
How to stay relaxed in front of strong people?

author:Deer and rhinoceros
How to stay relaxed in front of strong people?

Many people are afraid and resistant, dealing with powerful people;

However, we can always meet very strong people in work and life, and it has become inevitable to deal with them and even have a good relationship.

It's good to walk around them, or forget about each other;

However, you have to figure out the psychological activities and demands of these people, and how to deal with them.

In fact, in the state of nature, man will not let himself be bothered;

And the reason why a strong person can make you feel his strength is nothing more than because he has a loud voice, puts on a high-minded leadership posture, disciplines you, speaks harshly to you, belittles and suppresses you, or directs the country and is contemptuous and rude.

You may have been 'hit' directly, and a sense of inferiority and unworthiness will arise spontaneously;

How to stay relaxed in front of strong people?

I think I've made a big mistake.

In fact, the more this time, the more you have to be clear-headed;

You should sympathize with him and empathize with him, instead of being afraid of him and avoiding him.

Because he was in a state of psychological instability at this time, he was very "flammable and explosive".

He yells at you and criticizes you harshly because he feels that "the situation is out of control."

As long as he can find a gentler way of communication and a more suitable solution, he will not use strength to hide his "weakness".

Believe it or not, will your boss be strong on you when his work is going well?

Will your partner find fault with you when you are "well-fed" and emotionally harmonious?

Will your friends be jealous of you and say sour things to you when she is proud?


How to stay relaxed in front of strong people?

When people are satisfied and relieved, they will only show peace and strength, not strong and "sharp"!

To put it bluntly, it is the current situation that makes him irritable and has no way, he can only vent his anger and balance his fragile heart through incompetent anger and anger.

At this time, what we have to do is not to be angry, not to evade, not even to explain.

When people are out of order in their minds, what they are most disgusted with is the explanation of others and themselves;

Because explanations often come "against their own meaning", they are in opposition to themselves;

The other party no longer has the psychological energy and capacity to digest the crisis in front of him;

If you still "make a mistake" with him, then your misunderstandings and contradictions will not be resolved.

The strength on the surface is actually a fear in essence;

Your boss scolds you for not doing your job well and not doing your job properly;

How to stay relaxed in front of strong people?

That's because your performance will affect his promotion, and may even determine the boss's plan to stay with him.

Your partner complains that you can't earn money, counts down that you don't do housework, and doesn't give enough emotional value;

That's because her expectations for you are disappointed, but she doesn't necessarily plan to part with you for the time being, so she will express her dissatisfaction with you with a strong attitude.

If you fight at this moment, you will add fuel to the fire;

Here is a way to tell you, that is, when the other party is strong, you don't want to be strong, and don't be low;

But calmly said: I understand what you mean, and I will do it;

Or, what do you want me to do?

Is it better for you to feel better if I do this?

It's like two people quarreling, if one person doesn't arch the fire, then in fact, the fire can't get up;

How to stay relaxed in front of strong people?

The stronger and more nervous the other person, the more you have to behave positively and peacefully.

You are using practical actions to tell him that there is no need to be anxious and anxious, and that I will support you and cooperate with you.

Whether you do this in an intimate relationship or in the workplace, as long as the other person is a normal person, they can turn to anger, or calm down, sort out their thoughts and communicate with you.

First, you avoid an argument, and second, you also win the trust of the other person and build a closer and stronger relationship. Third, you can also understand the meaning of the other party more comprehensively.

Being strong is just an appearance, learning to understand the psychological feelings and thoughts of others, and properly solving problems, is a person with high emotional intelligence.