
The theory of "wheat" waves, "sound" into the hearts of the people! "Reasonable" open mic ushered in the ultimate "wheat race"

author:Tide News

Chao news client Ruan Qijiong

The rainy season is suspended, and the weather in Zhejiang is about to "collect the juice on fire", and the theoretical preaching of open wheat has experienced several months of "low heat and slow simmering", and finally became a signature kung fu dish. On June 29, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, the Working Committee of Zhejiang Provincial Organs, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Zhejiang Province, and hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee, the Management Committee of Shaoxing Binhai New Area, and Chao News, the "Reasonable" - Zhijiang Chaosheng Open Wheat Theme Publicity Activity was held in Shaoxing Binhai New Area.

The theory of "wheat" waves, "sound" into the hearts of the people! "Reasonable" open mic ushered in the ultimate "wheat race"

16 young open microphone preachers from all walks of life in the province met at the summit and made their own strange moves, showing their theoretical reserves, application ability and preaching ability through three links: preaching and displaying, commenting on current affairs, and reading golden sentences. In the end, Xu Yao, Ouyang Chao, and Zheng Dezhen were awarded the gold medal speaker, Ouyang Chao won the best "speech" value award, Xu Yao won the best popularity award, and Fang Tian won the most potential award.

"My family sells women's clothing, and my mother said that clothes are just a piece of fabric with four holes, and she opened seven stores and closed six stores. But we still dared to break through and innovate, and started a live broadcast, and the store was called Charm Queen. Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, the charm queen has reduced the price, don't want 998, don't want 888, just 128, a set of three to take home. We Zhejiang people start a business, that is, we can put down the shelf and put aside face. Zheng Dezhen, who is still a sophomore student, realized that entrepreneurship and innovation is not a question of "whether you want to or not", but a question of "whether you dare or not", "I slowly realized that the secret of success in innovation and entrepreneurship has long been hidden in the seventeen words of the general secretary's 'cadres dare to act, localities dare to break through, enterprises dare to do, and the masses dare to take the initiative'." ”

Lv Junyi from the Yongkang Municipal Taxation Bureau used his personal experience of "working on crutches for the masses" to humorously interpret the spirit of hard work of doing things well regardless of big or small things, "doing practical things for the people is not wishful thinking, but two-way running; It's not like a domineering president, 'I don't want you to think, I want me to feel', but more like a warm man, 'you need it, I'm there'. ”

Yuan Chen, who once taught in Aksu, Xinjiang, was inspired by "Seeing the Spirit in Distress" in "Zhijiang New Language", so that the light of common prosperity shines from the free shipping area to the great beauty of Xinjiang; Cation, from the United States, has traveled most of China over the years, sharing "How to Tell Chinese Stories Well" with grassroots experience; "Ah Sir" Xu Yao, Ouyang Chao, and Li Zhenkai successively took the stage to compete for the move of serving the people and building a safe Zhejiang...... At the scene of the wheat race, the contestants kneaded the grand theory into a small moment with a statement close to life and a smart interpretation, so that the "small" and "big" were closely combined, and the party's innovative theory was built into a broad avenue to guide the direction.

The theory of "wheat" waves, "sound" into the hearts of the people! "Reasonable" open mic ushered in the ultimate "wheat race"

"The contestants talked about common prosperity, sweet potato economy, and improving the business environment, and the topics were very rich and down-to-earth, with both theoretical depth and their own experience." Deng Zhe, deputy secretary of the party committee, associate professor, and doctoral supervisor of the School of Marxism at Tsinghua University, said that everyone spoke of the flavor of theory. As an ideological and political educator, she sent an invitation to the contestants on the spot to give a demonstration of theory in the classroom of Tsinghua University.

There are constant stalks on stage, and there are non-stop witty words off the stage. In addition to Deng Zhe, there are also Peng Shaojun, deputy director of the editorial department of the Learning Publishing House of the Central Propaganda Department, Li Pan, editor-in-chief of the editorial department of "Zhejiang Propaganda", Chen Ming, a teacher of the School of Journalism and Communication of Wuhan University and a well-known debater of the variety show "Wonderful Story", and other professional judges, who sent wonderful comments from the perspective of academia and industry. "Open microphone is deconstruction, theoretical preaching is construction, and we must first dissolve the small meaning before we can construct something truly sublime." Chen Ming said that he came with a strong curiosity to see how the contestants dealt with the relationship between the two, and the results were eye-catching.

The theory of "wheat" waves, "sound" into the hearts of the people! "Reasonable" open mic ushered in the ultimate "wheat race"

The competition also openly recruited public judges, and lecturers and ideological and political teachers from all over the country signed up. Wu Qiong, a member of the Northern Xinjiang Youth Lecturer Group and a teacher from Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, said: "This event completely exceeded my expectations, and the theoretical preaching can be so lively and diverse. There's a lot we can learn from our work. Li Yuelin, a public judge from Shanghai Maritime University, described this theoretical lecture and open mic activity as a very vivid and interesting way, so that the theory can be heard by the audience silently, "Keep it up, I will come again!" ”

The "joint name" of theoretical preaching and open mic constantly encourages lecturers to build a solid theoretical foundation, pay attention to reality and hot spots, and tell theories with "youthful flavor" and "fresh flavor" through visual, popular, and story-based language descriptions. It is reported that since its launch in April, the "reasonable" Jiangchaosheng open wheat theme theory propaganda activities have gone through Wenzhou, Quzhou, Jiaxing, Jinhua, Shaoxing and other cities, into the rural cultural auditorium, entrepreneurship and innovation parks, urban public space, cultural tourism scenic spots, first-line production enterprises, and also into the ideological and political classroom on the university campus, bringing the party's innovative theory to all parts of Zhejiang, and also attracting Shanghai, Inner Mongolia and other places to come to exchange and study. In the future, we will also make concerted efforts online and offline, organize excellent speakers to send more and better content to the "cloud" and "the people", so that the open microphone will be reasonable and effective!

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