
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

author:Kopp 10 grams
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

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When the West launched a conspiracy against the mainland in the name of carbon neutrality, they never imagined that the mainland would not only be uncontrolled by it, but would take advantage of the situation to make a comeback in the field of new energy.

So, how did this seemingly passive game begin? And how did the reversal occur?

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

The West proposes carbon neutrality, but it has other plans

The proposal of carbon neutrality in the West stands on the commanding heights of environmental protection, which is difficult to oppose. It calls on countries to reduce carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality, which at first glance sounds reasonable, but when you think about it, it has ulterior motives.

Developed countries have taken the lead in completing industrialization and have passed the stage of high carbon emissions, and it is not difficult for them to advocate carbon neutrality again. But for the vast number of developing countries, this is tantamount to "clipping off their wings", allowing them to fold their wings before takeoff.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

The West is well aware of this, which is why it has put forward the seemingly "reasonable" proposition of carbon neutrality, but in fact it wants the mainland to choose between "carbon emission rights" and "development rights", and fall into a dilemma.

Either spend money to buy other people's emission targets, or pay money to buy other people's new energy technology, in any case, they are in prison on the mainland. This is clearly a conspiracy!

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

In the early days of the West, there was no shortage of pollution, and Britain was once known as the "fog capital" because of the serious pollution caused by coal burning and the perennial smog in London. According to statistics, tens of thousands of deaths from respiratory diseases caused by air pollution in the 19th century were high.

Now, when developed countries have passed the stage of "high emissions", the economic structure has been transformed and upgraded, and the pollution problem has been basically solved, it is a bit unkind to ask developing countries to "do it in one step".

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

In the name of carbon neutrality, the West requires the mainland to significantly reduce emissions in a short period of time, which is tantamount to "drawing wages from the bottom of the kettle", which can be described as a blow to development.

You must know that the funds and technology of developed countries are never free aid, and the asking price is very high. Buying their emission indicators is equivalent to giving money to others; Buying their technology is equivalent to giving the market away.

"The United States Plays the "Heart Eye" on "Carbon" and China"2023-11-03
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

"The United States Plays the "Heart Eye" on "Carbon" and China"2023-11-03

More importantly, it is very unreasonable to rely solely on the West to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, and once the West exerts pressure on developing countries on the grounds of carbon neutrality, or even impose sanctions, developing countries have no way to deal with it.

From this point of view, the West's proposal for carbon neutrality is ostensibly promoting global environmental protection, but in fact it is exerting political pressure through environmental protection to influence the development of other countries.

Especially for the mainland, the West is eyeing the mainland's "carbon emission rights", which is the key point, and intends to make its development constrained by others. If the mainland is the slightest careless and easily accepts the rules of the game of the West, I am afraid that it will really fall into the calculations of the other side and lose its autonomy in development.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

The mainland has responded to the carbon neutrality strategy and turned the crisis into an opportunity

In the face of the West's carbon neutrality plan, the mainland did not sit idly by, but turned the crisis into an opportunity to accelerate economic transformation and energy revolution by taking advantage of the east wind of carbon neutrality.

Taking wind power as an example, in 2023, the cumulative installed capacity of wind power in mainland China will reach 1.05 billion kilowatts, and the power generation capacity will be 805.7 billion kilowatt hours, both ranking first in the world.

Not to be outdone, solar PV is also outstanding, with an installed capacity of 413 million kilowatts and a power generation capacity of 417.6 billion kilowatt hours. In the field of new energy, the mainland not only leads in terms of quantity and scale, but also improves its qualitative benefits.

CCTV Finance and Economics "The total output value exceeds 1.7 trillion yuan! In 2023, the scale of the mainland photovoltaic industry will reach a new high》2024-02-28
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

CCTV Finance and Economics "The total output value exceeds 1.7 trillion yuan! In 2023, the scale of the mainland photovoltaic industry will reach a new high》2024-02-28

Mainland enterprises have mastered the core technologies of new energy such as wind power and photovoltaics, and have continued to innovate and iterate, so that various indicators such as equipment efficiency, power generation cost, and operation and maintenance level have continuously set new records, leading the development of the global new energy industry.

In addition, the mainland has mobilized a lot of resources in terms of controlling coal, and by changing the industrial mode and upgrading the existing units, the mainland has gradually gotten rid of its dependence on coal.

China Business Network, "National Energy Administration: Accelerate the Construction of Electricity Spot Market and Further Promote the Participation of New Energy in the Electricity Market" 2024-06-04
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

China Business Network, "National Energy Administration: Accelerate the Construction of Electricity Spot Market and Further Promote the Participation of New Energy in the Electricity Market" 2024-06-04

Today, the coal consumption per kilowatt-hour has dropped to about 300 grams, which is at the world's leading level. At the same time, the mainland is also vigorously developing clean coal technology, promoting carbon capture, utilization and storage technology, and exploring the road to clean and efficient use of coal.

