
30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

author:Interesting history

1. The road is high and safe, and the situation is high and dangerous.

Translation: The higher the morality, the better the person, the safer; The more powerful you are, the easier it is to abuse your power, and the more dangerous it is.

Appreciation: We should strive to improve our moral cultivation, be kind to others, be humble and low-key, and be lenient with others, and we will stay away from disasters. The higher our position and the greater our power, we must be fair and honest, and if we do not show favoritism, we will stay away from danger.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

2. The peach and plum do not speak, and the next is its own.

Translation: The peach and plum trees do not attract people, but people will walk around under them and naturally walk out of a path.

Appreciation: If the flowers are in full bloom, the butterflies will come. We should strive to improve our personality, be honest with others, and be low-key and humble, so that we can win the respect of others.

3. The crowd is full of gold, and the bones are destroyed.

Translation: The word "many" can melt gold and stone; Slander many times can destroy talents.

Appreciation: There is no greater misfortune than talking about people's faults, and the greatest scourge of people is to talk about other people's mistakes indiscriminately. There is no more evil language than slander, and the most vicious language is rumor-mongering. People are terrible, and they must not be careless.

4. People abandon me and take, and people take me.

Translation: I will come down what others don't want, and I will give what others want.

Appreciation: We sometimes have to do things in the opposite way to get unexpected results. Liu Bei once said that he could succeed, and every time he did things, he was the opposite of Cao Cao, so he was able to get his wish.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

5. The family is tired of money, and it is impossible to sit down.

Translation: If you have a lot of money, don't sit under the eaves for fear of falling under the steps.

Appreciation: A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, knowing that there is danger in front of him, and he is reckless and impulsive, and the disaster is not far from us.

6. When the interruption continues, it is chaotic.

Translation: If you fail to act decisively when you should have done so, you will miss the opportunity and will suffer disaster.

Appreciation: The things you are optimistic about should be decided immediately, not indecisively. If you miss an opportunity, you'll have a lot to lose.

7. Uncertainty, there will be big trouble later.

Translation: If you don't think about things before you do things, you can have a catastrophe later.

Appreciation: It is advisable to prepare for the rain and dig wells without thirst. Do everything in advance, just like you need to fix your house before it rains, and don't wait until you're thirsty to dig a well and look for water. It is too late to regret the disaster, and the ship is late to fill the leakage in the heart of the river.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

8. Rich but not arrogant, expensive but not comfortable.

Translation: He is very rich but not arrogant, and when he is rich, he is not alienated from his former relatives and friends.

Appreciation: We are rich and prosperous, if we are arrogant and domineering, we will invite disaster. We must always maintain a humble and simple attitude, not be arrogant and complacent because of wealth, and not indulge ourselves because of noble status.

9. 祸不妄至,福不徒来。

Translation: Disasters do not happen indiscriminately, and happiness does not come in a vacuum.

Appreciation: Good and evil are done by others, and good and bad are brought by themselves. Everything has a cause and effect, and there is no cause without results, and disasters and good fortunes do not come for nothing, they are all self-inflicted. Those who have good intentions will be respected by everyone, and those who have done all the bad deeds will be punished by God sooner or later.

10, Xiang Zhuang sword dance, intended for Pei Gong.

Translation: Xiang Zhuang danced his sword during the banquet with the intention of assassinating Liu Bang.

Appreciation: We must guard against those around us who are inconsistent in their words and deeds, and we must find out the true intentions of the other party.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

11. Things must come, and things must come.

Translation: The development of things has its inevitable destination, and the human condition has its original appearance.

Appreciation: We must follow the law of development of things in our work, and we cannot move against reason. We should not complain with resentment, but treat people with an open-minded and generous attitude.

12. Those who are virtuous prosper, and those who are powerful perish.

Translation: He who relies on virtue will prosper, but he who relies on violence will perish.

Appreciation: We must convince people with virtue and reason in everything we do, and it will not last long to make people submit by force.

13. If you take care of the small and forget the big, it will be harmful in the future.

Translation: Forgetting the big things because you are afraid of the little things will bring disaster to the future.

Appreciation: If you see small profits, you won't succeed in big things. We can't be greedy for small things and lose big things in everything we do, and the gains outweigh the losses. If you only think about the present and do not think long-term, you will incur disaster. Seeking great things and only greedy for small profits will harm the interests of the whole and violate moral standards.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

14. If you hesitate in doubt, you will regret it.

Translation: If you hesitate at a critical moment, you will regret it in the future.

Appreciation: When the interruption continues, it is chaotic. Once you have decided to do anything, you must be decisive and resolute, and you must not be indecisive. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law, looking forward to the future, will miss the opportunity and regret it.

15. If you don't like it, you don't hate it.

Translation: It is not too happy to get it, and it is not regrettable to throw it away.

Appreciation: There are gains and losses in life, and there are gains and losses, and gains and losses complement each other. When you get one, you lose another.

16. If the hairiness is not completed, you can't fly high.

Translation: If the bird's feathers are not yet full, it is impossible to soar in the air.

