
Singing and flashing praises to the party

author:Top Gun Ginger New Year

——Pingjiang County Red Classic Art Troupe "Welcoming July 1st and Feeling the Party's Grace" sang a mountain song to the party to listen to the flash mob activity

Singing and flashing praises to the party

  In the conference room on the second floor of the "Pingjiang Uprising Memorial Hall" in Pingjiang County, the "Pingjiang County Red Classic Art Troupe" under the jurisdiction of the Memorial Hall, the Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports, and the Geriatric Health Care Association is headed by Wu Manlian; Under the organization of Huang Eming, Yu Xiang, deputy head of the regiment and other team members, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the flash mob activity participated by most of the members of the "Welcome July 1st and Feeling the Party's Kindness" was held here.


Singing and flashing praises to the party
Singing and flashing praises to the party

  This flash mob event is grand and magnificent. The ode of the Pingjiang County Red Classic Art Troupe is dedicated to the heroes of the Pingjiang Uprising, one of the places of the Autumn Harvest Uprising that took place in Pingjiang; It is dedicated to Pingjiang who sacrificed nearly 250,000 people for the revolutionary cause, and more than 21,600 martyrs have been included in Hunan's "Revolutionary Martyrs List", accounting for one-fifth of the total number of martyrs in the province; It is a birthday gift to all Communist Party members who are currently fighting on the front line of flood fighting for the economic revitalization of Pingjiang; It is also an artistic feast dedicated to the majority of readers and the people of Pingjiang.

Happy birthday to the great Communist Party of China!

(Photography, Flash Production: Joy Song)


Singing and flashing praises to the party
Singing and flashing praises to the party