
After looking at the private clothes of the Thai girl Love, I found that the little man wears shorts and looks very tall

author:Celebrity private clothes are worn daily

Thailand's bright star Love recently presented a set of private clothing blockbusters on ins, like a fashion picture of a youth campus slowly unfolding in front of him. Although she is petite, she is like a magician who controls fashion, skillfully changing various styles, interpreting the freshness and cuteness of campus girls to the fullest, and undoubtedly creating an exquisite guide to summer dressing for little girls.

The first thing that catches your eye is the blue striped shirt. The striped design of the shirt undulates like the waves of the sea, and it is simple and stylish. Wear a pure white T-shirt underneath, like white clouds against the blue sky, the color contrast is bright and harmonious.

After looking at the private clothes of the Thai girl Love, I found that the little man wears shorts and looks very tall

The lower body is paired with blue shorts of the same color, and the overall tone is as deep and unified as the ocean. And the glasses are like a symbol of wisdom, as if you can glimpse her reading quietly in the corner of the campus, and the smell of books is blowing in her face.

After looking at the private clothes of the Thai girl Love, I found that the little man wears shorts and looks very tall

Then there is the beautiful combination of the white suspenders and blue jeans. The suspender is designed like a butterfly's wings, lightly framing her slender waist. Pair it with blue jeans for a fresher look. And the braids were like playful elves, jumping between her hair, as if you could hear her silver bell-like laughter echoing softly in her ears.

After looking at the private clothes of the Thai girl Love, I found that the little man wears shorts and looks very tall

Look at the third set, the combination of a pink polo shirt and shorts of the same color, covered with a pink suit. The pink outfit is like a blooming peach blossom, exuding a sweet scent. She seems to be in a pink dream, and every step exudes girlish shyness and vitality.

After looking at the private clothes of the Thai girl Love, I found that the little man wears shorts and looks very tall

Finally, a blue sleeveless knitted dress is complemented by ballerina shoes of the same color, like a perfect blend of elegance and sweetness.

After looking at the private clothes of the Thai girl Love, I found that the little man wears shorts and looks very tall

With her long hair fluttering, she danced in the swaying of her skirt, as if she had become the most beautiful scenery on campus, making people stop and fall in love with it.

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