
The boy was beaten by the martial arts instructor to be mentally abnormal, and wrote words that were incomprehensible, and his father was heartbroken

author:Social attention 007

In the heart of every parent, children are the pearl of the palm, carrying endless expectations. They do not hesitate to give everything just for their children to have a bright future.

A father in Anhui sent his 14-year-old son to the Tagou Martial Arts School in Dengfeng, Henan Province, with the same heart, expecting him to thrive here, acquire a skill, and achieve great things.

In less than a month, when the father saw his child again, he saw the coach pressing his son to the ground and beating and abusing him, and his son's originally bright eyes became dull and dull, and he seemed to have a mental problem.

The boy was beaten by the martial arts instructor to be mentally abnormal, and wrote words that were incomprehensible, and his father was heartbroken

The father was shocked to find that the child's body was covered with scars, and the old and new injuries on the thighs and buttocks were superimposed, which was shocking. There are also visible scars on his cheeks, which appear to have been caused by being slapped.

The father said that he had taken the initiative to call the school teacher to inquire about the child's physical condition, but the reply was "everything is fine". However, this so-called "well-being" is only a false consolation that the child is still alive.

When parents take their child to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor diagnoses the child as having a mental disorder. What broke the father's heart even more was that the child no longer knew his father in the hospital bed, only remembered his own name, and wrote an incomprehensible sentence: "People outside seem to be hinting to me that I should go and reincarnate!" ”

The boy was beaten by the martial arts instructor to be mentally abnormal, and wrote words that were incomprehensible, and his father was heartbroken

Look at the child's scarred body, like a flower that has been destroyed by a storm, withered and broken. The slap mark on his cheek stung the father's eyes even more, as if telling the endless humiliation suffered by the child.

Are those so-called coaches mentors who educate people, or demons who destroy flowers? How could they be so cruel to a child? No matter how much a child has made a mistake, he or she should not be subjected to such inhuman treatment. This is not education, this is naked abuse!

The boy was beaten by the martial arts instructor to be mentally abnormal, and wrote words that were incomprehensible, and his father was heartbroken

According to the source, the school is a well-known local martial arts school, and this feeling should be carrying the heavy responsibility of cultivating excellent martial arts talents, but such a heinous abuse occurred. This not only destroys the child's body and mind, but also betrays the parents' fear of trust in the school and coaches.

The case of Qiqi, an 8-year-old boy in Qingdao, who was beaten to death by his coach, is still fresh in my mind, and now there is such a tragedy. Are we going to let this continue to happen? Those who commit violence under the banner of education must be severely punished by the law, and justice will be given to the children and a clear society!

The boy was beaten by the martial arts instructor to be mentally abnormal, and wrote words that were incomprehensible, and his father was heartbroken

In response to this incident, we can't help but ask: why would these coaches be so cruel to a 14-year-old child? Do they have the educational qualifications and work ethic they need? Is the school doing its due diligence? The answers to these questions may require an in-depth investigation by the police and relevant authorities to uncover.

The boy was beaten by the martial arts instructor to be mentally abnormal, and wrote words that were incomprehensible, and his father was heartbroken

When choosing a school, parents should not only pay attention to the reputation of the school and the quality of teaching, but also pay attention to the school's teacher ethics and students' physical and mental health. Only schools that truly care about and respect students can cultivate healthy and excellent talents.

We hope that this incident will arouse more people's attention and reflection, so that similar tragedies will not happen again. At the same time, we also call on relevant departments to strengthen the supervision and punishment of schools, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of students and their physical and mental health.

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