
The king takes a look at the unforgettable original painting of the skin, and A Midsummer Night's Dream is on the list

author:Ling dared to dare

In the vast universe of Honor of Kings, the original skin painting has always attracted the attention of players as a direct display of the game's character image. Today, we will explore the original paintings of the 4 skins that are praised by the majority of players as "the top of the king", and feel the unique charm they exude.

First of all, we have to mention Li Bai's "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" skin. The original design of this skin shows Li Bai's elegant and uninhibited image vividly. In the picture, Li Bai is dressed in a gorgeous phoenix feather coat, holding a long sword, and the tip of the sword is pointing directly at the sky, as if he wants to compete with heaven and earth. The phoenix's wings slowly spread behind him, blooming with brilliant light, giving people a sense of otherworldliness. The whole picture is brightly colored and the lines are smooth, which perfectly integrates Li Bai's temperament as a "poetic immortal" with the might of a "sword immortal", which is breathtaking.

The king takes a look at the unforgettable original painting of the skin, and A Midsummer Night's Dream is on the list

Next, let's take a look at Diao's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" skin. The original art design of this skin is full of fantastic colors. In the picture, Diao Chan is dressed in a light gauze skirt, with a graceful posture, like a fairy descending into the world. Her eyes are deep, as if she can see everything in the world. Her fingers gently plucked the strings, and the beautiful music reverberated through the air, creating a romantic and mysterious atmosphere. The whole picture uses rich colors and delicate brushstrokes to show the softness and mystery of the sable cicada vividly, making people feel as if they are in a dreamy midsummer night.

The king takes a look at the unforgettable original painting of the skin, and A Midsummer Night's Dream is on the list

Let's talk about Sun Wukong's "Holographic Shatter" skin. The original art design of this skin combines modern technology with mythological elements to show a unique charm. In the picture, Sun Wukong is dressed in a futuristic battle armor, holding high-tech weapons, and his eyes are resolute, as if he wants to conquer all difficulties. Behind him is a shattered virtual world, where light and shadow are intertwined, making people feel a strong visual impact. The whole picture is full of a sense of science and technology and a sense of the future, showing the heroism and wisdom of Sun Wukong as a "fighting Buddha" to the fullest, which is shocking.

The king takes a look at the unforgettable original painting of the skin, and A Midsummer Night's Dream is on the list

These 3 original skin paintings are undoubtedly the top in Honor of Kings, they not only show the unique charm of the game characters, but also elevate the player's aesthetic experience to a new level. In the future, we look forward to the birth of more excellent skin original paintings, adding more color and vitality to the wonderful world of Honor of Kings.