
"Drifting" best friend became my mother-in-law

author:A pot of warm wine for the rest of your life
"Drifting" best friend became my mother-in-law

When Gu Siyu, a girl from Beijing, was drifting, she met an eldest sister who cared about everything and took care of herself. never thought that she was a "murderer", and Gu Siyu became best friends with her! What I didn't expect was that one day, my best friend would become her mother-in-law......


My name is Gu Siyu, a native of Beijing, and I am 28 years old. At the end of 2017, despite the opposition of my parents, I quit my human resources job for just one year, and went to Hengdian to do a group performance with more than 6,000 yuan I had saved.

My parents called me countless times to urge me to go home, and even threatened me to cut off the relationship, but I didn't budge.

They won't understand that a four-hour subway ride a day, a rental house like a pigeon cage, a deposit that never exceeds four figures, and a boss who is in the midst of menopause, gives me a feeling of embattlement, and that is a huge mental exhaustion that drives me to the edge of a cliff.

I've been studying acting in the first place, so I'm determined to try my luck this time. After turning to the Hengdian Film and Television Base, I found a shop with celebrity photos on the wall and asked for a bowl of Stephen Chow's favorite fried rice noodles.

While I was gobbling up, a short man in a police uniform walked in, he looked at me a few times, walked across from me, sat down, took out his police officer ID and shook it, "Just came, did you do a group show?" ”

I nodded.

"My surname is Li, I am a police officer at the police station, so let's register it for you, and then talk about the rules here, you pay a guarantee fee of 1,500 yuan first, preferably in cash, and I can help you with the rest of the residence permit or something."

I didn't know the place well, and as soon as I came, I met the police who were willing to help people. I didn't think much of it and started looking for cash. Suddenly, a woman with Qing Dynasty hair on her head appeared in front of me, and she patted the policeman's shoulder, "Brother Mao, are you deceiving the little girl here?" ”

The policeman quickly stood up, "Sister Chen, I'm here to help others!" ”

"Stop acting, let's go back to the set. This girl is my roommate, don't worry about it. ”

The policeman was a little unwilling, and left in a sneer, muttering before leaving: "Damn, murderer!" ”

Until the woman sat down across from me, I was still confused.

"Sister, remember it for a long time in the future, either you wear a uniform or a real policeman, or you may be a hooligan."

"What do you mean, that one was a fake policeman? But he has a police ID. ”

"That kid is a group performer, often pretending to be a police officer to come out to cheat, every time he asks for cash, and when you find out that you have been deceived, you don't even have evidence to sue him."

I was shocked into a cold sweat, the rivers and lakes were sinister.

"Just here, don't have a place to live? Go to me, I just had a bunk to be vacated. ”

To be honest, looking at the woman in front of me, whose face was whiter than the wall, I would rather believe the fake policeman just now.

"Thank you, big sister. I'll find it myself! ”

The eldest sister's eyes widened, "Little girl, treat me as a liar?" With your intelligence, you will be eaten alive when you walk out of this door. ”

Eventually, I was taken away by her.

Sister Chen's rental house is very close to Marriott, and it is a very simple bungalow. There were only windows, beds and tables in the house, and I was a bit reluctant to live in such a place. Sister Chen saw my thoughts: "Don't look at the broken hut, others can't rent it if they want to, there is a place to wait for the show nearby." ”

There are eight sisters living here, most of whom are younger than me. Everyone called the woman who brought me "Sister Chen", and she asked me to live in her lower bunk.

The next day, she didn't break her promise, took me to familiarize herself with the environment, applied for a temporary residence permit, went to the Actors Guild to apply for an actor's certificate, joined the group, punched in, and at the end of the day, Lili Suosuo, all the procedures were completed.

In the evening, I invited her to a barbecue, she doesn't drink much, but she likes to smoke.

Sister Chen told me that she has been here for more than three years, and that people here generally have low academic qualifications, and only college students come here during winter and summer vacations. In winter and summer, the conditions are difficult, and they usually go to work in nearby factories in order to use the air conditioner. She also talked a lot about filming things, and my eyes lit up with envy.

When she heard that I had resigned and came over, she called me a fool and told me to go back and honor my parents. Sister Chen in the smoke, her sideburns already have gray hair, her nasolabial folds are very deep, and her nagging looks like my mother.

"Sister, I want to try what I want to do while I'm young."

She sighed, "Since you're here, settle down." There are also benefits to being a horizontal drifter, you can experience different roles, you can enter the scenic spot for free, you can meet your favorite actors, you can meet like-minded friends, and your working hours are free. ”

She showed me the group photos on her mobile phone, all of which were very famous first- and second-tier actors.

