
The company asked him and his female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, a female colleague knocked on his door in a bathrobe

author:Entertainment analysis
The company asked him and his female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, a female colleague knocked on his door in a bathrobe


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


Zhang Baohui, a newcomer in the workplace who has just stepped into the society, came to this company of his dreams with infinite expectations for the future.

He didn't expect that a business trip would plunge him into an emotional whirlpool.

"Xiao Zhang, you come with me on this business trip, study hard, and accumulate more experience."

Lin Wanwan, Zhang Baohui's direct boss, a strong woman who sat in the position of department manager at a young age, said this to him.

Zhang Baohui was both excited and nervous, excited that he finally had the opportunity to learn business with Lin Wanwan.

Nervously, he was going on a business trip alone with this beautiful boss.

On the day of departure, Zhang Baohui deliberately dressed up, and he secretly thought that on this business trip, he must study hard and get started as soon as possible.

Zhang Baohui and Lin Wanwan embarked on a business trip, and along the way, Lin Wanwan kept explaining the situation of the cooperative company, and Zhang Baohui was deeply impressed by her professionalism and keenness.

Zhang Baohui listened carefully and took notes, and he realized that this business trip was not only an opportunity to learn, but also a stage to show his ability.

"Xiao Zhang, what do you think the other party is most concerned about in this negotiation?" Lin Wanwan asked suddenly.

Zhang Baohui thought for a while and said, "I think they are most concerned about the quality of our products and services. ”

"If we can prove that our products are superior and the service is guaranteed, they are more likely to work with us."

Lin Wanwan smiled and nodded approvingly: "Yes, you have begun to learn to think from the customer's point of view." This has been very helpful in our negotiations. ”

Zhang Baohui felt a sense of pride in his heart. He secretly made up his mind that he must perform well in this negotiation.

When they arrived at the hotel, the two checked in, and as soon as Zhang Baohui entered the room, Lin Wanwan knocked on his door.

"Xiao Zhang, let's talk about tomorrow's negotiation strategy." Lin Wanwan walked in with her laptop.

In the next few hours, the two had a heated discussion. Lin Wanwan's thinking is clear, and Zhang Baohui's ideas are also very creative.

They are like a tacit pair, fully prepared for tomorrow's negotiations.

The discussion was over, and it was already late at night. Lin Wanwan stretched and said, "Okay, let's all rest." There's a tough battle to fight tomorrow. ”

Zhang Baohui nodded, watching Lin Wanwan leave, he had a strange feeling in his heart, it seemed that in these few hours of discussion, he saw a different side of Lin Wanwan.

She is not only a good boss, but also a partner who can fight side by side.

The company asked him and his female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, a female colleague knocked on his door in a bathrobe

Zhang Baohui was lying on the bed, and Lin Wanwan's figure appeared in his mind. He had an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if something would really happen on this business trip.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and he walked quickly to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Lin Wanwan stood outside the door, only wrapped in a bathrobe. Zhang Baohui blushed instantly, and stammered: "Manager Lin, you, why are you here?" ”

Lin Wanwan smiled and said, "I'm sorry, the hair dryer in my room is broken, can I borrow yours?" By the way, here's tomorrow's breakfast voucher, you take it. ”

Zhang Baohui was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh, okay, I'll get it for you." ”

Closing the door, Zhang Baohui leaned against the door and breathed a sigh of relief. He realized that he had a bad idea of his boss.

He secretly told himself that work was the most important thing, and that he should not let these distractions affect his career.

When Zhang Baohui and Lin Wanwan walked into the cooperative company side by side, he had completely adjusted his state.

He wants to use his strength to prove that he deserves this opportunity.

Negotiations proceeded as scheduled. Lin Wanwan's negotiation skills are impeccable, and Zhang Baohui's assists are also very good.

The other side was impressed by their professionalism and sincerity, and the negotiations went very smoothly.

In the interval of negotiations, Lin Wanwan gave Zhang Baohui a thumbs up. Zhang Baohui felt a burst of joy, he knew that he had been recognized by Lin Wanwan.

