
Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

author:TCM Incurable Disease Expert No
Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

The hot and humid climate is a hotbed for many skin diseases, and the recent floods in various places have caused the air humidity to be full, and the temperature is rising, and the high temperature and rain and humidity collide together, and the heat is unbearable.

At this time, damp heat and evil qi are particularly easy to enter the human body, and the eczema and prickly heat that torment people begin to "make waves".

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

The itch of eczema can be described as unbearable - the heart-piercing, intense, continuous, and relenting itching. This kind of itching is more irritating and crazy than pain, I can't eat well, I can't sleep, and my body is full of scratch marks.

Some people even risk being burned by applying a hot towel to the affected area to relieve the itching; But as soon as the heat wears off, the itching sensation returns.

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

Adults are itchy and unbearable, and children are even more uncomfortable. When it itches, I scratch and scratch all over my body, and I can't sleep well even at night. Sometimes, oozing and ulceration may occur.

What's even more devastating is that these itchy packs are always good and long, over and over again. It has caused a lot of troubles for children and mothers.

In addition, drinking ice drinks and eating heat-relieving fruits in this season are also standard, and the internal and external attacks can be said to open the door to dampness and heat.

Children who are troubled by "dampness + heat" usually have the following manifestations:

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

●The tongue is chubby, with tooth marks on both sides, and the tongue coating is thick and greasy, and yellowish in color.

●Smelly, unformed, sticky toilet; The urine is yellow and dark in color.

●The stomach always feels distended, especially after eating.

●Sweating blisters tend to appear between the fingers and toes, and red rashes and small bumps appear on the skin.

The dampness in the child's body not only brings pain to the skin, but also makes it easy to cause trouble if the dampness is not eliminated in the body.

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

Eczema is actually telling us one thing: there is too much water and garbage in the body, and it is overflowing from the skin.

Most of the eczema that occurs in summer is caused by the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach, resulting in poor water and dampness metabolism.

If the waste water in the body accumulates too much for too long, coupled with the constant high temperature, the dampness and heat are contained and cannot be discharged outside, so it accumulates on the surface of the skin and is ready to move, causing eczema over time.

When the damp heat evil tries to surge outward, the skin will feel itchy.


Many children start using hormonal ointments and the rash goes away quickly. However, after a long time or the drug is stopped, eczema will return.

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

In fact, hormone ointment solves temporary problems on the body surface, and cannot remove the dampness that causes eczema in the body, and even suppresses the dampness and heat that runs out.

Therefore, when encountering eczema in children, the key is not to apply ointment to solve the problem of "fur", because if we block this "outlet", the dampness and heat will try to find other outlets, and it will not come out on the skin, but will emerge in other parts of the body, and various other diseases will appear, such as rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy, etc.

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

If you want to put an end to this repetition, you must follow the vine, find the source of eczema, and drive out the dampness and heat.

When encountering children's eczema, parents do not need to be overly anxious, they can take advantage of the good time of summer when the yang energy is more vigorous, clean up the child's body, drive away the dampness, and do not curb the body and trap the dampness in the body.

When eczema erupts, the skin will be more uncomfortable, if the itching and rash are more severe, you can find a traditional Chinese medicine to regulate, and prescribe some external washing prescriptions, both internal and external conditioning, both symptomatic and symptomatic, can recover faster.

Here is a simple and easy-to-use external washing recipe for eczema outbreaks:

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

【External Washing Formula】

Ingredients: 30 grams of honeysuckle vine, 30 grams of purslane, 30 grams of raw barley.

Decoction method:

Soak the herbs in water for half an hour, then bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer for about 10~15 minutes on low heat.

How to use:

After the decoction comes out, it is best to cool it naturally, the temperature is about the same as that of the human body, do not add raw water, and then scrub the affected area directly. A pair of medicines can be decocted twice, decocted and washed, twice a day.

●Honeysuckle vine, that is, the vine of honeysuckle, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dredging wind and channeling;

●Purslane has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, cooling blood and detoxifying;

●Raw barley has the effect of diluting water and dampness, clearing heat and detoxifying.

These three herbs are gentle and suitable for babies of all ages (except small babies).

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

If the child has eczema for a long time, the root cause is often poor spleen deficiency, resulting in constant dampness.

At this time, the key to our care is to replenish the spleen and dispel dampness, strengthen the energy of the spleen and stomach, and the dampness will no longer be endless, so as to completely regulate it.

Children who nourish the spleen and dispel dampness, and have more dampness and heat, can make "yam barley porridge".

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

【Yam barley porridge】

Ingredients: 15 grams of dried yam, 9 grams of fried barley kernels, appropriate amount of japonica rice


Soak the yam and barley for 1 hour, then put in the japonica rice to boil the porridge together, and then eat the porridge after cooking (children can only eat porridge, not yam and barley).


Strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness. Suitable for children over two years old.

If it is a damp-hot type of eczema, you can drink corn silk lotus seed soup. In the damp-heat type of eczema, erythema, swelling, papules, blisters, pustule erosions, more exudate, soaking into patches, itching is more intense, and the tongue is red and greasy.

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

【Corn and lotus seed soup】

Ingredients: 50 grams of lotus seeds (heartless), 10 grams of corn stalks, appropriate amount of rock sugar.


First boil the corn silk for 20 minutes, remove the corn silk, then add lotus seeds, simmer into a soup over low heat, and add some rock sugar to taste.

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!

In addition to removing dampness for children, we should also pay more attention to daily maintenance:

●Dry your body in time after swimming and playing in the water to avoid water getting wet;

●Avoid eating to avoid generating new moisture, when eczema occurs, eggs, milk, seafood, cold and wet fruits, and cold drinks, it is best not to give them to children for the time being, so as to avoid food accumulation and cold and dampness blocking the spleen and stomach.

I hope that every child can not be troubled by eczema and damp heat, and live a happy summer comfortably.

Eczema is the damp heat in the body looking for an outlet, don't block it!