"Group performances, most of them are backgrounds, passers-by or human backs, and slowly you will feel bored and hard, after all, you need to cooperate with the protagonist and the director to obey the deployment, girls who want to be famous here may lose a lot of things."


With Sister Chen, I quickly adapted to the environment, and I felt very new at first.

At around half past eight in the evening, the group leader will post a message in the group. He won't tell you what kind of drama you are acting in or how long you will be filming, and he will only let you send the actor's information. Sister Chen reminded me to shoot my video better, which is very useful, and maybe I can get a few lines.

Once, a group leader came to pick someone and introduced himself as Hu, an assistant director of a large-scale costume drama.

He walked up to me, looked at me for a while, and agreed to let me play a palace maid, standing behind the second female lead, there was a face-showing shot, and I almost jumped up with joy when I heard it.

Just as I was about to go with him, Sister Chen grabbed me, smiled humbly and said, "Hu Tou'er, this is my little niece, new here, I don't know anything, don't smash your field, you better find someone else." ”

Hu Tou'er looked at Sister Chen, said "nosy", and pulled me when she came up. Sister Chen stood in front of me, "Hu Tou, give face, I will make money in a few days, please drink." ”

The surnamed Hu glared at Sister Chen fiercely, "It's too bad to ask for food, and I don't know how to lift it." After saying that, he took a sip of "bah" and left with the other two little girls. I complained a little about Sister Chen, and wondered if she was jealous of me for having a show as soon as I came.

Sister Chen seemed to know what I was thinking, and slapped me in the ass: "You are stupid, let you go, he is our famous yellow-bearded and pimp, what kind of drama is he playing, he is obviously going to accompany some indiscreet investors, and those roles are all exchanged for hue." How did I pick up such a stupid girl like you, a girl's reputation is the most important! ”

I was only 24 years old at the time, and I didn't know that the entertainment industry was so complicated. Seeing that there was not much money left, I was a little anxious. Gradually, I regarded Sister Chen as a protector.

I'll go wherever she goes, and I'll do whatever she does. Fortunately, Sister Chen quickly brought me into the group, and I really realized that it was so bitter when I became a group performer.

The first time I filmed a costume drama, I had a chemical-smelling wig on my head, I was wearing stinky clothes, and the inferior cosmetics made my face itchy and I didn't dare to scratch it.

In order to save costs, that crew really pulled out Xiang. We took pictures from 4 p.m. on the first day to 8 p.m. on the second day, and only sent a box of 5 yuan lunch boxes in the middle, and we could only recognize that the white was rice, and as for the dish, you couldn't tell what it was.

In this way, Sister Chen also picked out what she thought could be eaten to me. I made 200 dollars in two days and one night. Sister Chen said that this is still a lot.

I was kind of devastated.

When she didn't work, Sister Chen would borrow the landlord's iron pot to cook for us, and occasionally there would be chickens to eat, and she would give me the fattest chicken leg every time, and the sisters in the same room would say that Sister Chen would take care of the calves.

It's like a mother and daughter, and like a best friend, Sister Chen and I look at each other and smile, and I don't know what fate it is!

When it rains, the house is still leaking. Sister Chen climbed down from the top bunk and squeezed a quilt with me.

I grabbed Sister Chen's arm: "Sister, I'm a little homesick, what about you?" ”

I've known her for so long, and I've never heard her mention her family. Sister Chen let out a long sigh, "I miss my son." ”

"Then why don't you go and see him?"

"I don't have the face to see him, haven't you heard them talk about me as a murderer behind their backs? I spent 13 years in prison, only came out the year before last, and when I first went in, my son was 13 years old. ”

I know that Sister Chen has a big temper, many people are afraid of her, and some people scold her behind her back, saying that she has been in prison and killed people. But I never believed it.

I only saw that a girl was in a hurry to get ahead and was pregnant, and Sister Chen paid for her surgery; Someone can't get a job, Sister Chen gives her the opportunity; Who can't hold it, Sister Chen said three sentences or two, which made her burst into laughter. How can such a good person be a murderer?

Sister Chen smiled bitterly: "I killed the junior who seduced my husband." ”

"My hometown is in a small county on the border of Shandong and Jiangsu, and my ex-husband is the vice principal of a middle school. It is said that the woman is also pregnant. I wholeheartedly worked for this family as a cow and a horse, looking forward to a family and a beautiful family, but I didn't expect to meet Chen Shimei! If I hadn't been able to let go of my son, I would have died with all my heart.

