
Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

author:Brother Bird's Notes

Author | Hiu

Source | Internet Brand Officer

"Life has its own fragrance of flowers, so let's create your own life enthusiastically."

Following "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Tencent Video has another hit drama "The Story of Roses".

Huang Yimei, played by Liu Yifei in the play, is like a warmly blooming rose, fragrant her life.

The audience not only saw the beauty of "Tianxian" and the emotional story of ups and downs, but also the N sets of outfits demonstrated by Liu Yifei on the upper body in the play.

The audience not only watched it, but fell into it.

No, "Liu Yifei" everywhere couldn't hold back for a long time, and began to buy Liu Yifei's same style.

01, the walking grass planter, Liu Yifei sold out with the same model!

Who would have thought that in the scorching sun of June, the jacket was robbed crazy.

Netizens who rushed to chase the drama were stunned by Liu Yifei's hard control for 30 seconds.

Netizens who are anti-bones and don't watch live broadcasts to bring goods took the initiative to dig out a path that they were willing to bring goods in "The Story of Rose".

In the plot near the end, Huang Yimei accompanied him to climb the mountain to the top in order to fulfill his soul mate Fu Jiaming (played by Huo Jianhua), who had a heart attack. In the end, accompanied by the sunset, Fu Jiaming fell asleep in Huang Yimei's arms, and the two presented a tear-jerking drama of life and death.

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

Source: Screenshot of Tencent Video "The Story of Rose".

This sadistic performance not only overturned the sea of tears, but also overturned the wallets of netizens, all because the "hit yellow" jacket worn by Liu Yifei in the play was actually too dazzling.

Of course, some netizens ridiculed, "That's Liu Yifei who looks good in a sack", and suggested "Liu Yifei should do what you can and don't consume impulsively".

There are also people who pull weeds frantically, and do not hesitate to sacrifice a fatal move: "Ordinary people wear it like a food delivery." ”

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

The audience who had no choice but to be planted did not listen to persuasion at all, and they couldn't hold back the passion for placing an order.

"Internet Brand Official" found that in the official flagship store of Tmall, Liu Yifei's same jacket priced at 699 yuan has been sold for 800+. All three colors, including the sunflower yellow jacket that appears in the show, are "out of stock", while the other colors that can be purchased are pre-orders that will be shipped within 30 days.

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

Source: Taobao

I consulted the store's customer service, and the other party replied that the out-of-stock payment "will open a small amount of pre-sale at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning", which means that if you want a "Tianxian" jacket of the same style and color, you have to rely on your luck.

Behind this anti-seasonal rush to buy, it once again confirms the huge influence of star effect on the consumer market.

In addition to the out-of-stock jackets, many Liu Yifei in the play were also robbed of the same style, such as rings, pearl necklaces, rose cheongsam, yellow shirts, and divorce armor...... even appeared on the Taobao hot search list.

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

Source: Chao News

With the hit of "The Story of Rose", many businesses that happened to sell the same style in Liu Yifei's drama ushered in a splash of wealth.

The owner of the store who sells Liu Yifei's same ring said, "Some customers bring pictures to ask, there are too many styles, it is impossible to make them one by one, but as long as they have needs, we can also customize them." ”

02, rubbing Liu Yifei's popularity, Luckin first place

While Manner Coffee was still in the swamp due to the clash between the clerk and the customer, the peer Luckin Coffee pushed the brand to the next level with a co-branded collaboration.

At the end of "The Story of Rose", Luckin, which has always played a stable role in the popularity of the joint brand, launched the "Yellow Rose Latte" while the iron was hot.

The material design reproduces Huang Yimei, who wore a yellow dress when she met her first love at a banquet, and looked at the hot and bright yellow roses, which were depicted like oil paintings, which was the heart-warming atmosphere blowing by the summer wind.

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

Source: Luckin Coffee

Luckin understands aesthetics, and even more understands co-branding, and it's hard for fans not to love it.

In addition to recreating the romance of yellow roses on paper bags and cup sleeves, Luckin also launched a campaign to purchase a two-cup package and give away yellow rose keychain merchandise.

The down-to-earth fairy sister also checked in this "Yellow Rose Latte" on Weibo on the same day, and also stably played her selfie level for the past 20 years, contributing a wave of photos with the co-branded peripherals.

