
3 heroes who don't rely on returning to the city! After 3,000 games of play, she didn't know what it was to go back to the city

author:Ling dared to dare

In the vast battlefield of Honor of Kings, many heroes play different roles, and their fighting styles, skill characteristics, and strategic positioning are all unique. However, among these many heroes, there are three heroes whose unique fighting style and strong survivability make them "return to the city almost 0" in the game. They are Athena, Mi Yue and Cao Cao, three warriors with their own characteristics, who have almost become "immortal" legends on the battlefield.

3 heroes who don't rely on returning to the city! After 3,000 games of play, she didn't know what it was to go back to the city

First, let's take a look at Athena. Athena, as the goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology, also showed her strong combat power and survivability in the game. Her skill set allows her to consistently output on the battlefield while maintaining a high level of survivability. Athena's passive ability, Divine Body, allows her to transform into a true god form after death, continue the fight, and provide vision to her teammates for a certain amount of time. This allows Athena to continue to contribute to the team during teamfights without having to return to the city as often. At the same time, her other skills are also designed around survival and output, making her a true "undead god of war".

3 heroes who don't rely on returning to the city! After 3,000 games of play, she didn't know what it was to go back to the city

Next is Miyue. As a spell tank-type hero, Miyue's survivability is also remarkable. Miyue's skill set allows her to constantly suck blood on the battlefield and maintain her HP. Her passive ability, Eternal Blood, allows her to drain the health of enemies when she casts it, while also increasing her spell attack and movement speed. This makes Miyue hardly need to return to the city during the battle, and only needs to maintain her state through constant fighting and bloodsucking. In addition, Miyue's ultimate move "Shadow Moon" can also provide her with strong protection at critical moments, making her more comfortable in team battles.

3 heroes who don't rely on returning to the city! After 3,000 games of play, she didn't know what it was to go back to the city

Finally, let's take a look at Cao Cao. As a warrior-type hero, Cao Cao's survivability should not be underestimated. Cao Cao's skill set allows him to quickly navigate the battlefield and dodge enemy attacks. His passive ability, Overbearing Blade, allows his normal attacks to deal extra damage and restore health to himself. This allowed Cao Cao to continue to output in battle while maintaining his own HP. In addition, Cao Cao's ultimate, "The World Returns to the Heart", can also provide powerful buffs to teammates at critical moments, allowing the entire team to exert stronger strength in battle.

3 heroes who don't rely on returning to the city! After 3,000 games of play, she didn't know what it was to go back to the city

These three heroes barely need to return to the city on the battlefield, and they are the best on the battlefield thanks to their unique skill sets and strong survivability. However, this does not mean that they can take risks at will and ignore enemy attacks. In battle, they also need to be cautious and use their skills and resources wisely to get the most out of them.

For players, choosing any of these three heroes requires mastering their skill characteristics and fighting styles in order to better play to their strengths on the battlefield. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the cooperation of the team and the use of strategy in order to achieve the ultimate victory.