
The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

author:Rong Rong

Sentence | Broad Daylight Cat

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This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door


My name is Zhang Baohui, I am 45 years old and I work as a sales manager in a large manufacturing company. My wife, Wang Li, is an elementary school teacher, and we have a son who is in high school. Life was uneventful but blissful, until that business trip completely changed the course of my life.

"Manager Zhang, this time I will go to the Northeast to negotiate the contract, and you and Mr. Lin will go together." The general manager's words made my heart skip a beat. Lin Wanwan, the sales director of our company, is young and beautiful, with outstanding ability, and is the goddess in the hearts of many male colleagues.

Although I rarely intersect at work, I can't help but look at her a few more times.

When I arrived in Shenyang, it was cold and windy. We checked into the hotel and prepared for the next day's negotiations. At night, Lin Wanwan knocked on my door. "

Manager Zhang, let's discuss tomorrow's strategy. Her smile was warm and dispelled the tension in my heart.

We sat on the couch and went through the negotiation points. Lin Wanwan thinks clearly and speaks crisply and neatly, and I can't help but be attracted by her charm. When it came to the excitement, her hand inadvertently touched mine, and my heart trembled.

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

"Manager Zhang, what's wrong with you? The face is so red. Lin Wanwan asked with concern.

"It's okay, maybe it's too hot in the house." I frantically stood up and walked to the window to take a deep breath. The neon flickering outside the window reflected Lin Wanwan's bright smile. At that moment, I realized that I had a different feeling for her.

The next day's negotiations were unusually difficult. The other party was aggressive and wanted to terminate the cooperation at one point. Just when I was at a loss, Lin Wanwan stood up.

She was calm and coherent in explaining our strengths, and she also skillfully defused the other party's doubts. I cooperated on the sidelines, and the tacit understanding was full.

After three hours of intense fighting, we finally reached an agreement. Walking out of the conference room, Lin Wanwan excitedly grabbed my hand: "Manager Zhang, we succeeded!" My heart began to beat wildly again, and I was reluctant to let go of her soft hand.

At the celebration banquet, we pushed the cup and changed the lamp, and talked very happily. The slightly drunk Lin Wanwan's cheeks were red, her eyes were rolling, and I couldn't control the throbbing in my heart anymore. "Mr. Lin, I have something to say to you." I plucked up my courage, and my voice trembled slightly.

Lin Wanwan looked at me suspiciously: "What is so serious?" "

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

I took a deep breath and was about to open my mouth when suddenly I heard a rapid ringing of my phone. Lin Wanwan's face changed, and she hurriedly picked up the phone. "What? The company is going to be restructured? Okay, we'll go back right away. "

She hung up the phone and said to me apologetically: "Manager Zhang, the company is in an emergency, we have to return immediately." What were you going to say? "

I looked at her anxious look and swallowed back the words that came to my mouth: "It's nothing, work matters." "

On the return plane, Lin Wanwan frowned and thought about the changes in the company, and my mind couldn't calm down for a long time. This business trip not only allowed us to win a big order, but also made me have an indescribable affection for Lin Wanwan.

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door


Back at the office, the atmosphere was as tense as the calm before a storm. The general manager held an emergency meeting and announced that the company would make strategic adjustments and focus on the development of new energy business. The news was like a bombshell that caused an uproar among employees.

"Manager Zhang, Mr. Lin, stay for a while." After the meeting, the general manager called me and Lin Wanwan alone. "Considering your excellent performance in the last negotiation, the company has decided to promote you.

Manager Zhang, you will be the sales director of the new energy department; Mr. Lin, you will be promoted to Deputy General Manager and be fully responsible for the new energy business. "

Lin Wanwan and I looked at each other, both excited and apprehensive. This decision means that we will have more opportunities to work together, but at the same time, we will have to bear more pressure and responsibility.

Walking out of the office, Lin Wanwan took my hand: "Manager Zhang, no, it should be called Mr. Zhang." Congratulations! Her smile was brighter than ever, and my heart began to beat uncontrollably again.

