
At the end of the first debate, the two men's China policies were exposed, and whoever is elected will not change the tone toward China

author:Liu Lanxunjian

The 2024 U.S. presidential election has entered the stage of a head-to-head showdown between Biden and Trump, and the two held their first televised debate on June 28, and the two who appeared one after another did not shake hands. In his speeches, he attacked the other side on topics such as the economy, illegal immigration, diplomacy, abortion rights, and racial issues. This set of duels is the oldest candidate in the previous presidential election in the United States. Trump is 79 and Biden is 81. The two accused each other of being a felon, and the criminal charges that Trump was guilty of, and Hunter, Biden's son, were convicted of illegal gun possession became the entry points for each of them to attack each other's low morals.

After this debate, Trump's support rating, which is better in energy and physical condition, has risen, and US media polls show that the proportion of respondents who approve of him has increased from 40% to 43%. Biden's difficulty in answering questions effectively, stammering, and other situations have had a negative impact on his campaign. The percentage of respondents who approve of it has dropped from 37% to 31%. Both Trump and Biden trumpeted the economic performance of their two terms, and they were sharply opposed to each other on issues of immigration and abortion rights. In the public opinion atmosphere of confrontation with China in the United States, Trump and Biden have shown consistency in showing a tough posture towards China.

At the end of the first debate, the two men's China policies were exposed, and whoever is elected will not change the tone toward China

Biden has recently further increased restrictions on U.S. companies' investment in China, threatened to impose sanctions on China's small financial institutions on the grounds of Russia-related factors, and set 100% tariffs on China's electric vehicles. Leaving the WTO rules behind has pushed the level of the US-China trade war into a new phase. Even so, Mr. Trump has accused Mr. Biden of not being tough enough and not severing ties with China enough. Trump has also previously said that if elected, he will impose high tariffs on all Chinese products.

In this context, regardless of whether Trump or Biden wins, it is inevitable that Sino-US economic and trade frictions will continue to expand. This requires China's economic system to be more resilient and promote equivalent substitution of U.S. companies in various fields. The US does not accept the reality of coexistence and win-win results between China and the United States, and since this is the case, the various restrictive actions of the US should be an opportunity to accelerate the construction of China's system. Regarding the first televised debate in the US presidential election, the green camp on the island pinned its hopes on Trump and Biden to mention the Taiwan Strait in order to give the "Taiwan independence" forces an opportunity to hype. However, the content of the debate between the two was mainly on the US economy, and the Taiwan Strait was not mentioned in the whole article.

At the end of the first debate, the two men's China policies were exposed, and whoever is elected will not change the tone toward China

The green camp group is obviously self-inflicted, and China's deterrence against the United States will only grow stronger when the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and the United States is still unable to reduce the growth process of China's national strength. Lu Shaye, Chinese ambassador to France, recently pointed out that the civil war during China's Liberation War has not yet ended. The Taiwan authorities are essentially a rebel force in China, and China has the right to expel them and take back its jurisdiction over the island at any time. This statement that "it has the right to take back the right to govern the island of Taiwan at any time" is a manifestation of the preparations for the further completion of the takeover of Taiwan. Among them, the "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercise has completed military preparations for the takeover of Taiwan with a posture that is only one foot away.

Opinions on criminal punishment for "Taiwan independence", build a criminal law enforcement system for "Taiwan independence" personnel, and promote the resolution of governance matters on the island after the takeover of Taiwan. Ambassador Lu Shaye's remarks that "China's civil war has not yet ended, and it has the right to expel rebel forces on the island of Taiwan at any time" promoted the improvement of the international political and public opinion space for the takeover of Taiwan.

At the end of the first debate, the two men's China policies were exposed, and whoever is elected will not change the tone toward China

In intervening in the Taiwan Strait, the United States has maintained policy continuity across the rotation of political parties based on the needs of geopolitical layout. This also makes it inappropriate for neither Biden nor Trump to win and expect the United States to restrain itself in the situation in the Taiwan Strait. At present, the situation of reunification is becoming clearer and clearer, and one of the major backgrounds is that the United States still has a strong willingness to intervene in the Taiwan Strait, and its strength is becoming more and more inadequate. The current period is a period in which the aura of the United States collapses and the myth retreats. The collapse of America's global influence on multiple levels is inexorable.

In the Red Sea, since the blockade of Israeli, American and British ships was imposed in November last year, the Houthi armed forces, known as the Slipper Army, have "carried out the blockade to the end", and the US military escort has failed to stop it for more than half a year. After the Houthis claimed to have hit the US aircraft carrier, the US military not only failed to carry out a large-scale strike against the Houthis, but instead withdrew its aircraft carrier Eisenhower from the Red Sea, triggering the current situation where the US military has no aircraft carrier available in the Red Sea.

At the end of the first debate, the two men's China policies were exposed, and whoever is elected will not change the tone toward China

Saudi Arabia, which has signed an petrodollar agreement with the United States, has been rumored to refuse to renew the agreement and will use multiple currencies, including the yuan, for oil settlement. The U.S. has poured dirt on Saudi Arabia by reiterating the 911 incident, and Saudi Arabia has responded to threats to sell U.S. bonds at a low price while seeking security support from China. Such a situation was unthinkable before. In the South China Sea, the US military acted as a turtle in the June 17 incident, showing the world that the US-Philippines mutual defense treaty was a dead letter, putting the pro-US forces in the Philippines in an embarrassing position. In the field of outer space, with the return of samples from the lunar back of Chang'e-6, there is more and more evidence that the manned lunar landing claimed by the United States during the Cold War was a hoax.

Against the backdrop of the collapse of the image and influence of the United States at many levels, both Biden and Trump are facing the embarrassment of being unprecedented.