Appreciation: Do everything to seek truth from facts, do what you can, not look at the master and low, so ambitious. To do it knowing that you can't do it is to bring about your own destruction.

17. Be studious and thoughtful, and know what it means.

Translation: Loves to learn and can think deeply and grasp the meaning in your heart.

Appreciation: If you learn without thinking, you will be reckless, and if you think without learning, you will die. Reading is not only about learning, but also about thinking. There are three ways to read a book: to the eyes, to the mouth, and to the heart, in order to understand the essence of the book.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

18. Wine is chaotic, and happiness is sad.

Translation: Excessive drinking leads to chaos, and extreme happiness leads to sorrow.

Appreciation: Don't drink too much wine. If you drink too much, you will lose your sense of proportion in what you say and do, and you will have a lot of trouble. When happiness is rare, the joy of the world must produce sorrow. When we encounter happy things, it is easy to get carried away and get carried away, so we must prevent too many words from being lost, and happiness and sadness.

19. If you don't make a hit, it's a blockbuster.

Translation: If you don't scream, you will be shocked.

Appreciation: When we are in a predicament, we must know how to accumulate energy, converge the edge, and wait for the day when we can accumulate thick and thin and soar to the sky.

20. If the day is in the middle of the day, it will be lost, and when the moon is full, it will be lost.

Translation: The sun will deflect after noon, and the moon will wane after its fullness.

Appreciation: When the water is full, it overflows, and when the moon is full, it loses. Everything is constantly changing, and once it reaches the extreme, it will transform in the opposite direction. We must conform to the laws of nature, adapt to changes in the situation, and understand that being prepared for danger in times of peace is the way of sages.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

21. His words must be believed, and his deeds must be fruitful.

Translation: People must be trustworthy when they speak and decisive in their actions.

Appreciation: People do not stand without faith. Honesty is the right way in the world, and the pursuit of integrity is the foundation of life. We must be resolute and resolute in our work, so as not to miss the opportunity.

22. Don't be afraid of disasters, and don't like blessings.

Translation: There is no fear when disaster comes, and there is no surprise when joy comes.

Appreciation: Whether we encounter good things or bad things, we must maintain a normal heart, take it calmly, and deal with it calmly.

23. Gold is flawed, white jade is flawed.

Translation: No matter how pure gold is, it will inevitably have flaws, and no matter how beautiful white jade is, it will inevitably have spots.

Appreciation: Everything in the world will not be perfect, there will always be one kind or another flaw. We don't have to be perfect in everything, we should lower our requirements and be content and happy, which is the wisdom of life.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

24. Prosperity must be worried about decline, and peace must be dangerous.

Translation: In prosperity, we should consider decay, and in peace, we should consider that there will always be danger.

Appreciation: If you have money, you will always have no money, and you must prevent illness when you are happy. In everything we do, we must take precautions, take precautions, and raise our awareness of dangers, so that dangers and disasters will not occur.

25. Suspicious deeds are nameless, and suspicious deeds are fruitless.

Translation: If you have doubts about your actions, you will not succeed, and if you have doubts about your actions, you will not be effective.

Appreciation: To be skeptical about anything is to have a good grasp of things. If you are not sure, you will not be resolute and thorough in your work, and it will be difficult for things to succeed.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

26, rich and rich, poor and widowed.

Translation: If a person is rich, there will be more talented and learned people, and if he is poor, there will be fewer friends.

Appreciation: No one asks about the poor in the downtown area, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. The world is hot and cold, and it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. If we want to earn the respect of others, we should work hard to change our predicament. When we become strong, the people around us naturally dare not underestimate us.

27. Those who win people prosper, and those who lose people collapse.

Translation: If you have the support of the people, you will prosper, and if you lose the support of the people, you will perish.

Appreciation: Those who have attained the Tao have much help, and those who have lost the Tao have little help. When you speak and do things, you must always preach morality in order to convince the public. Only look out for our own interests, do whatever they want, and no one wants to be friends with us. If we win the hearts of the people, things will naturally succeed, and if we lose the hearts of the people, we will naturally rebel against our relatives.

28. The beginning is easy, and the end is difficult.

Translation: Things start with simplicity and end with difficulty.

Appreciation: Many people at the beginning of things, just for the sake of freshness and excitement, as the world prolongs, things are getting more and more difficult, the heat of three points has decreased, and things are absent-minded and procrastinating.

30 life cheats in "Historical Records", remember it in your heart and benefit for a lifetime!

29. Bitter medicine is also, and willing to talk about illness.

Translation: Words that are not good to the ear are as useful as good medicine, but sweet words are as harmful as germs.

Appreciation: Good medicine is good for disease, and good advice is good for action. Willing to talk about it, sugar is bad teeth. Flattery can make people lose their fighting spirit, just as eating too much sweets can hurt your teeth.

30. If the law does not work, it will be violated from above.

Translation: The law cannot be enforced because the ruler himself does not enforce it in the first place, and then he takes the lead in breaking the law.

Appreciation: I hope that others will abide by the law, and those in power must first deny themselves and abide by the law. If we want others to obey the rules, we must first set an example by being strict with ourselves and setting a good example.