
"The Master of the Nine Spiritual Gates" Chapter 362


"The Master of the Nine Spiritual Gates" Chapter 362

Hu Li told the story of the incident.

That day, Hu Li came out of the department store and met a young man in his thirties, and he was shocked when he saw Hu Li. stepped forward to talk to Hu Li and wanted to be friends with Hu Li.

Although Hu Li is beautiful, she is also a proud girl, although this young man is tall and handsome, he is also disdainful in Hu Li's eyes. To the young man's accosting, Hu Li said: "Stay away from me, this girl doesn't want to have a relationship with you." ”

The young man hesitated for a moment, and stopped.

After Hu Li left, she didn't notice that someone was following. Although she is already a master of the divine realm, she is a master in front of ordinary people, and a weak chicken in front of martial arts people.

This young man's name is Zhang Xin, his father's position is not high, the oil and water are not small, the family wealth is thousands, and he can't eat or use it up. This Zhang Xin couldn't study, so his father Zhang Xinhua sent him to a martial arts sect to practice in the Flower Shifting Palace.

This Flower Palace is located in the Embroidered Jade Valley with a pleasant climate and four seasons like spring, the valley is dotted with mountains, rivers and lakes, and a hundred flowers bloom all year round, which is a good place for people who practice martial arts to dream of. The conditions for recruiting disciples in the Shifting Flower Palace are extremely harsh, and the palace rules are very strict, and it is rumored that the mysterious palace ship used to pick up and drop off the people will occasionally stay at the dock on the outskirts of Rongcheng, but many martial arts people have explored it several times, but they can't find the slightest trace.

The people of the Flower Shifting Palace are all elegant and vulgar, cold and arrogant, and they often wear plain gauze palace clothes when they walk the rivers and lakes, but there is a little bit of ordinary people's vitality and feelings in the beauty and intelligence.

It is said that the "Pure Hands Immortal" Xichi and the "Cloudless" Yang Peifeng were once a couple that everyone in the martial arts envied. Yang Peifeng attached great importance to love and righteousness, stuck a knife in his brother's ribs, sacrificed his life to rescue in order to repay his kindness, and rushed to Yanmen Pass several times to protect the people who suffered from the Tatars...... Xi Chi respects him as a person. did not hesitate to abandon Qing Xiu and follow him to do chivalrous righteousness.

However, as Yang Peifeng's chivalrous fame spreads more and more far in the rivers and lakes, his heart has gradually been entangled in these disputes in the rivers and lakes. The woman who occupied the deepest part of her heart in the past has unconsciously drifted away like a paper kite that has let go of her hand.

Xi Chi, who was frustrated in love, lived in seclusion in Xiuyu Valley and concentrated on cultivation and created the Shifting Flower Palace.

One day, Zhang Xinhua saved an old man, and later the old man's daughter found Zhang Xinhua and said that she could promise Zhang Xinhua to send a child to teach martial arts.

Zhang Xinhua was worried about his son's lack of learning and skills, thinking that his culture was not high, but he graduated from a secondary school, and his son was afraid that he would not even be able to pass the secondary school exam, so he decided to send his son Zhang Xin to practice martial arts.

This Zhang Xin likes to fight and kill since he was a child, and he wants to learn martial arts after watching the Shaolin Temple movie. How can it be so easy to learn martial arts in the ordinary world? He also secretly went to Shaolin Temple to see the asceticism of those monks, especially being a monk, he was not interested, and people would not accept people like him. The martial arts schools outside the temple are all embroidered legs. When he was thinking hard, his father asked him to learn martial arts, and of course he was happy.

Twelve-year-old Zhang Xin was extradited to the Shifting Flower Palace to practice martial arts.

The martial arts of the Shifting Flower Palace is naturally different, because the Shifting Flower Palace was created by Xi Chi, and the kung fu is biased towards light skills, hidden weapons and poison making.

Don't look at Zhang Xin's reading, learning martial arts is like a fish in water. Soon he cultivated to the realm of transformation. At this time, the young man who was already eighteen years old had already begun to fall in love and had the surge of youth.

The Flower Shifting Palace is basically dominated by women. The nuns in the palace are all outstanding. Zhang Xin fell in love with his senior sister who was two years older than him.

