
The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? It turned out to be hiding in these four places

author:David said things
The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? It turned out to be hiding in these four places

The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? Today, I found out that they were all hiding in these 4 places

Speaking of which, everyone thinks it's really gone, but in fact, it's not, they just disguised themselves and took advantage of some loopholes to do some seemingly legitimate things or businesses, but in fact, there are still some bullying and blackmailing people

The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? It turned out to be hiding in these four places

In my opinion, it is very likely that they are hiding in these 4 places, especially this last one, I believe that 80% of people who have lived in the community should have experienced it.

The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? It turned out to be hiding in these four places

In the previous era, most people have the impression that the underworld is a symbol of rampant and domineering, a tattoo of the left green dragon and the right white tiger, bullying the weak with the strong, bullying the less with the more, causing trouble everywhere, and then with the strong anti-crime and evil strike of the police uncle, the effect is also very significant, and now it is almost difficult to see on the surface.

But in fact, some of them just changed their outfits, and they still exist in our lives, and then I'll tell you, and please like and forward it to let more people know to avoid stepping on these pits, and see if it's the 4 places I said.

The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? It turned out to be hiding in these four places

First of all, this first place: it is some nightclub bathing centers and the like, they have turned into small shirts and suits and become security guards, in the old words are to watch the scene, to put it bluntly, some of them are likely to be the kind of idle gangsters on the street before, and some places rely on their power, bully some weak people, and force buy and sell, and some people are more timid, so they can only eat dumb losses and consider themselves unlucky

The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? It turned out to be hiding in these four places

What about this second place: it is some reselling second-hand things, which contains a lot, such as cars, houses, loan sharks, etc., these people are taking advantage of some loopholes, and some consumers have relatively low cognition, so it is easy to fall into their trap, so that you can also take them without a trick, after all, they dare to do this, then there must be confidence, there must be legal processes and contracts.

The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? It turned out to be hiding in these four places

The third kind: that is, some travel agencies, this kind of ah a lot of them are engaged in low-price routines, they generally rely on rebates, especially outsiders are more likely to be fooled, some of you buy tickets cheaply, but after arriving at the scenic spot, there will be some mandatory consumption, and begin to suppress you Some of their cheap things let you buy at a high price, so as to get some benefits in it, most people have no way

The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? It turned out to be hiding in these four places

The last one: is the property of some communities, to be honest, there are many places where the community is really unreasonable, so that you are a show to meet the soldiers, unreasonable, especially domineering, you should have seen a lot of community owners and property owners quarrel, their existence is to provide services and convenience for our owners, there are very individual attitudes that are quite bad, and can not drive them away, and the property fee is still a lot to pay, everyone talk about these reasons.

The underworld is all gone, where have they gone? It turned out to be hiding in these four places

All in all, what I want to tell you is, no matter what we encounter, we must first learn to protect ourselves, society is very complicated, we must not take it lightly, we must have a conscience in everything, and we must also believe in the country's system, which will severely punish some lawbreakers and bring us a more harmonious and stable beautiful phenomenon. Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, like and follow, David said something, and we'll see you next time