"You know, I have a bad temper and I'm impulsive. After knowing their bad things, I ran to the school and smashed my husband's forehead with an ashtray, and when I went to look for a fox spirit, someone told her to run away. My husband was so scared that he didn't dare to go home, so he asked someone to bring me a message, saying that he was confused for a while, and begged me to forgive him. Hey, look, unseeded man!

"But, to be honest, I don't want a divorce either. My son was 13 years old at the time. But when I made such a fuss, the small county town was in an uproar, and life was not easy. Half a month later, my mother-in-law brought my husband to plead guilty, and he knelt down and promised, saying that he had wanted to break off with the little fox spirit, but the woman was pestering. Now that things are getting bigger, he has entrusted someone and plans to transfer to Linxian, and then we will go together as a family.

"For the sake of home, I swallowed this breath. Later, during the summer vacation, my husband said that he was going to the Municipal Education Bureau for a meeting, and it may have been night when he came back. As soon as I inquired, I heard that there was no woman on the meeting list, but the fox spirit was bent on adding her name, so she followed. I was so angry. That evening, I cooked for my son, watched him do his homework, and sneaked out of the house. When I got to the school, I saw my husband's car parked at the school and knew they were back.

"At the back of the office building, I ran into the woman, who was still sorting her clothes as she walked. I wanted to slap her twice in the mouth to get angry, but I didn't expect that standing in front of her suddenly lost my confidence. The woman, dressed in a dress, permed her hair, put on lipstick, put on bright red nail polish, and looked at myself, wearing pajama pants, her hair was unkempt, and she smelled of oily smoke.

"When the woman saw me, she was very calm, saying that she was pregnant with my husband's child, and said that I was a free nanny, and that I should take the initiative to give way and not destroy my husband's future.

"I couldn't take it anymore and rushed over to pull her hair, and she said she was going to call the police. I picked up a brick from the ground and smashed it on her head. She was bleeding from her head and collapsed, and I fled home in fright, and it wasn't long before the police came. To be honest, I regret it, one corpse and two lives. After I was in prison, my husband divorced me and never saw my son again.

"I was sentenced to 15 years, but I was released two years early because of my good behavior, and after I was released from prison, I secretly went back to my hometown and found out that my son was admitted to a university in Beijing and is now working. I was relieved. It's too embarrassing to have a mother like me, how can I have the face to go to him? ”

I didn't expect Sister Chen to have such a bumpy experience. I hugged her tightly: "Sister, you are a good person, let's live together in the future, I will provide for you in old age!" "Sister Chen's body is very warm and smells like a mother.

"Little rabbit, others know that I am a murderer, they all hide, and you stick it up. You and your own mother are in a quarrel to cut off the relationship, can you be expected to support me? Don't give me this whole flesh! ”

Later, Sister Chen showed me a picture of her son. The boy looks like a tiger, and Sister Chen said that his name is Xu Le.


After this heart-to-heart meeting, we became closer. But it didn't take long for her to turn her face with me.

In Hengdian, after familiarizing myself with the rules, I secretly took a job and played a prostitute. This director likes to use new people, new faces. There are so many beautiful girls in Hengdian that they are like stars in the sky, and I think that if I have an opportunity, I have to seize it desperately, what if it happens?

Although I was also resistant to this role, the director promised to have lines, show his face, and double his salary.

At the beginning of filming, the director asked for authenticity, and the props prepared real liquor, and I poured a glass of it, which was spicy and forced tears to come, and there was still some upheading. The actor who was playing against me came over and stuck it on me, but he didn't act according to the script at all, and the script just had to carry me to the bedside.

But when he came up, he wanted to kiss me, and his hand was restlessly drilling under the cheongsam, and the director just didn't shout cut. Then, my clothes were torn by him, even the underwear belt was torn, and now I was furious, yelling "stinky rascal", and slapped him.

The director ran over angrily, and instead of accusing the actor, he scolded me for being unprofessional, wasting negatives, and asking for a reshoot.

I was in a dilemma, angry and anxious, and tears were falling from my eyes. At this time, Sister Chen rushed in from the outside, picked me up and left. The director and crew stopped and scolded ugly words, saying that it was different to have the support of a murderer!

I didn't expect Sister Chen to be so strong. She picked up the prop sword hanging on the wall and brandished it, looking for the director desperately, and the group outside saw that the situation was not good, rushed over and pulled us away, telling us to get out of here.