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

Source: Weibo @刘亦菲

Liu Yifei Benfei personally went down the game, which is undoubtedly the best assist for the joint event. Luckin, who is good at doing things, immediately caught this Liu Yifei and launched a gorgeous encounter, pushing the popularity of the joint topic to a climax.

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

Source: Weibo@luckincoffee Luckin Coffee

The beauty of the fairy is beautiful, and so is the surrounding of the Luckin co-branded model, but it is not without regrets.

Among them, the biggest fly in the ointment is: out of stock!! Can't buy it, can't buy it at all!!

Many netizens reported that "there are too few around, and I can't grab them at all" and "I finally drank the yellow rose latte, but I couldn't see the shadow of the surroundings".

First, the popularity of "The Story of Rose" is too high and the traffic is too large, and there are too many consumers who come here; Second, it cannot be ruled out that Luckin is not well prepared or plays hunger marketing, which leads to the lack of materials, causing consumers to complain about the poor experience, and complaining that Luckin "don't play if you can't afford it".

It is true that on the first day of the new co-branding, I found that the two-cup free peripheral package in the nearby store was "sold out", and now the single-cup "Yellow Rose Latte" has been directly removed from the shelves.

It is worth mentioning that in order to rub off on Liu Yifei's popularity, Luckin even found Xu Haiqiao, the "ex-husband's brother", to arrange a wave of dreams back to "Menghualu" in this world, which was full of dramatic effects and also met the needs of netizens for eating melons.

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

Source: Luckin Coffee

03. How fragrant is the star effect? Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

In recent years, any character and event has become popular, whether it is from the side, from the side or passing by, they are eager to take a bite, focusing on a "everyone has a share, never fails".

This is also in line with the current trend of open national memes in the era of self-media.

For the popular "The Story of the Rose", people really break it word by word, chew it slowly, and retaste it repeatedly.

For example, the lines in it were made into jokes by netizens and even some official tubas.

"Then what do you mean by going to Beijing, who is there in Beijing?"

There is a scene in "The Story of Rose", Fang Xiewen, played by Lin Gengxin, didn't understand why Huang Yimei had to go to Beijing, so he asked her the above question.

Fang Xiewen in the play is concerned about whether there is someone Huang Yimei loves in Beijing; Outside the play, many official accounts such as CCTV, CCTV Cultural Tourism, and Beijing Cultural Tourism have used their own expertise to tell Fang Xiewen "Who is in Beijing".

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

Source: CCTV

In addition to Beijing's positive response, other cultural tourism in other places have also taken on the recruitment, and they have to take advantage of this wave of popularity.

As the saying goes, official memes are the deadliest. Lin Gengxin himself didn't expect that because of this line, he "became a national cultural tourism propaganda ambassador" by mistake.

Cultural tourism promotion is one thing, and there are more unexpected ones to come.

Can you imagine that key university admissions also have to be advertised?

On the afternoon of the day before yesterday (June 25), Tsinghua University used the "ex-husband" Lin to update to complete a wave of enrollment publicity.

As Huang Yimei's alma mater in graduate school, Fudan University can't sit still.

first interacted in the comment area of Tsinghua University, and proudly mentioned: "But where is the rose?" Fudan knows! ”; Later, there is an excerpt of the dialogue between Huang Yimei's brother and sister in "The Story of Rose" to play with the stalk, and detonate the topic #Fudan Admissions Publicity Huang Yimei Strict Selection#.

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

Source: Weibo

Tsinghua University also "returned the gift" in the comment area of Fudan University, writing: "Then let's continue to write "TF Story" together. ”

The T and F stand for the initials of Tsinghua University and Fudan University, respectively.

Netizens who caught what they knocked said that they had knocked it, and only the world of Peking University, which was left aside, was injured...

Liu Yifei sold out of the same style, and Fudan and Tsinghua couldn't sit still

04. Write at the end

The Internet extends in all directions, bridging the information gap and bringing the people of the whole network into the distance.

The reason why a TV series can derive such a huge chain reaction is due to the contribution of the Internet, which is completely impossible if it were placed in the era at the beginning of "The Story of Rose".

Finally, I have a little question, through the role of Huang Yimei, we witnessed Liu Yifei's beauty again, and were attracted by her successful makeup, and also placed an order passionately, and also immersed in the Internet meme culture.

But, have we really seen the story of roses?


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