
Warcraft WLK nostalgic service is now a god-level BUG, making hundreds of thousands of G coins a day, and GM is urgent!

author:Game Farm Worker

Who would have thought that when everyone was queuing up on the new server, there were already people who made hundreds of thousands of G coins a day by using the bug of the new server, of course, this hundreds of thousands is a bit exaggerated, because this hundreds of thousands is almost a theoretical value, and it is difficult for the new server to get so many G coins, but when players found this BUG and someone experimented with this BUG and obtained G coins, the official took urgent action to block the BUG, and of course, some accounts were blocked.

Warcraft WLK nostalgic service is now a god-level BUG, making hundreds of thousands of G coins a day, and GM is urgent!

I believe many players know that there is actually a mechanism called the heirloom mechanism in the World of Warcraft WLK nostalgia suit, the existence of this mechanism itself is to allow players to better practice the trumpet, and help the trumpet grow up quickly through the large number, so players send some items to their trumpet by mail, of course, this trumpet refers to other server accounts under the same account, and there will be no problem with mailing no matter before.

After all, no player will buy an heirloom on server A and then mail it to server B for sale, even if it can be sold, then it will lose a lot of G coins, so no player will do this. Of course, the premise of this is that the price of each server is the same, and under normal circumstances, the price of each server will be the same, after all, it is a version, even if it is different, the price deviation of G coins between each server will not be too large, but now there is a huge deviation in the national server.

The reason for the deviation is that two new servers have been opened in the World of Warcraft WLK nostalgic service, and the biggest challenge for players when the new server is opened is how to quickly obtain G coins, so the price of G coins in the new server has been relatively low for a long time, from the current third-party trading platform, the price of G coins has dropped from 1 yuan and 1G coins at the beginning to 1 yuan 2-3 G coins now, and the old server is about 1 yuan is equal to 100 G coins, and the difference in the middle is about 30 times.

Warcraft WLK nostalgic service is now a god-level BUG, making hundreds of thousands of G coins a day, and GM is urgent!

So players thought of a way is to buy heirlooms at a price of about 150G coins in the old server, and then send them to the new server, and then sell the NPC store at a price of 37G, no one may have thought that someone would sell to G coins at a loss, but the 37G coins of the new server can still be sold for 10 yuan, and the price of 150 G coins in the old server is only about 1-2 yuan, which is close to 4 times the profit, so a large number of players use this bug to pick up World of Warcraft wool.

Warcraft WLK nostalgic service is now a god-level BUG, making hundreds of thousands of G coins a day, and GM is urgent!

However, for this mechanism, World of Warcraft has been repaired urgently, and the rule after the repair is that all the items mailed between accounts are modified to be unsellable, so players can only use it when they mail heirlooms again, but they can't sell it, so the official directly blocked the use of this method to make money or transfer G coins. However, one thing that farmers are more curious about is whether the previously transferred G coins will be recovered, and whether the players who participated in the transfer will be banned.

Secondly, World of Warcraft also announced the repair of another bug and also banned the use of this bug, according to the official description, some players have used the bug of the Northrend Tundra to brush G coins, and this bug has been fixed, and the players who brush G coins have been banned, but the agricultural workers still don't understand how to use this bug until now, how to use the G coins, can someone who understands tell the agricultural workers?

Warcraft WLK nostalgic service is now a god-level BUG, making hundreds of thousands of G coins a day, and GM is urgent!

At present, the only problem with the World of Warcraft WLK nostalgic service national server is that there are too many people queuing up for the new server, and many players choose to go to the old server to play the game because the new server is queuing for too long, but the only disadvantage of the old server is that there are fewer people, and players may need to complete it alone on the way to upgrade, and the overall difficulty will be greater, and there are few players, and most players are still veterans, even if the old server is satisfied, it is difficult to form a team to play a group, but the new server is difficult to queue up to enter the game, So it's hard for new players to solve this problem.