
What has become of the restaurant this year, and the landlord is still asking for a rent increase? I'd rather close the shop than give you rent

author:Catering dry goods Wu Luqi

After so many years of doing catering, I feel that in the entire catering circle, the only one who makes the most money is the landlord. I don't know if it was the crazy opening of restaurants last year, which gave these landlords the courage to raise rents, but it was really after the epidemic, it was crazy to rise, not only the shops with good locations, but also the shops with slightly worse locations.

What has become of the restaurant this year, and the landlord is still asking for a rent increase? I'd rather close the shop than give you rent

And in catering, rent can be said to be the heaviest cost. I don't know where the rumors came out, saying that the threshold for catering is getting lower and lower, and after so many years of catering, it can only be said that it is not getting lower and lower, but getting higher and higher. In the past, there were various demographic dividends in catering, but now, all kinds of costs are getting higher and higher, with high rent, high labor, and high ingredients.

What has become of the restaurant this year, and the landlord is still asking for a rent increase? I'd rather close the shop than give you rent

Now a new store is closing, most likely not because business is not good, nor because the staff is not good, but because the rent is too expensive. There is a colleague who opened a noodle restaurant who is now forced to close the shop by rent. He opened a store during the epidemic, and although his business was always closed, there were not many stores at that time, and his business was quite passable.

What has become of the restaurant this year, and the landlord is still asking for a rent increase? I'd rather close the shop than give you rent

And last year, he was saying that his business is getting worse and worse, the main reason is that his store is not like the noodle restaurant that only had them before, but has opened all kinds of snail noodles, mutton noodles, Yunnan rice, Nanchang mixed noodles, etc., and all of them are doing activities, and the activities are quite large.

What has become of the restaurant this year, and the landlord is still asking for a rent increase? I'd rather close the shop than give you rent

His business can be said to have been cut in half, last year he lost money for several months in a row, and he almost lost money to operate, but fortunately, at the end of last year, the business was better and he survived. But since the beginning of this year, business has not been good, I thought that by May and June, business would be better, but it was unexpectedly bad.

What has become of the restaurant this year, and the landlord is still asking for a rent increase? I'd rather close the shop than give you rent

Originally, he was still thinking about holding on until the end of the year, and seeing if business would get better in the second half of the year. But he never expected that a few days ago, the landlord came to tell him that his contract had expired, and he would start to increase the rent next month, and the rent would be increased by 10%. He also told the landlord that the business is too bad now, and his shop is already very good to open.

What has become of the restaurant this year, and the landlord is still asking for a rent increase? I'd rather close the shop than give you rent

Unexpectedly, the landlord didn't appreciate it at all, and directly said that he couldn't accept the price and moved out. In a fit of anger, he directly said that he would move in, and it is true, he is losing money now, and the landlord actually wants to increase the rent, isn't this worse? He said he would rather close the store than give the landlord a chance to raise the rent.

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