tired, I want to rest when I go out for a while, I usually feel dizzy, I don't want to talk, I wake up from dreams, etc. When I stuck out my tongue, I saw that the tongue was relatively tender, the color was a little light, and it didn't look bloody.

You're not lazy, you're deficient in qi and blood! Qi deficiency has no strength, blood deficiency does not want to move, teach you a trick to make you full of energy

At this time, it is mainly necessary to strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and blood, and the reason for strengthening the spleen and stomach is that the spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood metaplasia, so when replenishing qi and blood, we should pay attention to strengthening the spleen and stomach. In this regard, you can refer to Gui Spleen Soup or Bazhen Soup to distinguish the addition and subtraction.

You're not lazy, you're deficient in qi and blood! Qi deficiency has no strength, blood deficiency does not want to move, teach you a trick to make you full of energy

But if you look at the tongue, the tongue is fat, pale white, thick and greasy, and there are tooth marks.

You're not lazy, you're deficient in qi and blood! Qi deficiency has no strength, blood deficiency does not want to move, teach you a trick to make you full of energy

At this time, it is not only the deficiency of qi and blood, but also the dampness, at this time, it is best to use it together with some dampness, such as the Four Gentlemen's Soup or Shenling Baizhu Powder to distinguish the addition and subtraction.

That's all for today's sharing, the above content is for reference only, not as a diagnosis and treatment plan, if you are unwell, please seek medical attention offline in time, and we will see you next time.