The two young people had the surge of puberty, so they naturally stole the forbidden fruit. After tasting the sweetness of lust, Zhang Xin stretched out his magic hand to his junior sister again. Later, he was discovered by the palace master, and he cleared Zhang Xin from the Shifting Flower Palace.

Zhang Xin left the Shifting Flower Palace, but he didn't know the location of the Shifting Flower Palace. Although the Shifting Flower Palace is one of the sixteen major sects in the martial arts, it is also a mysterious sect, and the martial arts people can't find their station Xiuyu Valley at all.

Even if Zhang Xin was kicked out of the Shifting Flower Palace, he only knew that he was by a small river in Rongcheng, and he couldn't figure out where the Shifting Flower Palace was.

Back at home, the Zhang family, the Yang family is a billionaire. Don't look at Zhang Xinhua's official position, he has reaped a lot of benefits over the years. built the Zhang family compound on the outskirts of Yangcheng, Zhang Xin no matter what he said, he can be regarded as returning from his studies, and it is also a great thing to have the realm of martial arts in society.

The idle Zhang Xin is now not only wealthy, but also a billionaire family, who has both martial arts and handsomeness, and is also a local underworld brother.

I used to have an affair with my sister and sister, and I know the taste of marrow, and there are many women around me. However, after seeing Hu Li, I can't forget it.

Although Hu Li also has martial arts, after all, these martial arts methods came from the military and were taught by the King of South China, but they are just ordinary martial arts methods, which are incomparable to those martial arts sects that have been inherited for thousands of years. When she returned home, she didn't notice that someone was following her.

Zhang Xin saw that the Hu family was not an ordinary family, and there were guards in front of the door, so he didn't dare to rush in, write down the house number, and often monitor the store in front of the door.

That day, he saw Hu Li walking out of his home and immediately followed. When he saw Hu Li coming out of a shop, he immediately stepped forward to talk: "Beauty, my name is Zhang Xin, I am from the Zhang family's compound, I invite you to have a cup of tea." ”

In Yangcheng, when it comes to the Zhang family compound, it is a well-known rich and noble family. Generally, girls can't touch the threshold if they want to catch up with the Zhang family. For a girl like Hu Li, disdain these vulgar words. Rolling his eyes at Zhang Xin, he ignored Zhang Xin and just went his own way.

Zhang Xin followed to a remote place and said to Hu Li: "Stop! If you don't give me face, don't blame me for being rude. ”

Although Hu Li saw that Zhang Xin was tall and big, thinking that he was in the realm of the gods, three or five men like this would also clean up. So still smiling disdainfully, still walking on their own.

Zhang Xin saw that Hu Li didn't pay attention to himself at all, and he was also angry in his heart, and he didn't pretend to be Sven anymore, and rushed to Hu Li with an arrow: "Don't toast and don't eat!" Go with Lao Tzu honestly, otherwise don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite. ”

As soon as Hu Li saw that Zhang Xin was blocking in front of her, she no longer pretended to be Sven, so she waved her hand and punched out.

I didn't hear the miserable howl, and the fist I swung out was actually grabbed in my hand. Hu Li was startled, and was about to withdraw her fist, only to hear Zhang Xin say: "You still play these flower fists and embroidered legs for me." Although the kung fu is almost there, I like to have kung fu. Ha ha...... ”

Hu Li was angry and angry, usually four or five ordinary words are not his opponents, but now the fist he hit was actually held in his hand and teased, Hu Li broke free a few times and couldn't break free, and her face was flushed.

Zhang Xin laughed, clicked Hu Li's dumb way, called a taxi, pushed her to the back seat, and when Zhang Xin got into the car, Hu Li pressed the emergency call button on the mobile phone, and a distress message was sent.

Hu Li's divine realm skills are already very good in society. It's a pity that when I met Zhang Xin today, he turned out to be a realm transformation skill. One realm and one heaven, how can Hu Li be the opponent of these?

This girl has had a soft spot for Zhao Liang since she met Zhao Liang that time. In the emergency call column, Zhao Liang's number was added.

Although the signal was sent, Hu Li had no bottom in her heart. Huaxia is so big, where is Zhao Liang now? Even if he is willing to read the information, will he come to save himself, can he save himself? Ay! I can only resign myself to fate.

Zhang Xin just got Hu Li back to his villa, and his fox friends asked him to go to the "Flower World" to eat and drink, saying that a group of Russian girls had just come, so he clicked on Hu Li's acupoint, threw it on the bed, and went out.