


I don't know if you have such doubts, in the official introduction of some computer products or e-commerce details pages, you can often see the data transfer speed of SSD solid state drive as high as 3500MB/s, or even 7000MB/s, but when you buy a PC at home, you find that the actual data transfer speed is not so fast.


Similarly, some consumers who are ready to upgrade their computers to SSDs, or who have purchased portable SSDs, may also encounter a similar situation, obviously advertising that the transfer speed is as high as thousands of MB/s, but the actual is only 40MB/s, which is slow to make people doubt their lives, and even question whether they have bought a fake?


Please note, don't report, don't complain, the product is fine, but the use method is wrong!·This speed, not the other speed (the solid state drive in the computer) In fact, such a problem occurs, not the problem of the SSD solid state drive, but everyone's misunderstanding of the transfer speed like 3500MB/s and 7000MB/s, they represent the continuous write speed, strictly speaking, it is the "sequential read and write" speed, and there are certain preconditions for achieving it.


↑ Measured write speed of up to 4524.16

Sequential read/write refers to the speed at which the file is read and written from beginning to end according to the physical location of the file on the storage medium, and sequential read/write usually shows better performance when processing large files, because it can perform continuous reads and writes at the optimal speed, reducing read/write time and improving the continuity of data processing.


↑ The actual transferred data drops to 2.72MB/s

So if you are transferring large files, you can achieve a faster speed, but if you are transferring a batch of photos, or even a batch of files that are only tens or hundreds of KB, then the write speed will definitely be greatly reduced, because it involves more addressing and waiting time, generally we call it "random read and write", and the random read and write speed is usually much lower than the sequential read and write speed. Therefore, even if the sequential read and write speed of the SSD you buy is as high as thousands of MB/s, the actual speed may only be tens of MB/s or even lower when performing random read and write operations on small files. It is also important to choose the right interface (portable SSD) Data transmission often needs to rely on USB type-A and USB type-C (Thunderbolt) interfaces, which also have different versions and transfer speeds. For example, the USB type-A interface is the most commonly used USB interface, such as USB flash drive, mouse, keyboard, mobile hard disk, etc., which can be used for data interaction. But even if they are all USB type-A, they may have different standard specifications and transfer speeds, such as USB 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and other specifications, which also include Gen1 or Gen2 classifications, each standard has a different transfer speed, the lowest USB 1.0 is only 1.5Mbps, and the fastest USB 3.2 Gen2 is increased to 10Gbps.


In recent years, USB type-A is gradually being replaced by a smaller USB type-C interface, just like USB type-A, although the shape may be USB type-C style, but the standard specifications may be very different, it may be USB 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4 and other specifications, and it may be a Thunderbolt interface, or even an Apple port, and the Thunderbolt interface also has multiple specifications, and the transmission speed is also quite different.


Explaining so much, I want to tell you that if you choose the wrong interface, subject to the upper limit of the standard transfer speed, your portable SSD will not be able to achieve higher speeds, it needs to be bi-directionally compatible, and the final speed depends on the lower limit, a bit like the barrel effect, how much water a barrel holds depends on the shortest board. If you choose the wrong interface, the actual transfer speed may be as low as 40MB/s. Summary: In fact, in addition to choosing the right interface, it is also important to choose the right data cable. As mentioned above, the USB type-C interface, it also has a lot of data cable standards, and the transmission speed is not the same, for the sake of insurance, it is recommended that you use the original cable that came with the package.


In addition, there are other factors that affect the transfer speed of the SSD, such as temperature, when transferring a large number of files, it is easy to generate a large amount of heat, and then the speed may be reduced, and the normal temperature will be restored to high-speed transfer.


