
Do you still remember the boy who received the admission notice from Tsinghua University at the construction site? Now the suit and tie are heroic

author:Social attention 007

Recently, at the graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University's 2024 undergraduate students, a familiar figure appeared, his name is Shan Xiaolong. Seeing him, people can't help but recall the scene when he received the admission notice from Tsinghua University at the construction site.

Shan Xiaolong came from an ordinary rural family, and after the college entrance examination that year, he came to work on a construction site near his home in order to help his family, where he, like other migrant workers, sweated like rain and worked hard for the family's living expenses.

Do you still remember the boy who received the admission notice from Tsinghua University at the construction site? Now the suit and tie are heroic

That day, he was busy at the construction site when a letter that changed his fate was sent to his home, which was an admission letter from Tsinghua University. This news was like the sun before dawn, illuminating the path of his life.

When the media went to interview Shan Xiaolong, he was working on the construction site, his clothes were stained with dust and he was wearing a hard hat, in fact, the admission letter was not sent to him at the construction site, but to his home.

Do you still remember the boy who received the admission notice from Tsinghua University at the construction site? Now the suit and tie are heroic

At that time, Shan Xiaolong's name quickly spread all over the Internet and became an inspirational model in the hearts of countless people. People marveled at his tenacity and perseverance, and also sent good wishes for his future.

Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. Now Shan Xiaolong is no longer the boy who sweats like rain on the construction site. With his own efforts and talents, he successfully graduated from Tsinghua University and became an outstanding young talent.

Do you still remember the boy who received the admission notice from Tsinghua University at the construction site? Now the suit and tie are heroic

At the graduation ceremony, Shan Xiaolong stood on the podium in front of hundreds of teachers and students and delivered an exciting graduation speech. I saw that he was dressed in a straight suit and tie, full of energy, and looked heroic, no longer the disgraced handyman who was on the construction site at that time, he had completed a gorgeous transformation.

The graduation ceremony is not only a summary of the past four years of study, but also the opening of infinite possibilities for the future. In Shan Xiaolong's eyes, there was both gratitude for the past and longing for the future.

Six years have passed, and Tsinghua's graduation certificate is not only a diploma for Shan Xiaolong, but also a testimony of his struggle and the key to a new life. He plans to further his education and pursue a higher degree, but he also hopes to give back to the community and help young people like him who come from ordinary backgrounds but have dreams.

Do you still remember the boy who received the admission notice from Tsinghua University at the construction site? Now the suit and tie are heroic

Shan Xiaolong's success is not accidental. Behind his success, there are countless efforts and dedications. He worked the construction site and fought for his family's living expenses; He studied hard at Tsinghua University and fought hard for his dreams. It was these experiences that made him more resilient and mature.

At the same time, Shan Xiaolong said in an interview that while his popularity back then allowed him to gain traffic, it also caused trouble to him personally, and now he hopes to fade out of the field of public opinion, and he doesn't want to be stained with those famous labels again.

He said that he also felt a little inexplicable about being famous back then, and for him and his classmates, it was normal to go to some casual jobs to earn money after the college entrance examination, and the reason why people would pay attention to it may be because he was admitted to Tsinghua University.

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