In the field of oil and gas, the mainland is also accelerating the adjustment of the energy structure, greatly increasing the proportion of natural gas consumption, promoting the upgrading of the quality of refined oil, and reducing the carbon emission intensity of the transportation industry.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

These efforts have not only effectively reduced the carbon footprint of fossil fuels, but also accumulated stamina for the energy revolution and industrial upgrading.

At present, the new type of new energy vehicles is the best choice for the development of the automotive field today and even in the future, and the mainland is also judging the situation and taking the development of new energy vehicles as an important starting point for practicing carbon neutrality and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry.

Jiemian News "Production and sales have ranked first in the world for nine consecutive years, how to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles?" |2024 Electric Vehicle 100 Meeting》2024-03-17
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

Jiemian News "Production and sales have ranked first in the world for nine consecutive years, how to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles?" |2024 Electric Vehicle 100 Meeting》2024-03-17

Last year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in mainland China exceeded 9 million, ranking first in the world for many years.

At the technical level, mainland enterprises have achieved a number of breakthroughs in key fields such as power batteries, motor electronic control, and intelligent networking, and the level of vehicle design and manufacturing has also reached the world's first-class, and the performance of some models has even surpassed similar foreign products.'s "Foreign Media Observation| Western scholars highly affirm the importance of China's new energy vehicles to global emission reduction"2024-06-28
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets's "Foreign Media Observation| Western scholars highly affirm the importance of China's new energy vehicles to global emission reduction"2024-06-28

In the face of the carbon neutrality plan, the mainland did not retreat, but rose to the challenge, cultivated new opportunities in the crisis, and opened a new situation in the changing situation, which not only resolved the calculations of the West, but also accelerated its own transformation and upgrading, and embarked on a low-carbon development path in line with national conditions.

This fully demonstrates the mainland's wisdom and responsibility in coping with challenges, and demonstrates the demeanor of a responsible major country.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

The mainland's new energy industry is leading in the world and is striding out

In the process of responding to the carbon neutrality strategy and accelerating the energy transition, the mainland's new energy industry has sprung up, not only in the domestic market, but also on the international stage, becoming the backbone of the global energy revolution.

Mainland new energy enterprises have accelerated the pace of "going global" and actively participated in global market competition and cooperation. With the deepening of the construction of the "Belt and Road", mainland new energy enterprises have seized the opportunity to use their own advantages to increase their efforts to develop overseas markets.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

On the one hand, mainland wind power and photovoltaic enterprises actively participate in international project bidding, provide high-quality new energy equipment and services for countries along the "Belt and Road", and help local governments achieve green and low-carbon development.

According to incomplete statistics, in 2023, the new overseas installed capacity of mainland wind turbine manufacturers will reach 19.2 GW, a year-on-year increase of 27%; The scale of overseas power plant investment of mainland PV enterprises reached 10.5 GW, a year-on-year increase of 53%, and the projects spread across Asia, Africa, Latin America and other regions.

Jiemian News "The World's Top Five Wind Power Manufacturers, Chinese Enterprises Occupy Four Seats for the First Time"2024-03-28
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

Jiemian News "The World's Top Five Wind Power Manufacturers, Chinese Enterprises Occupy Four Seats for the First Time"2024-03-28

On the other hand, mainland new energy enterprises are also actively carrying out international production capacity cooperation, and working with host countries to build new energy industrial clusters by investing in overseas factories and setting up R&D centers to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

To sum up, under the guidance of the carbon neutrality goal, the mainland's new energy industry has shown a strong trend of vigorous development, whether it is the development speed, industrial scale, technical level and market competitiveness, it has leapt to the forefront of the world, becoming a beautiful landscape in the global new energy map.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

The West has frequently investigated China's new energy trade in an attempt to contain the mainland

In the face of the rapid development of new energy in the mainland, some Western countries have begun to frequently launch trade investigations on new energy products in the mainland, trying to curb the development of the new energy industry in the mainland by setting up trade barriers.

The most typical example is the United States' "anti-dumping" investigation of mainland photovoltaic products.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

As early as 2012, the U.S. Department of Commerce launched an anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigation on mainland photovoltaic cells and modules at the request of some U.S. photovoltaic companies, and ruled to impose high tariffs of 18% to 35% the following year.

Since then, the United States has repeatedly launched "double anti-dumping" investigations against mainland enterprises, and has continuously escalated tariff measures, and even raised the tax rate to more than 50% after this year.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

These measures have undoubtedly caused huge difficulties for the export of mainland photovoltaic enterprises, and also affected the development of the domestic photovoltaic market in the United States. The European Union is not far behind, following the steps of the United States to launch a trade investigation on new energy products on the mainland.

