
How to drain the stagnant water in the city? The reporter explores the Tangxun Lake Pumping Station

author:Wuhan headlines

Yangtze River Daily, Wuhan, June 29 (Reporter Jin Wenbing, Correspondent Zhu Wenhui) On the afternoon of June 29, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily came to the Tangxun Lake Pumping Station located on the south bank of the Yangtze River by the Wujin Embankment. Here, 15 1.6-meter-diameter pumping and drainage pipes are like a majestic "military array", blowing the horn of the city to pump and drain stagnant water in the low "hum" sound of the motor.

How to drain the stagnant water in the city? The reporter explores the Tangxun Lake Pumping Station

The staff of the Thomson Lake Pumping Station is inspecting the operation of the unit. Photo by reporter Jin Wenbing

Tangxun Lake Pumping Station is a key water conservancy project in Wuhan City, and it is also the main outlet of 11 large and small lakes in the Tangxun Lake water system, such as Tangxun Lake, Qingling Lake, Huangjia Lake and Yehu Lake, to pump and discharge water to the Yangtze River, and undertakes the drainage tasks of four urban areas of Wuchang, Hongshan, Jiangxia and East Lake High-tech.

The pumping station was built in 1975 and commissioned in 1980, with a total of 15 units installed with a single pumping capacity of 7.5 cubic meters per second. If it is running at full capacity, it can pump 9.72 million cubic meters of water per day.

How to drain the stagnant water in the city? The reporter explores the Tangxun Lake Pumping Station

The staff of the Thomson Lake Pumping Station is inspecting the operation of the unit. Photo by reporter Jin Wenbing

The reporter entered the motor floor of the pumping station and saw 15 synchronous motors lying on their stomachs in a row, and there was a "running" sign above them, showing that they were pumping out the stagnant water with all their might.

"According to the unified dispatch of the Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, at 12 o'clock on June 18, we started the pumping of 5 units; From June 28th to 29th, when the rain continued to fall in Wuhan, we successively started 15 units and the pumping stations were running at full capacity to cope with this round of heavy rainfall. Zheng Wei, head of the pumping station management office, introduced, "Since entering Mei, as of 2 pm on the 29th, when the pumping station has been running 1,447 units, the cumulative drainage is 39.429 million cubic meters, which is close to half of the water volume of Wuhan East Lake." ”

How to drain the stagnant water in the city? The reporter explores the Tangxun Lake Pumping Station

The staff of the Thomson Lake Pumping Station is inspecting the operation of the unit. Photo by reporter Jin Wenbing

Next to the pump, the reporter noticed that Li Yongsheng, a 53-year-old staff member on duty, gently touched the shell of the pump from time to time with the back of his hand. "These machines run day and night, and over time, the coils tend to heat up, and they need to be constantly 'cooled' by using a cooling water system." Li Yongsheng explained, "I used the simplest method to check whether the motor is hot. If the temperature rises, it is necessary to quickly find out the cause and repair it in time. ”

Walking down the narrow staircase to the second floor of the pumping station, Li Yongsheng walked through it, constantly checking the operation of the equipment, "the sound is normal, indicating that there is nothing wrong with the equipment."

He has been working at pumping stations for 37 years since he became a pumping station operator in 1987. Whether there is a problem with the equipment or not, you can tell it by listening.

How to drain the stagnant water in the city? The reporter explores the Tangxun Lake Pumping Station

The staff of the Thomson Lake Pumping Station is on duty in the control room. Photo by reporter Jin Wenbing

Coming to the power distribution room of the pumping station, on the two rows of huge intelligent power distribution cabinets, various indicator lights are flashing, and the data on the surveillance video is constantly changing. Li Yongsheng needs to check this data to ensure the safe operation of the motor.

Wei Wengang, the staff on duty at the pumping station, led the reporter to the outside of the pumping room to check the water ingress: "Look, there is a water level ruler on that corner. 20.5 meters is the front pool of our pumping station to control the water level. The current water level is 19.82 meters. ”

Wei Wengang introduced that in order to ensure safety, the pumping and drainage will generally start when the water level of the front pool reaches 19.5 meters. Then, according to the change of water conditions, the pumping unit is dynamically regulated to stabilize the water level near the opening and discharge level as much as possible. In this way, the "belly" of the water system can be maintained, and the water level of the lake can be effectively regulated, so that even if there is new water, it can cope with it freely.

In the central control room on the second floor, in the huge video surveillance screen, the operation of the pumping station is clear at a glance; On the computer on the desktop, various monitoring data show that the pumping station is operating normally.

"Every year after the end of the flood season to before the next year's flood, we will carry out maintenance and maintenance of facilities and equipment as planned to ensure that all kinds of equipment can run uninterrupted for a long time during the flood season." Zheng Wei said.

"The pump unit runs day and night, and people must also ensure that they are on duty." Zheng Wei said that during the flood season, the staff of the pumping station management office are on duty in shifts three times a day. The station has set up two teams, the "Flood Control Emergency Rescue Party Member Commando" and the "Equipment Emergency Repair Party Member Commando", which are on duty 24 hours a day.

[Editor: Yao Hao]

[Source: Yangtze River Daily-Yangtze River Net]

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