
Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

author:Deer Brother Movie
Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

Sentence | Non-mainstream juvenile

Editor|Non-mainstream teenagers

No one expected that Li Xiaolu did her hair at the beginning, but it was Ma Su who came out of the circle.

Both of them were originally beautiful and acting female stars in the entertainment industry, and they were still female girlfriends with a good relationship, but because Li Xiaolu was confused for a while, Ma Su was directly affected.

After so many years, Li Xiaolu's life is safe and sound, and despite the divorce, her quality of life has not deteriorated in the slightest.

On the other hand, Ma Su inexplicably lost his popularity with passers-by, and he was no longer active in front of the screen after that.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

After many years, some netizens photographed Ma Su on the street, and now she looks like she has simple makeup and is dressed very casually.

Compared with other glamorous female stars, the current Ma Su can be regarded as very low-key.

Seeing her current situation, everyone remembered how she was with Kong Linghui at the beginning, and couldn't help but sigh: "It was a wise choice that the two of them were not together at the beginning." ”

Beginner in the entertainment industry

In fact, Ma Su was born in advertising from the beginning, and her interest was dance at the beginning, but her luck was bad and she did not reach the ideal army art troupe.

In order to make ends meet, Ma Su chose to temporarily make a living from advertising.

Advertising, as a part of the entertainment industry, naturally entered the showbiz with Ma Su patted it.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

She suddenly discovered her interest in acting, so she took the initiative to fight for it.

Through his unremitting efforts, he was not only successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, but also successfully received his first drama: "Tang Song Concubine".

Later, with her superior appearance and acting skills trained step by step, she forcibly embarked on the road of the heroine.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

Later, she starred in "The Legend of the New White-Haired Witch" and "The Story of the Great Southwest Bandits", which left a deep impression on everyone.

Ma Su's appearance is slightly heroic, and she looks very aggressive, and her character is the same, when she goes out, she is particularly righteous.

At the beginning, Liu Tao was unable to attend a brand's event because of illness, so he had to entrust Ma Su to help him run.

As soon as Ma Su heard about this, he agreed without saying a word, quickly put down the work at hand and ran for Liu Tao.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

I have to say that I am so lucky to have a friend like Masu.

Such a character not only pleases friends, but also has no shortage of suitors around Ma Su, including Kong Linghui.

Kong Linghui is a table tennis player, one is a big star active in front of the screen, and the other is a low-key athlete.

Fans at that time couldn't imagine how two people who couldn't fight together came together?

The first time I met parting

Ma Su and Kong Linghui have been talking for 11 years.

The two of them have experienced a lot of setbacks from the outside world, although due to the special nature of their work, they get together less and leave more, but they are still very happy every time they meet.

When he was photographed by the media in public, Ma Su was smiling and happy every time.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

Before Ma Su was hospitalized because of a work injury, Kong Linghui also ran to the hospital to take care of him non-stop.

No matter what difficulties he encounters in life, Kong Linghui has always been by Ma Su's side and never abandoned.

Even in an interview, he made bold statements: "I will marry you when I retire." ”

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

But no matter how deep the feelings are, they can't withstand time in the end.

After Kong Linghui retired, he did not fulfill his promise.

Although the two are more compatible in all aspects, after a long run-in, stumbling is inevitable.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

Soon, the two began to have an argument and did not see each other for a long time, resulting in their inability to communicate in time.

In the end, both parties were physically and mentally exhausted, and they had no choice but to end the relationship.

In fact, the early interaction between the two has already revealed some clues, Kong Linghui is a traditional machismo.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

He once revealed in an interview that he hopes his other half is virtuous, and it is clear that Ma Su is not the virtuous and quiet type.

Ma Su has a big personality, he has been working outside for many years, and the nature of the actor's work is relatively special, and in the long run, the conflict between the two people is indispensable.

It wasn't until 2013 that Ma Su suddenly announced his single status in front of reporters.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

Later, after breaking up with Ma Su, Kong Linghui was deeply involved in the gambling turmoil.

Although he tried his best to clarify that he did not take out a loan, the doubts of netizens were overwhelming.

At this time, it was Ma Su who came forward to support Kong Linghui regardless of his previous suspicions.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

In the end, the two got through this difficulty together, but this time as friends.

Dramatically, just after helping Kong Linghui here, and going to help Li Xiaolu non-stop there, many netizens ridiculed: "Ma Su is really a busy man." ”

I don't know people clearly, and I lose my popularity

At the beginning, as a good friend of Li Xiaolu, I didn't know whether to listen to Li Xiaolu's words, or to know the whole picture, but in order to protect his friends with righteousness, he still chose to lie.

All in all, Ma Su helped Li Xiaolu commit perjury, but she didn't expect that she had just supported Li Xiaolu here, and Li Xiaolu had already revealed that she was ambiguous with PGone, and Ma Su was directly slapped in the face.

What she said before: "Wan Wan is just our younger brother, responsible for taking pictures of us and carrying bags." "Everything was overturned.
Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

After the true relationship between Li Xiaolu and PGone was exposed, Ma Su was directly labeled as a liar, and he could never take it off again.

Although she quickly apologized to the public, re-mentioned the incident on the show, and tried to explain it to everyone.

But no one still buys it, and even when I watch her TV series again, I feel that she is not as beautiful as before, and her face seems to have changed.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

Afterwards, Ma Su also felt remorseful, maybe she was just a white lie at the time, or just out of blind trust in Li Xiaolu.

All in all, because of this incident, the audience's favorability towards her plummeted.

You must know that once you lose the audience, it will have a direct negative impact on the actor's career.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

Later, Ma Su also seemed to look down on it, or got used to it, and began to focus on life, Buddhist acting.

Later, when netizens saw her again, the whole person had become very low-key, and if she didn't look carefully, I was afraid that she would think she was a passerby.

Despite this, compared with the lives of many ordinary people, Ma Su's life is already very ideal.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

Having time for your family and not having any financial burden and more time to do the things you love.

As the saying goes, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, whether it is a blessing or a curse, and a curse cannot be avoided.

Perhaps the turmoil experienced by Li Xiaolu this time is also a good thing for Ma Su.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

After experiencing these things, her mentality has changed a lot, and she has become Buddhist and indifferent.

And when I broke up with Kong Linghui, although many people felt very sorry, but now when they see Ma Su's state, they sigh again: "It's all good, and it's good now." ”


As for the matter of Li Xiaolu, Ma Su and PGone, it is really difficult to evaluate.

It can only be said that emotional matters are free, and outsiders have no way to judge right and wrong, wrong and right.

They can be condemned morally, but they cannot be punished legally.

Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

What's more, the party Jia Nailiang has now started a new life, so netizens don't have to pay attention to their old past, and they don't have to hold on to Ma Su's faults.

As an actor, you still have to focus on your work and separate your private life from your career, so that you can go further on this road.

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Seeing Ma Su's current state, netizens sighed: "It was right to break up with Kong Linghui at the beginning"

Information sources:

Sohu Entertainment "After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current situation of Ma Su, I can't help but sigh at the wisdom of Kong Linghui's decision-making back then"

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