
Burst! The era of large-scale water release has ended, and China's economy has ushered in great changes

author:Exchange for the rest of your life

Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard about it lately? Our country is going to tighten its money bags! The central bank boss made a big move at the Lujiazui forum: the era of rapid growth of China's currency has passed! What does that mean? To put it simply, there will be no more flooding days like before. As a 50-year-old middle-aged uncle, I heard the news, and I felt that "groan" in my heart!

Burst! The era of large-scale water release has ended, and China's economy has ushered in great changes

First of all, we have to understand what this is all about. In recent years, in order to cope with the impact of the epidemic, the country has indeed released a lot of water. From the end of 2019 to the beginning of 2024, our money supply has risen from 200 trillion to 300 trillion, with an average annual growth rate of 10%, faster than GDP growth. To put it bluntly, money is printed quickly.

However, this also comes with its own problems. For example, some large enterprises take low-interest loans to speculate in stocks and houses, rather than engaging in the real economy. There are also some wealthy people who transfer their money abroad, buy American stocks, and speculate on houses in Singapore and Australia. The result? The pressure of RMB depreciation has increased, and the wallets of ordinary people have shrunk.

Burst! The era of large-scale water release has ended, and China's economy has ushered in great changes

You think, isn't this the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer? We are a socialist country, how can we learn from the United States? Therefore, the central bank's sudden brake this time is actually to prevent the gap between the rich and the poor from further widening.

So the question is, what impact does this have on our people?

Burst! The era of large-scale water release has ended, and China's economy has ushered in great changes

First, it can be harder to get a loan. In the past, banks were eager to put money in your pockets, but now, I guess they have to weigh it. Brothers and sisters who want to buy a house should hurry, the down payment may be increased in the future, and the interest rate may also be raised.

Second, the yield of wealth management products may decline. In the past, if you buy a wealth management product, the annualized rate of return is more than 5%. Right now? Hey, it's nice to have 3%.

Burst! The era of large-scale water release has ended, and China's economy has ushered in great changes

Third, employment pressures are likely to intensify. With less money, the enthusiasm of enterprises to invest will naturally decline. Our jobs may also be affected.

But don't panic, brothers and sisters! This adjustment is actually for the long-term development of our economy. It may be a little painful in the short term, but in the long run, this is to lay a solid foundation for our economy!

Burst! The era of large-scale water release has ended, and China's economy has ushered in great changes

So, what should we do in the face of this change?

First of all, learn to be budget-conscious. The flowers that should be spent, the ones that should not be spent. Second, improve your skills. In these years, those who have the ability can eat anywhere. Finally, learn to invest wisely. The stock market and property market may fluctuate, but as long as you see it, you should still be decisive when entering the market.

Burst! The era of large-scale water release has ended, and China's economy has ushered in great changes

Remember, brothers and sisters, the economic situation has changed, and our thinking has to keep up. As long as we are united, diligent and wise, there is no hurdle that cannot be passed!

Burst! The era of large-scale water release has ended, and China's economy has ushered in great changes

Interactive topic: Ladies and gentlemen, do you think the central bank's operation is reliable? How are you prepared to respond to this wave of economic change? Let's talk in the comment area!

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