
The 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Big Data Management was held in Han

author:Wuhan headlines

On June 29, 2024, the 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Big Data Management was held in Wuhan. The theme of the conference is "Intelligent Optimization, Data Pilot, Leading the Future and New Development". At the scene, many scholars, experts and entrepreneurs at home and abroad discussed the latest technologies, applications and development trends of intelligent optimization and big data management. The conference collected more than 100 papers, and after strict screening and review, a number of high-quality papers were finally determined for exchange and display.

The 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Big Data Management was held in Han

The 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Big Data Management was held in Wuhan. Photo courtesy of correspondent Wu Jiani

At the opening ceremony, Professor Michael E. Auer, President of the International Association for Engineering and Technology (IETI), Secretary General of the International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP), and former Vice-Chancellor of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Austria, delivered a video speech, emphasizing the importance of adapting education to new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, and quoting Einstein's "The purest madness is to leave everything as it is, while hoping that something will change" to call for action and joint efforts.

The 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Big Data Management was held in Han

Experts and scholars gave speeches at the scene. Photo courtesy of correspondent Wu Jiani

"It is hoped that through this international academic conference, a platform for academic exchanges and cooperation will be built, and experts and scholars at home and abroad will be promoted to discuss the latest technologies, applications and development trends of intelligent optimization and big data management, and jointly promote the development of this field." The relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Academy of Engineering said.

In the special lecture stage, more than 10 experts and scholars from Oxford University, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Qinyi University of Science and Technology in Taiwan, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen University, Shanghai University, Wuhan University, Huazhong Agricultural University and other universities gave speeches on the topics of big data science and intelligent optimization, digital intelligence-driven engineering technology innovation, etc.

In the morning symposium on big data science and intelligent optimization, Vladimir Chigrinov, vice president of the International Society for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and professor of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, discussed the modeling and optimization of software for liquid crystal displays and photonics devices. The rest of the scholars analyzed in detail how big data can help intelligent optimization, achieve more efficient and accurate decision-making, and looked forward to the future development direction based on the knowledge of new interest distribution function, mathematical programming algorithm and swarm intelligence optimization algorithm.

The afternoon session focused on the topic of digital intelligence driving engineering technology innovation, focusing on how digital intelligence technology can promote the innovation and development of engineering technology. Scholars shared the latest research results and practical cases from the perspectives of large-scale warehouse management, medical wearable design, bridge installation, building construction management, dual carbon control and other applications.

The 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Big Data Management was held in Han

Experts and scholars gave speeches at the scene. Photo courtesy of correspondent Wu Jiani

After the special lecture, some university teachers and students actively participated in the exchange session and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on related academic issues. The participants said that the conference not only provided them with a valuable platform for academic exchanges, but also brought them new ideas and enlightenment.

The conference was guided by Wuhan Association for Science and Technology and Hubei Provincial Service Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and co-sponsored by Wuhan Academy of Engineering Science and Technology, Wuhan Vocational and Technical College, Wuhan City Vocational College, and Hubei Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Digital and Intelligent Innovation and Development Research Center. Representatives from Tsinghua University, Hubei University, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan University of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, East China University of Science and Technology, Hunan University of Information and other units attended the meeting.

The relevant person in charge of Wuhan Academy of Engineering said that this conference not only presented the latest research results and future development trends in the field of intelligent optimization and big data management, but also stimulated academic sparks and innovative thinking. It is hoped that through this conference, academic exchanges and cooperation between experts and scholars at home and abroad will be deepened, and a bridge of technical exchanges and friendly cooperation will be built for Wuhan and the world in terms of intelligent optimization and big data management. In the future, Wuhan Academy of Engineering will continue to work hand in hand with relevant units to deepen cooperation to jointly promote the innovation and leap of intelligent optimization and big data management technology, and contribute more wisdom and strength to global scientific and technological progress.

(Text: Wang Liting, correspondent Wu Jiani)

[Source: Yangtze River Daily-Yangtze River Net]

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