In 2013, the European Commission launched an anti-dumping and countervailing investigation against mainland PV products in response to a complaint by the European Federation of PV Enterprises, and threatened to impose punitive tariffs of up to 47%.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

After a difficult tug, China and the EU reached a "price commitment" agreement, but this did not calm the EU's trade protectionist momentum, since then the EU has repeatedly launched trade investigations on mainland new energy products, and adopted various trade barrier measures such as quota restrictions and minimum prices.

In 2022, the EU proposed the "Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" in an attempt to impose carbon tariffs on imported products, which will undoubtedly pose a new threat to the mainland's exports of new energy products.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

In the face of all kinds of obstruction and suppression by Western countries, the mainland's new energy industry has not flinched, but unswervingly followed the road of independent innovation and high-quality development.

On the one hand, the mainland has continuously increased R&D investment, conquered key core technologies, and mastered a series of independent intellectual property rights, which has fundamentally enhanced its industrial competitiveness.

Jiemian News "The United States wants to restart the anti-dumping investigation, the deputy secretary general of the photovoltaic industry association talks about countermeasures"2024-04-26
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

Jiemian News "The United States wants to restart the anti-dumping investigation, the deputy secretary general of the photovoltaic industry association talks about countermeasures"2024-04-26

On the other hand, the mainland has accelerated the pace of market-oriented reform of new energy, established and improved market-oriented mechanisms such as green power certificate trading and carbon emission trading, given full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources, and stimulated the endogenous power of enterprise innovation and development.

At the same time, the mainland also actively participates in global climate governance, strengthens practical cooperation with other countries in the field of new energy, strives to eliminate trade barriers, upholds the rules-based multilateral trading system, and promotes the construction of an open, inclusive, mutually beneficial and win-win global new energy development pattern.

Beijing Business Daily, "The European Commission Announced the Implementation Rules for the Transition Period of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Will Officially Take Effect on October 1 this Year, and the Ministry of Commerce Responds"2023-09-14
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets


In any case, the West would never have imagined that the carbon neutrality method that it was once most proud of would not play any role in hindering the mainland, but on the contrary, it would continue to inspire a change in the mainland's energy industry, which not only failed the West's plan again, but also made the mainland's new energy industry once again show strong competitiveness in the world.

The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets
Primary sources
"The United States Plays the "Heart Eye" on "Carbon" and China"2023-11-03
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

"The United States Plays the "Heart Eye" on "Carbon" and China"2023-11-03

CCTV Finance and Economics "The total output value exceeds 1.7 trillion yuan! In 2023, the scale of the mainland photovoltaic industry will reach a new high》2024-02-28
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

CCTV Finance and Economics "The total output value exceeds 1.7 trillion yuan! In 2023, the scale of the mainland photovoltaic industry will reach a new high》2024-02-28

China Business Network, "National Energy Administration: Accelerate the Construction of Electricity Spot Market and Further Promote the Participation of New Energy in the Electricity Market" 2024-06-04
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

China Business Network, "National Energy Administration: Accelerate the Construction of Electricity Spot Market and Further Promote the Participation of New Energy in the Electricity Market" 2024-06-04

Jiemian News "Production and sales have ranked first in the world for nine consecutive years, how to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles?" |2024 Electric Vehicle 100 Meeting》2024-03-17
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

Jiemian News "Production and sales have ranked first in the world for nine consecutive years, how to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles?" |2024 Electric Vehicle 100 Meeting》2024-03-17's "Foreign Media Observation| Western scholars highly affirm the importance of China's new energy vehicles to global emission reduction"2024-06-28
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets's "Foreign Media Observation| Western scholars highly affirm the importance of China's new energy vehicles to global emission reduction"2024-06-28

Jiemian News "The World's Top Five Wind Power Manufacturers, Chinese Enterprises Occupy Four Seats for the First Time"2024-03-28
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

Jiemian News "The World's Top Five Wind Power Manufacturers, Chinese Enterprises Occupy Four Seats for the First Time"2024-03-28

Jiemian News "The United States wants to restart the anti-dumping investigation, the deputy secretary general of the photovoltaic industry association talks about countermeasures"2024-04-26
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

Jiemian News "The United States wants to restart the anti-dumping investigation, the deputy secretary general of the photovoltaic industry association talks about countermeasures"2024-04-26

Beijing Business Daily, "The European Commission Announced the Implementation Rules for the Transition Period of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Will Officially Take Effect on October 1 this Year, and the Ministry of Commerce Responds"2023-09-14
The West uses carbon neutrality to target China, and China's electricity is exported in reverse, harvesting a large number of new energy markets

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