
Which is more unhealthy, "eat supper before bed" or "go to bed hungry"? After reading it, I don't have to worry about it anymore

author:Diabetic podiatrist Liang Yuxuan

Uncle Zhang is almost 60 years old this year, he knows that his body is not as old as young people, so he works very health, for example, he will go to bed on time at about ten o'clock every night, and before going to bed, he will make a pot of hot tea, taste it slowly, and let the body and mind gradually relax.

He would then sit on the bed, gently massage his feet, from the toes to the ankles, and finally lie down on the bed, close his eyes and begin to breathe deeply, trying to get himself to sleep as early as possible.

Which is more unhealthy, "eat supper before bed" or "go to bed hungry"? After reading it, I don't have to worry about it anymore

Whenever someone asks him about his health secrets, he always smiles and says, "Actually, there is no secret, just do these few things before going to bed." ”

However, some of them found that if Uncle Zhang was hungry late at night without eating at night, he would choose to go to bed directly hungry, and many people would choose to eat a supper and then go to bed at this time, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable to be hungry. So, which is more unhealthy, "eating supper before going to bed" or "going to bed hungry"?

Let's take a look at what might happen if you have a late-night snack before bed.

In recent years, Mr. Wang has worked overtime frequently due to work, and he has to stay up all night at every turn, whenever he is hungry in the dead of night, he will always order a supper, sometimes fried chicken and sometimes spicy hot pot, this habit lasted for more than a year, and then one day, Mr. Wang gradually found that his weight rose sharply, and often felt stomach discomfort, and even insomnia at night.

Which is more unhealthy, "eat supper before bed" or "go to bed hungry"? After reading it, I don't have to worry about it anymore

One night, Mr. Wang suddenly felt severe abdominal pain after eating supper, and was rushed to the hospital, after examination, the doctor found that his stomach had severe inflammation, and there were signs of fatty liver, the doctor told Mr. Wang that these problems were related to his long-term unhealthy eating habits, especially eating supper before going to bed, and picking some greasy food to eat.

We can see that eating supper before going to bed is not a good habit, because supper is often a high-calorie, high-fat food, just like Mr. Wang, either fried chicken or hot pot, after ingestion, it is easy to lead to excess energy, which will be further converted into fat accumulation in the body, causing us to gain weight.

And at night, the body's metabolism is slower, the digestive function is relatively weak, eating a lot of food at this time will indeed increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, affect the quality of sleep, and even cause digestive diseases, plus after eating supper, the body needs to spend more time and energy to digest food, and the brain is in a state of excitement, which may also lead to insomnia in the long run.

Which is more unhealthy, "eat supper before bed" or "go to bed hungry"? After reading it, I don't have to worry about it anymore

However, this is not to say that it is good to be hungry before going to bed, it is also not good for our body, if you skip dinner for a long time or go to bed hungry at night, it may lead to insufficient nutrient intake, affecting the normal metabolism and immune function of the body.

In addition, when we are in an empty state, the increase in gastric acid secretion is easy to irritate the gastric mucosa, and may also cause stomach pain, gastric ulcers and other problems, and hunger will also keep the brain excited, resulting in difficulty in falling asleep or decreased sleep quality, in the long run, it may cause neurasthenia and memory loss.

Therefore, eating supper and being hungry before going to bed is actually not good, this is not a mandatory topic, but we need to find a new method, such as eating on time at night to ensure adequate nutrition, so that it is not easy to be hungry at night, and do not take eating supper as a habit, otherwise it is not good for health.

Which is more unhealthy, "eat supper before bed" or "go to bed hungry"? After reading it, I don't have to worry about it anymore

We can learn Uncle Zhang, soak your feet or take a deep breath before going to bed, take deep breathing as an example, it is a simple and effective way to relax and relax, through deep breathing, we can expel the waste gas in the body, inhale fresh oxygen, and provide sufficient energy for the body.

At the same time, deep breathing can also regulate the nervous system, relieve stress, and improve sleep quality. #头条首发大赛#


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