
Qi and blood are the best medicine for tinnitus! This Chinese patent medicine strengthens the spleen, strengthens the kidneys and soothes the liver, and replenishes the qi and blood to the roots

author:Gu Chunqing, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

Hello everyone, I'm Gu Chunqing.

To say that most of us Chinese are quiet, this is determined by our subtle and restrained national character.

However, when we live to a certain age, the word pure seems to have become a luxury.

As we age, the functions of various organs in the body begin to gradually deteriorate, including the ears.

Later, I slowly got behind my ears, and I needed someone to come close to my ear and speak loudly. Eventually, hearing gets worse and worse, which can lead to deafness. From tinnitus to the back of the ear to deafness, it is a gradual process.

At the same time, it is usually accompanied by symptoms such as memory loss, blurred vision, soreness in the waist and knees, loss of libido, and sperm loss, which are all reminding us that the spleen and kidney are deficient!

Today, I will share with you a "quiet ear" prescription for kidney deficiency and tinnitus - Zuoci Pill for Deafness.

Although there is only deafness in the name, in fact, dizziness, tinnitus and deafness, this Chinese patent medicine can deal with it perfectly!

Qi and blood are the best medicine for tinnitus! This Chinese patent medicine strengthens the spleen, strengthens the kidneys and soothes the liver, and replenishes the qi and blood to the roots

My outpatient case

There was a Ms. Chen in the outpatient clinic before, who was in her 60s, and suddenly started tinnitus in both ears a year ago, like two cicadas in her ears.

I didn't take it seriously at the time, I just thought I was tired. Unexpectedly, the symptoms became more and more severe, and it developed into persistent tinnitus, which disturbed Ms. Chen's insomnia all night.

Immediate diagnosis: persistent tinnitus in both ears, like the chirping of cicadas, at the same time. The tip of the tongue is red, and the moss is thin and white.

Qi and blood are the best medicine for tinnitus! This Chinese patent medicine strengthens the spleen, strengthens the kidneys and soothes the liver, and replenishes the qi and blood to the roots

Typical kidney yin deficiency, prescribe deaf Zuoci pills plus or minus (shengdi, yam, mountain firewood, poria cocos, astragalus, kudzu, oyster, magnet, grain malt, tangerine peel, Yizhiren, etc.)

In the second diagnosis, Ms. Chen's tinnitus symptoms were reduced, with intermittent attacks, and the remaining symptoms were slightly relieved.

Inform them that their kidneys are deficient and that they may take medicine for a longer time. Ms. Chen said that as long as she can make herself comfortable, it doesn't matter how long she can take it.

After nearly 2 months of conditioning, Ms. Chen's persistence was not in vain, and the symptoms were all subsided, not only the tinnitus was cured, the insomnia disappeared, and the menstruation also returned to normal.

Qi and blood are the best medicine for tinnitus! This Chinese patent medicine strengthens the spleen, strengthens the kidneys and soothes the liver, and replenishes the qi and blood to the roots

Deaf Zuo Ci Pill

From Ms. Chen's symptoms such as soreness in her waist and knees, dry mouth, etc., it can be clearly seen that she is suffering from kidney yin deficiency; If the kidney yin is deficient and the liver yang is hyperactive, the ears will ring, the waist will be denourished, and the waist and knees will be sore; If the yin fluid is insufficient and the mouth is not well nourished, the mouth will be dry; If the temper is insufficient, it is difficult to rise to the clear yang, and the body is sleepy and weak.

In terms of treatment, it is natural to nourish yin and latent yang, strengthen the spleen and kidneys.

Tinnitus Zuoci Pill, in fact, is based on the Liuwei Dihuang Pill, adding magnets, bamboo leaves and Bupleurum to nourish yin and kidneys, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and at the same time, it can also calm the nerves, soothe the liver and relieve depression.

If our kidneys are a reservoir, kidney essence is the water in the reservoir. When the kidneys are insufficient, the water level of the reservoir drops.

At this time, the deaf Zuoci Pill is equivalent to a continuous stream of clear water, which can not only replenish the water in the reservoir, but also purify the polluted reservoir. The kidneys open up to the ears, so that once the deafness and tinnitus are cleared, the deafness and tinnitus will naturally disappear.

Qi and blood are the best medicine for tinnitus! This Chinese patent medicine strengthens the spleen, strengthens the kidneys and soothes the liver, and replenishes the qi and blood to the roots

(This article is for study and reference purposes only.) Non-professional readers should learn from and apply the prescriptions mentioned in this article under the guidance of TCM physicians, and should not try them blindly. )