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

"Mr. Lin, congratulations too." I tried to calm my heartbeat, "We're going to work together in the future." "

Lin Wanwan looked at me seriously: "Yes, this opportunity is not easy to come by, we must take advantage of it." By the way, what did you want to say to me that day in Shenyang? "

I was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to speak. Just then, my phone rang, and it was my wife calling. "Lao Zhang, my son has a fever, and I just sent him to the hospital. Can you come and have a visit? "

I looked at Lin Wanwan apologetically: "I'm sorry, there is an urgent matter at home, I have to leave first." "

She nodded understandingly: "Family matters are important, you can go quickly." If there is anything you need help with, just say. "

Looking at Lin Wanwan's concerned eyes, I had mixed feelings in my heart. How can I have feelings for such an excellent woman that surpass that of my colleagues? And what right do I, a married man, have to disturb her life?

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

When I arrived at the hospital, I felt a deep sense of guilt when I looked at my frail son and emaciated wife in the hospital bed. I secretly swore that no matter how I get along with Lin Wanwan in the future, I will never hurt my family.

In the days that followed, I threw myself into my new job. Lim is a great leader, leading her team to adapt quickly to new businesses and achieve a steady increase in performance.

The cooperation between us has become more and more tacit, and we can often understand each other's thoughts with a single look.

However, as the contact increased, my feelings for Lin Wanwan became stronger and stronger. I tried to convince myself that it was just an appreciation for a good colleague, but every time I saw her smile, my heart rippled.

One day after work, Lin Wanwan stopped me: "Mr. Zhang, can you talk alone?" "

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

I followed her to the office nervously, not knowing what was waiting for me. Lin Wanwan closed the door and took a deep breath: "Mr. Zhang, I think there are some issues between us that need to be clarified. "

Looking at her serious expression, my heart hung in my throat. Could it be that her has discovered my mind? What will she think of me? Will we be able to work as happily as we do now?

Just when I was nervous, Lin Wanwan's next words completely broke my illusion.


Lin Wanwan's words made me feel like falling into an ice cave: "Mr. Zhang, I noticed that there is something wrong with the way you look at me recently. We're great partners to work with, but don't get anything wrong.

You are a good husband and father, and I don't want to affect your family because of me. "

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

I immediately felt ashamed and my face was hot. Lin Wanwan saw through my thoughts, but reminded me in such a tactful way.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, it's me who shouldn't be. I promise that there will be no more overstepping in the future. "

Lin Wanwan showed a pleased smile: "I believe in you, Mr. Zhang." We still have a lot of work to do together, and hopefully this won't affect our cooperation. "

When I walked out of the office, I couldn't calm down for a long time. I regret my momentary confusion, and at the same time, I am glad to have such an honest colleague as Lin Wanwan. I made up my mind that I would cherish the job opportunities in front of me and manage my family well.

In the days that followed, I threw myself into my work. New energy projects are facing many difficulties, technical bottlenecks, financial pressure, market competition, each of which is enough to make people breathless.

Lin Wanwan and I often worked late into the night to discuss plans and formulate strategies.

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

One day, we had just finished a difficult meeting and collapsed in the office exhausted. Lin Wanwan suddenly said, "Mr. Zhang, do you remember our first business trip?" That's when I thought we'd be the best match. "

My heart warmed and I said gratefully, "Yes, thanks to you, we have been able to get through this time and again." "

Lin Wanwan smiled, her eyes shining with determination: "We will definitely succeed." When the project is successful, I can go and realize my dream. "

I asked curiously, "What dream?" "

"I've always wanted to open a café and live a quiet life." Lin Wanwan's eyes softened, "Maybe you will think I'm stupid and give up a high-paying job to open a small shop." "

I shook my head: "No, everyone has their own pursuits. I'm sure you'll be able to make your dreams come true. "

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

While we were talking, the office door was suddenly pushed open. Zhang Guoqiang, another vice president of the company, broke in angrily: "Mr. Lin, did you snatch the Jiangnan Chemical project from me?" "

Lin Wanwan stood up calmly: "Mr. Zhang, please pay attention to your words. Jiangnan Chemical took the initiative to cooperate with us, which is completely in line with the interests of the company. "

Zhang Guoqiang was aggressive: "Don't come to this set!" I know what you've done. Don't think that just because the general manager appreciates you, you can do whatever you want! "

Seeing this, I immediately stepped forward: "Mr. Zhang, please calm down." If there is any problem, we can talk about it. "

Zhang Guoqiang glared at me: "Zhang Baohui, you don't meddle in your business!" Be careful, I'll clean up with you. With that, he slammed the door and left.