On the way back, Sister Chen scolded me for having no vision and shallow eyelids, saying that it was a wild director who specialized in making pornographic movies and had never made a complete scene. Scolded me all the way.

Because I was disobedient and offended Sister Chen, in the next few days, no matter how much I pleased, she ignored me.

To my chagrin, this day, a boy about my age found a rental house. I asked him who he was looking for, and he took out a photo and said he was looking for Chen Shuqin. I've never heard of this name, but if I look at the photos carefully, the woman is very beautiful, like Sister Chen.

Sister Chen walked out, stood in the courtyard, and looked at the boy for a while. The boy suddenly choked up and called her "Mom". Sister Chen said with red circles in her eyes that she recognized the wrong person and drove him away. They just stood in the courtyard in a stalemate.

When the boy left, it was raining, so I took an umbrella and chased it out: "You are Xu Le, I know you." Xu Le begged me to help take care of Sister Chen, saying that he would come again, and we left WeChat and phone calls for each other.

Since Xu Le came, Sister Chen didn't care about anyone, and she didn't take jobs much, smoking one after another. In the middle of the night, I heard her crying secretly under the covers.

Xu Le and I chatted a lot on WeChat. It turned out that his company was opposite my previous company, and the roadside stall where I liked to eat was also frequented by him. After getting acquainted, he told me that he had asked for Sister Chen's address from a relative, so he came to find someone.

A few days later, the boy came again. He brought a lot of Beijing specialties to Sister Chen, but Sister Chen didn't want it. I snatched it over, deliberately sat opposite Sister Chen to eat and drink, and chirped loudly, so angry that she finally scolded: "If you want to eat, you go out to eat, you eat fat, and you don't think about what to do." ”

Sister Chen finally spoke to me, and I breathed a sigh of relief. To say, this Xu Le and Sister Chen's temper are really similar, stubborn like a cow. Sister Chen and I went to filming, and he followed; Sister Chen had dinner with me, and he followed; Sister Chen and I went to take a bath, and he waited at the door.

One night, Xu Le wanted to invite me and Sister Chen to dinner, but Sister Chen didn't go. Xu Le and I sat at the barbecue stand, he didn't know how to drink, he had to be stubborn, and when he went down with a bottle of beer, he got drunk and started crying.

Xu Le said: "After my parents divorced, my father was transferred to a neighboring county, and he got married again not long after. I was sent to my grandmother's house, and we could see each other every Chinese New Year, and he never mentioned my mother again. I went to pick up my mom when she was out of prison and the guards said she had been released early. It wasn't until last month, when my dad died of a heart attack and met a relative when he went back to his hometown for the funeral, that I didn't know my mom was here. ”

"I know everything about Sister Chen, she is a good person!" I really didn't know how to comfort him, so I tapped him on the shoulder.

"You don't know, I killed my mother, and she took the blame for me."

I was so shocked that my eyeballs almost fell out.


"The day my mom went to find the female dean, I secretly followed behind. I slipped in through the back door of the school and saw them arguing, and the woman said she was going to call the police. In a hurry, I picked up a brick from the ground and smashed it at the back of her head, and she bled a lot after she fell to the ground, and my mother was frightened and ran home from the back door of the school, repeatedly telling me that I must not tell anyone that I hit her.

"After a while, my dad ran back and said that the woman was dead, and the school guard saw my mom enter the school, and also saw my mom go to the back office building, and when the janitor quietly followed, he found the woman lying on the ground with blood on her head. The doorman called the police. Later, the police came, and my mom confessed that she had done it.

When the police took her away, the door of the house was full of people watching the excitement. She glanced back at me and smiled at me. For so many years, I always remember the way she looked at me, I was selfish! It's a coward! Let my mom take the blame for me. ”

I opened my mouth to be shocked for a long time, and muttered: "Sister Chen is so great!" However, you were 13 years old, and you were capable of shooting people to death with a brick. If you want me to say, it's all your father's fault! ”

Xu Le suddenly raised his head and stared at me for a long time, making my face red......

That night, I carried Xu Le back to the hotel. When I went back to look for him the next day, he was nowhere to be found. I didn't reply to the WeChat message, I didn't answer the phone, I was in a hurry, worried that something had happened to him.

Sister Chen was even more anxious, we looked around the film and television city a few times, and scolded me for letting his son drink while looking for it, and asked me to compensate his son. I couldn't help but reply: "Don't you disown your son?" Now they're blaming me again. ”

Fortunately, Xu Le sent me a message back later, saying that he had something urgent to do, and he was in a hurry. Sister Chen was relieved.

