
Afraid of cold and often on fire, should I clear the heat or replenish the yang?

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In fact, this problem is very common in clinical practice, fear of cold and fire exist at the same time, and the situation of fire is more serious when using yang tonics, and there are bubbles in the mouth. But what about the medicine that clears heat, as soon as you eat someone, you will have diarrhea, what should you do?

Afraid of cold and often on fire, should I clear the heat or replenish the yang?

In fact, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is the yang qi deficiency for a long time, the yin qi of the body will be heavier, occupy the internal organs, and drive the yang qi to the surface of the muscles. It leads to the cold of the internal organs, so the body is afraid of cold, the waist and knees are cold and painful, and the urination is frequent.

But when yang energy is driven to the surface of the muscles, people are easy to get angry! Swollen and sore gums, mouth sores and other irritation!

In other words, this kind of situation seems to be on fire, but the essence is still yang deficiency.

Afraid of cold and often on fire, should I clear the heat or replenish the yang?

At this time, if you use cold medicine to quench the fire, it will do more damage to the yang qi, which can be said to be an injury on top of an injury, but it will aggravate the condition.

The correct conditioning method of traditional Chinese medicine is to focus on warming yang and supporting yang, and at the same time nourish the spleen and stomach, strengthen the function of spleen qi to promote the operation of yang qi, so that the yang energy floating on the surface of the muscle is pushed back into the viscera and restore the balance of yin and yang. The situation of being afraid of the cold and loving the fire will naturally disappear.

Afraid of cold and often on fire, should I clear the heat or replenish the yang?

When conditioning, we can refer to Guifu Rehmannia Heshang Buzhong Yiqi Pill to add or subtract use.