
"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

author:Film and television small hoes

Little hoe will continue to look at it today

Episodes 9-10 of "The Year of China".

The border matter is over

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan

also ushered in another big wedding

Shangguan Ya was also sent

When Li Chuan's crown princess

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

Su Rongqing also came over specially

Remind Pei Wenxuan to make peace

Other women are separated from each other

Pei Wenxuan asked Su Rongqing

What should I do if I have a different position from my wife

Su Rongqing said that his wife is family

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

I have to say Li Chuan's younger brother

It's still very good

Hurry up and rush back

The sweat on this forehead is really detailed

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan

is about to get married for the second time

Su Rongqing borrowed wine to drown her sorrows

The wedding day was celebrated

Li Chuan personally opened the way for his sister

Sprinkle sugar on the front

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

The Great Xia Dynasty was a brotherly greeting

And when I got married in my last life

Pei Wenxuan can only pick it up by himself

This time, Pei Wenxuan specially arranged

Let Su Rongqing come to greet her

Pei Wenxuan recognized him as a brother

It can be regarded as a pair of hard-working mandarin ducks

A long-awaited ceremony

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

After all, Li Rong's regret in her previous life

just didn't have a beginning and an end with Su Rongqing

He also deliberately wrote about his previous life

Their love poems are used as greeting words

Look at Su Rongqing's appearance

I think I've already read it

Anyway, Pei Wenxuan, don't love it too much

Typical retreat is advance

Let Li Rong understand her heart

Don't regret it because of your previous life

Affect the choices of this life

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

When the two got married for the second time

It's still the same as the first time

Bumped into each other

But deliberately set

I didn't wear my previous wedding dress

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

The night of Su Rongqing's wedding banquet

I went to talk to the prince

Ask him whenever in the future

Won't you be the enemy of the princess?

It's not that you can't be born again

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

Su Ronghua, the eldest son of the Su family

Come and drink with Su Rongqing

He also said that he has changed a lot this year

The Su family is a century-old family

The emperor is impossible princess

Marry a powerful man like him

Also they from the previous life

It can't be changed in this life

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

Wedding night

They talked a little bit

Li Rong has an attachment to Su Rongqing

But there are also a lot of concerns

He drew up a plan for Li Rong

Help her and Su Rongqing renew their relationship

Now Li Rong is also energetic

It is necessary to match him and Qin Zhenzhen

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

It's a pity that Qin Zhenzhen is true

I'm chatting with the prince

The two of them are tempting each other

In the end, it also ended up without a problem

The relationship between the two is more like


Li Rong is really naughty

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

The prince gave Qin Zhenzhen

I sent a jade pendant

I talked to her all night again

Stories on the battlefield

also praised her

It's definitely loved

It's all used by the family

It's a pity that his mother asked

Shangguan Ya must be the crown princess

The side concubine is a choice for him

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

Li Rong wanted to know Shangguan Ya

What do you think of the crown princess

Li Rong prides herself on knowing her

Said she was a ruler

A person who is very knowledgeable

Usually it's okay to be in the poetry club

As a result, two people came

found that she rarely came to the poetry club

Pei Wenxuan also complained

She doesn't see how inaccurate people are

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

Shangguan Ya is a woman from a family

It turns out that I like to play in the casino

This is Li Rong's first time here

Pei Wenxuan has always declared sovereignty

It's quite natural to hug Li Rong

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

I have to say Shangguan Ya

It is indeed a good hand in the gambling house

Shangguan Ya saw Li Rong

Hurry and run

I'll just say when I watched it before

I don't feel like this is going to happen

Very dignified character

Sure enough, it's very aura

This is Zhuge Dali

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

Shangguan Ya ran away and jumped out of the window

was hugged by Su Ronghua

In the original

In their previous lives, these two were together

Neither is Li Xin, who is a descendant

Li Chuan's own son

I don't know how the drama version will be played

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

The two of them caught Shangguan Ya

See Shangguan Ya again

The past comes back one by one

Shangguan Ya had no choice in her previous life

He also has no feelings for Li Chuan

What she likes is Su Ronghua

Pei Wenxuan knew about this

But Li Rong doesn't seem to know

Otherwise, Li Xin will not be supported

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

The Shangguan family is the third generation

The daughter of the Shangguan family is sensible

I learned to sacrifice for my family

She wanted to die before she died

A happy day is a day

Concubine Rou taught people to sing songs

spread all over the capital

It also reached the ears of the emperor

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

For the emperor

The Shangguan family was the last again

It means that it is necessary to control the government

And the crown prince will become a puppet

If you insist on marrying the Shangguan family

The emperor is afraid that he will not be able to keep him

For this reason, Concubine Rou suggested

Another banquet to choose the crown princess

It was to pave the way for her niece

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

Li Chuan, who doesn't want to take a concubine

Listen as they discuss these

Tell my sister that I am tired

She thought back to her previous life

Li Chuan said in his heart

Shut down a beast

Li Rong couldn't help but be curious

Who the hell was locked up in

And who fed it

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

Pei Wenxuan tuned the soothing incense

Go to Li Rong to play chess and chat

Li Rong actually can't see through it

What was in the prince's mind

She didn't know why her brother was

Obviously there is already everything

But I'm still not happy

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

The prince wanted to go on a northern expedition before

Except for the purpose of quelling the war

It's also because I don't want him to be a sister

In the end, to the north and pro

There is no return to death

Li Rong acted rationally

But Li Chuan is emotional

Later he got the world

But a lot of things have been lost

"Spending the Year of China" Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's old husband and wife ushered in their second marriage, but they didn't want to have a lover and eventually become best friends

Dig to the bottom and dig it up

Here's the hard work

A small film and television hoe that even dares to hoe himself

The round hoe will take you to chase hot dramas

Like and follow, don't get lost after chasing dramas

We'll see you next time