At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly surged in Zhang Baohui's heart. He began to unconsciously pay attention to Lin Wanwan's every move, and began to fantasize about having more contact with her.

He realized that he seemed to have developed some special feelings for his boss.

Zhang Baohui tried to suppress these feelings, telling himself that work is the most important thing, and he should not let personal feelings affect professional judgment.

However, this feeling does not seem to be under his control, but is growing secretly.

In this way, in the success of the negotiation and the inner torment, Zhang Baohui ended the first day of work.

The negotiations entered a critical stage, and both Zhang Baohui and Lin Wanwan felt the pressure.

They knew that this partnership was vital to the company and that there was no room for error.

Zhang Baohui tried his best to focus on his work, but he found that his eyes always drifted to Lin Wanwan unconsciously.

Every smile she makes, every gesture, touches his heart. He began to fantasize in his mind what it would be like if they were not superiors and subordinates, but equal lovers.

The company asked him and his female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, a female colleague knocked on his door in a bathrobe

"Xiao Zhang, do you think there is anything else that needs to be improved in our plan?" Lin Wanwan's voice pulled Zhang Baohui back to reality.

Zhang Baohui hurriedly looked down at his notes, trying to hide his wandering. He hesitated and said:

"I, I think our solution is already perfect, but maybe we can emphasize our after-sales service a little more? This can be an advantage for us. ”

Lin Wanwan nodded and said, "Okay, this is a good suggestion." We can mention this more in the negotiations. ”

Zhang Baohui breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he was not found out by Lin Wanwan. But the conflict in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

He knew that his feelings for Lin Wanwan had gone beyond normal working relationships, but he also knew that this kind of relationship was not allowed, and could even ruin his career.

Zhang Baohui came to the negotiation table with a pair of dark circles under his eyes. When he saw Lin Wanwan's radiant appearance, his heart was even more uncomfortable.

He tried to devote all his energy to the negotiations, but his mind could not be fully focused.

Negotiations are in their final stages. Just when the two sides were about to reach an agreement, Zhang Baohui suddenly put forward a new condition.

This condition is very favorable to our side, but it is likely that the other side will not be able to accept it.

Lin Wanwan glanced at Zhang Baohui in surprise, but still supported his proposal. Unexpectedly, the other party agreed to this condition.

After the negotiation ended successfully, Lin Wanwan excitedly shook Zhang Baohui's hand and said, "Xiao Zhang, you are really amazing!" Without your advice, we might not have been able to reach such a good agreement. ”

After returning to the hotel, Lin Wanwan found Zhang Baohui with a bottle of red wine and two goblets in her hand, and she smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, let's celebrate the success of this negotiation." ”

Zhang Baohui was a little surprised, but still let Lin Wanwan into the room. Lin Wanwan skillfully opened the red wine, poured two glasses, and handed Zhang Baohui a glass.

"Here, cheers!" Lin Wanwan raised her wine glass, her eyes brightened.

The company asked him and his female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, a female colleague knocked on his door in a bathrobe

Zhang Baohui clinked glasses with her and took a sip of wine. He felt that the alcohol ignited his emotions, and he plucked up his courage and said, "Manager Lin...... I have something to say to you. ”

Lin Wanwan put down the wine glass and looked at him seriously.

Zhang Baohui took a deep breath and said, "I feel very happy to work with you during this time. I admire your professionalism and dedication, and I am touched by your warmth and kindness. ”

"I know it may not be appropriate to say that, but I have to be honest with you that I have developed some special feelings for you."

Lin Wanwan's expression changed, and she frowned. Zhang Baohui's heart sank, and he knew that he might have made a big mistake.

But unexpectedly, Lin Wanwan was not angry. She sighed and said, "Xiao Zhang, I understand your feelings. But you have to know that we are colleagues, superiors and subordinates. This kind of affection is not allowed. ”

Zhang Baohui lowered his head and said, "I know, I'm sorry." I shouldn't let my personal feelings get in the way of my work. ”

Lin Wanwan smiled and said, "No, you don't need to apologize. Feelings are uncontrollable, I can understand that. But we must learn how to deal with this emotion and not let it affect our careers. ”

Zhang Baohui raised his head and saw that Lin Wanwan's eyes were full of understanding and encouragement. He felt a wave of warmth flow through his heart.