Lin Wanwan's face was pale, and her hands trembled slightly. I hurriedly poured her a glass of water: "Don't be afraid, I'm here." Zhang Guoqiang is a bully, we don't have to be afraid of him. "

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

Lin Wanwan smiled reluctantly: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang." I'm fine, I just didn't expect him to be like this. "

Looking at Lin Wanwan's tired appearance, I felt distressed. I swore to myself that I must protect this strong and kind woman and never let her be harmed.

However, none of us thought that it was just the calm before the storm. An even bigger crisis is looming, one that could upend our careers and lives.


In the days that followed, there was an undercurrent in the company. Zhang Guoqiang targeted us everywhere, made things difficult at meetings, and spread rumors behind our backs. Lin Wanwan and I both felt a lot of pressure, but we gritted our teeth and tried to do our jobs well.

Late one night, I was about to get off work, and suddenly received a hurried call from Lin Wanwan: "Mr. Zhang, can you come to my office?" Something big is wrong. "

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

I hurried to her office and saw her pale face and a stack of papers in her hand. "I stumbled upon it."

"Zhang Guoqiang has been secretly embezzling company funds, and he has also colluded with competitors to bring down our new energy projects," she said. "

I looked at the documents carefully and was shocked. This evidence is enough to prove Zhang Guoqiang's crimes, but it also means that we will face a fierce battle. "What should we do?" I asked.

Lin Wanwan took a deep breath: "We must expose him." For the company, for all those who trust us. "

I nodded: "Let's face it together." "

Early the next morning, we reported the situation to the general manager. After hearing this, the general manager turned pale and immediately convened an emergency meeting. When Zhang Guoqiang walked into the conference room with a smug face, he didn't expect that what was waiting for him would be a trial.

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

The general manager took the case: "Zhang Guoqiang, are you guilty?" "

Zhang Guoqiang's face changed greatly: "I don't know what you're talking about." "

Lin Wanwan calmly took out the evidence: "Here are the transfer records of your embezzlement of public funds, as well as the email exchanges between you and your competitors." Mr. Zhang, do you have anything else to say? "

Zhang Guoqiang was struck by lightning and slumped in his chair. He glared at us viciously: "You are planning to frame me! "

I stood up and said, "Mr. Zhang, don't quibble now. For your own selfish interests, you do not hesitate to damage the interests of the company, and you also want to destroy our new energy projects. Such a person does not deserve to be in this position. "

The general manager announced the dismissal of Zhang Guoqiang on the spot and demanded that he bear all economic losses. Watching Zhang Guoqiang leave in a gloomy manner, Lin Wanwan and I had mixed feelings in our hearts.

After the crisis was lifted, our new energy project finally ushered in a turnaround. With the efforts of Lin Wanwan and me, the project is gradually on the right track, and the company's performance is also rising.

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

A year later, at the annual meeting, the general manager announced an exciting news: the company will open new branches in five cities to comprehensively develop the new energy business. Lin Wanwan and I will be in charge of two of the branches.

After the meeting ended, Lin Wanwan pulled me to the rooftop. Looking at the bustling night view of the city, she smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, remember that I said that I wanted to open a café?" "

I nodded: "Of course I do." "

"I've figured it out," Lin Wanwan's eyes flashed, "instead of opening a small café, it is better to open a staff leisure area in the new branch, so that everyone can enjoy the comfort of coffee."

In this way, I can realize my dreams and contribute to the company at the same time. "

I was genuinely happy for her: "This is a brilliant idea!" I believe that with your careful management, it will become a favorite place for employees. "

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

Lin Wanwan turned around and said sincerely: "Mr. Zhang, thank you for your continued support. If it weren't for you, I might have given up a long time ago. "

I smiled and said, "I should thank you." It was you who made me understand what a real career is and what is a relationship worth protecting. "

The night breeze blows lightly, taking away the haze of the past. We looked at each other and smiled, our eyes full of anticipation for the future.

When I returned home and saw my wife and son happy, my heart was filled with happiness and gratitude.

This experience taught me that true success is not only about having a successful career, but also about having a happy family and trustworthy friends and colleagues.

There will inevitably be temptations and setbacks in life, but as long as we have mindfulness and cherish the people and things in front of us, we will definitely be able to reap the best in life.

Whether in work or life, we should be honest with each other, support each other, and make progress together. This is the most valuable wealth in life.

The company asked me and my female boss to go on a business trip, but in the middle of the night, the female boss wore a bathrobe and knocked on my door

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The story is fictional, please read it rationally.

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