
Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!


I believe that those who have some knowledge know that there is a law in the generation, development and eventual annihilation of every thing. Just like the formula of mathematics, the principle of 1+2=3 does not change even when applied to the most complex formulas. Why? That's because most of us have lived by rules designed by others throughout our lives. If I have to describe it with one reason, it is the principle of pig raising.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

With the continuous development and change of society, from the birth of pigs to the final slaughter process, in fact, this principle has never changed. Even though the pigs are now fed better, the calories are higher, and the slaughter cycle is shorter, they still have not escaped the fate of being slaughtered. For pigs, with the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the living environment of pigs has become better, and even if they are sick, there is more powerful medicine to protect them, so the average life expectancy of pigs has increased. And the food, the performance is the same, now not only the food has become better, but also there are some synthetic drinks, not only grow faster, but also taste better, pigs love to eat more, but also to ensure the proportion of lean meat. But as I believe everyone knows, almost no pig can escape the fate of being slaughtered, and no matter how good the external conditions are, it is just to make the pig breeder get better profits.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

Giving up thinking and giving up reflection is actually the biggest rule of some of the current societies. In the beautiful stories carefully woven by some capitalists, many poor people at the bottom have been in a state of confusion all their lives. They are satisfied with the food and clothing of three meals a day, the sensory stimulation brought by various entertainment programs, and the halo set for them by some people: great farmers, hard-working sanitation workers, workers who stick to the front line, workers who do not care about returns, and so on. As everyone knows, in a damp wooden hut with dim lighting, a butcher with a mouth full of stubble is sharpening his big knife.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

In addition, we can also see some people at the bottom fighting with each other, such as two beggars fighting for territory; Two poor people are jocturing for priority in the queue; Two college students who have just graduated and have no background are intriguing with each other in a company, just so that they can get better treatment. In fact, for some capitalists, their greatest wealth is not the single-family villa with its own garden and swimming pool worth hundreds of millions, not a luxury car like a Maybach Rolls-Royce, not to mention the countless properties in the bank account, nor antiques, calligraphy and paintings and jewelry. In fact, their biggest asset, you may not believe it when you say it, is the poor, some of the poor who live at the bottom.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

As long as there are poor people, they can obtain endless wealth through the rules they set. We all know that there are only two ways in which wealth can be generated; One is wealth creation; The other is to transfer wealth. As far as the poor are concerned, they are in fact the wealth production machines of the rich, and as long as the poor are always there, and are satisfied with the rules set by the capitalists, and can get a little resources to survive from them, then all the poor will do their best to work. For the capitalists, it is necessary to make the poor feel hungry all the time, so that the poor can work harder and be more motivated to create wealth.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

Not only that, but they are afraid of the poor thinking, so they will weave some stories and numb some people's minds with entertainment. For example, we have some TV and movie plots, what is the overbearing president and the poor girl, what is the million-dollar prize, short videos and games, etc. Through this nipple fun way, it stifles the thinking ability of the people at the bottom, wears out their self-motivation, and keeps them in the established rules, and they can never break free from their own shackles and work obediently for themselves all their lives.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

We can often see a large number of consumption concepts from various occasions and various entertainment programs, and it seems that all these consumption concepts are trying to warn us that we must strive to achieve that kind of life in the end. Because of this, even some poor people do not hesitate to overdraft their decades of work and future for the sake of such a consumption concept, and consume some things that they simply do not need in advance. Let's say the "Kidney Six" of the year, isn't it actually a mobile phone? However, under the manipulation of some capital, some young people did not hesitate to sell their kidneys in order to use this mobile phone. This kind of mental control allows them to benefit again and again.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

Another example is the so-called "diamond scam of the century", what diamonds are eternal, and one will be passed down forever. We can find from real life that no matter how high-end diamonds are, it is impossible to keep your love, let alone give you a happy marriage. In addition to these, all that remains is the capitalists who make a lot of money. For many people at the bottom, many people's desire for wealth is extremely crazy, but if we look at those rich people, who cares about this wealth? Many of them usually maintain the most simple way of life, because they know that some useless ideas of enjoyment will greatly erode people's normal rational concepts. The reason why they need to buy luxury cars and mansions is actually just to show their identity, which can show some poor people: only hard work can lead to a good life.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

But they will never tell you that it is impossible to obtain wealth through normal means, they will not tell you how strong their background is, and they will not foolishly borrow money to buy this and that, buy some useless things, and they will be overwhelmed by debt for the rest of their lives. There is a very interesting word called "Chosen Cow and Horse". What does that mean? That is to say, these people will not only not think, but will be satisfied with the established rules, and will desperately defend these rules, and if you dare to say that these rules are wrong, then they will fight with you.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

Therefore, if a person wants to get out of the bottom, you must learn to reflect on morality and dare to break through the bottom line of thinking. If you can understand the thinking of the rich, then you are not far from success. There is a passage that you may not like to hear, but it is true. In the eyes of the poor, self-esteem, fairness, and morality are the bottom line, which cannot be violated by anyone; But in the eyes of the rich, there is only one thing, and that is profit. Let's take an example, in a rural village, two peasants had a conflict after drinking, and each was injured in a fight. In the end, I gave them an idea, one with a minor injury would pay 2,000 yuan to the other with a serious injury, and the matter would be over.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

But neither of them was willing, and the one who was lightly injured said, we are all injured, why should I pay him? The seriously injured man said that he paid me 2,000 yuan not enough for medical expenses. In such a situation, the only way to deal with it was to report to the police, and as a result, both parties were detained because they had minor injuries. At this time, the family panicked and began to look for people everywhere to help, trust relationships, and find a way. In the end, I helped them calculate, in this small contradiction, including various expenses such as inviting people to dinner and giving gifts, each family spent about 200,000 yuan or more, and both parties were sentenced, one was sentenced to one year, and the other was sentenced to one and a half years. Is that what they want? It wasn't until I met these two men again that they came to their senses and regretted that they hadn't listened to me.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

Of course, I am not saying that the law is bad, but in such a situation, the problems that can be solved by themselves have to be solved by using national resources, and who will bear the losses caused by this, and only these two people must bear them. And many people are also more willing to see this result, such as some lawyers, who live on this. Therefore, in many things, before we make a decision, we must consider the consequences, face and dignity are not superficial, but more to see whether the final result is favorable, but also to understand what we want to achieve in the end, in order to truly get rid of the poor thinking.

Why do people live at the bottom of society all their lives? That's because you didn't understand the rules!

It can be said that once a person is faced with some things, he can get rid of the inherent thinking, look at the problem from the root, and look at the problem from the perspective of the ultimate benefit and loss, maybe you are not far from the day of development. But there will also be a sequelae, maybe in this way, when you are separated from the poor, you are getting farther and farther away from the real "people".


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