Six months later, Sister Chen and I had just finished filming a set of war scenes, and the dead body makeup had not been removed, and we were walking to the residence, when we suddenly saw Xu Le's face full of spring breeze, running towards us with open arms, and hugging me and Sister Chen together, everyone looked at us.

Back at the rental house, Xu Leshen mysteriously took out a piece of paper from his bag and stuffed it to Sister Chen. When I looked over to see it, it was Zhang Xin's verdict, which read: On August 22, 2001, because the facts of Chen Shuqin's murder case were unclear and the evidence was insufficient, the original defendant was acquitted, his reputation was restored, and he could apply for state compensation.

Sister Chen and I were blinded. Xu Le said to me excitedly: "You reminded me, I was only 13 years old at the time, how could I beat someone to death?" I thought about it, and the news reported that the woman had several wounds, the fatal one on the temple, but I only hit the back of the head. ”

Sister Chen also said: "At that time, the police asked me how many times I had been beaten. In order to protect my son, I said that I beat him anyway, and I was angry, and I don't remember how many times. ”

Xu Le said: "After leaving Hengdian, I went back to my hometown and turned over the cabinets. I remember that after my mother's accident, my father was a little abnormal, he didn't dare to look at me and didn't let me mention my mother. In the middle of the night, he often sits alone on the sofa and smokes, and secretly burns paper money in the yard.

"After my dad died, many relics were sent to my grandmother's old house. I found an old computer, which I studied in information engineering in college, and recovered deleted files. I found an encrypted file inside, dated one year after my mother's accident. After a little effort, after cracking the code and opening it, I found out that it was my dad's confession letter.

"It turned out that that night, my dad was pestered by the woman in the office building, and the woman forced my dad to divorce. After the woman went downstairs, he heard my mother arguing with the woman downstairs, so he hid and didn't dare to come down. Later, he saw that I had given the woman a brick and ran away. When my dad went downstairs, he wanted to save the woman, but after the woman relieved herself, she had to say that if my dad didn't divorce and marry her, she would not only make my dad ruined, but also let the police arrest me.

"My father was so angry that when he saw that there was no one around, he got murderous, took out the gloves he usually used to drive in his pocket, picked up the bricks I smashed people, hit the woman's temples and forehead a few more times, and then threw the white gloves into the lake.

"I took my dad's computer to the Public Security Bureau. When the police found the doorman who had testified in court and re-verified the statement, he finally admitted that after my mom and I ran out the back door, he saw my dad come out of the school building, pick up a brick on the ground and hit the woman.

"I didn't tell the truth at the time, firstly, because his work was arranged by my father, and my father was kind to him; The second is that I feel that someone in our family is guilty anyway. ”

It turned out that Xu Le did not show up during this time, but went to a lawyer to represent him and file a complaint, retried the case, made a new judgment, and avenged Sister Chen!

Sister Chen burst into tears while holding the certificate of innocence, she took her son's hand and said, "Actually, I don't care about these things for a long time, as long as you live well, you are better than anything else." ”


Xu Le proposed to take Sister Chen back to Beijing, but this time Sister Chen finally agreed, and persuaded me to go back with her and not to wander around. In fact, I have been rebellious enough, and all the experiences in Hengpiao have taught me a hard lesson as a newborn calf.

Sister Chen said that she and I were fated in our previous life. Because, as soon as I appeared, the two of them were reunited, and the things that crushed people in the past were solved.

After returning to Beijing, I found a job consulting abroad, and my parents saw that I had become normal and motivated, and they were very grateful to Sister Chen.

It's okay to be idle, I often go to Sister Chen's place to eat. Once, Sister Chen was making dumplings in the kitchen, and I heard her say to Xu Le: "Take away the girl outside, it's not easy to find such a stupid girl now." Xu Le smirked on the side.

At that time, Xu Le and I were actually in love. Half a year later, we got married. After getting married, I didn't change my words, and I still called her "Sister Chen". Just like when I was in Hengdian, she would snatch my clothes and snacks, and often called me stupid, but anyone who wanted to bully me, including her son, would protect me like a tigress.

Sometimes, I often lament the strangeness of fate. If it weren't for the sideways drifting experience of walking and leaving, maybe Sister Chen and I would never have met. I love this mother-in-law, and I love this family with a special fate......

Author |

Unexpectedly, the young and ignorant drifting experience, but by mistake, picked up a husband and a mother-in-law who was as close as a best friend. Rolling red dust, there are many strange fates. People come and go, and those who don't love have become passers-by. What you love is the real life. Like today's story? Don't forget to like and leave a message!