Lin Wanwan continued: "Xiao Zhang, you are a very good employee and a very good person. ”

"I believe that you have the ability to handle the relationship between work and affection. Don't let these emotions cloud your judgment and actions. ”

Zhang Baohui nodded and said, "I know Manager Lin, I will definitely work hard and live up to the expectations of the company and you." ”

Lin Wanwan smiled, raised her glass and said, "Come, toast to our friendship." ”

Zhang Baohui also raised his wine glass and touched it with Lin Wanwan. He felt the burden in his heart be lifted all at once.

He knew that he had finally crossed this hurdle and could devote himself to his work.

At this moment, there was a news from the company's headquarters, which may change the fate of the company and the life trajectory of Zhang Baohui and Lin Wanwan.

The news from headquarters is that the company has decided to make a major strategic adjustment.

They decided to shift the company's focus to new areas and planned to invest and expand in this area on a large scale.

This decision is both an opportunity and a challenge for the company.

The opportunity lies in the fact that this new field has great potential for development and can bring new growth points to the company.

The challenge is that companies are inexperienced in this area and need to do a lot of learning and exploration.

The headquarters also announced that in order to cooperate with this strategic adjustment, the company has decided to make a personnel change.

The company asked him and his female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, a female colleague knocked on his door in a bathrobe

Some departments will be merged and some new ones will be created.

Most importantly, the company decided to promote a group of young managers to new leadership positions.

Zhang Baohui and Lin Wanwan are among the managers who have been promoted.

This news is both a surprise and a challenge for them.

The surprise is that their capabilities are recognized and reused by the company. The challenge is that they will have to shoulder greater responsibilities and face more unknowns.

In their new roles, Zhang Baohui and Lin Wanwan continue to use their talents.

They lead the team to explore new markets, develop new products, and establish new partnerships.

Their work has provided strong support for the company's strategic transformation.

Of course, the process was not all smooth sailing, and they also encountered many difficulties and setbacks.

But they have always maintained a positive attitude and a strong belief.

They know that as long as they don't give up, as long as they keep trying, they will definitely be able to achieve their goals.

A few years later, the company achieved great success in new areas. The company's performance has grown substantially, and the company's influence has also been greatly enhanced.

And Zhang Baohui and Lin Wanwan have also been further promoted because of their outstanding performance.

At a company's annual meeting, Zhang Baohui and Lin Wanwan spoke as representatives of outstanding employees.

They reviewed their growth process in the company and shared their experiences.

Zhang Baohui said: "I have learned a lot in the process. I learned how to find opportunities in the face of adversity, how to stay calm in the midst of pressure, and how to grow in the face of challenges. ”

"But most importantly, I learned the power of a team. I understand that the power of one person may be limited, but the power of a team is infinite. ”

Lin Wanwan also expressed a similar view, she said: "The experience over the years has taught me a truth, that is, no matter what difficulties we face, no matter what challenges we encounter. ”

"As long as we always stick to our beliefs, as long as we are always with the team, we will be able to create miracles and realize our dreams."

The company asked him and his female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, a female colleague knocked on his door in a bathrobe

Their speeches won the applause of the audience, and everyone was moved by their experience and inspired by their spirit.

This story has brought us a lot of inspiration, it tells us that opportunities and challenges often coexist.

The key is to learn how to find opportunities in challenges and how to grow in the face of adversity.

The power of one person may be limited, but the power of a team is infinite.

When we face difficulties, we should not retreat or give up, but should unite and face them together.

No matter what kind of environment we are in, no matter what challenges we face, we should always maintain a positive attitude and strong beliefs.

Because only in this way can we overcome all difficulties and realize our dreams.

That's the positive energy that this story wants to send to us.

It encourages us to face challenges with courage, to grasp opportunities, and to always stick to our beliefs.

It tells us that as long as we have such qualities, as long as we are always with the team, we will be able to create miracles and achieve dreams.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.


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