
My mother's words almost made me ready to buy a suite in my hometown


When I was on video with my mother in the evening, I talked about the topic of this year's college entrance examination, and her unscrupulous words almost made me prepare to buy a suite in my hometown.

Talking about this year's college entrance examination, I asked my mother if there are any college entrance examination candidates for this year?

My mother said: "There are a few children from the neighborhood, but they are not very good in the exam, and it will not be two years before your Aunt Lan's children will take the college entrance examination, and now your Aunt Lan and Uncle Xiang go to the city every night to accompany the baby, and then go back to the village in the morning." ”

Aunt Lan and Uncle Xiang have always had a good relationship with my parents, they have two sons, and Aunt Lan has always wanted a daughter, so when the eldest was 17 years old, she gave birth to a second child, but she is still a son.

The eldest works in a state-owned enterprise, is also very filial to his parents, and is now married and has children. Now the second child is still in high school, but Aunt Lan and Uncle Xiang are also bent on cultivating the second child and being as good as the boss.

Since the second child went to junior high school, Aunt Lan and Uncle Xiang have rented a room near the school to accompany them, just to allow the second child to have more time to study hard.

My mother's words almost made me ready to buy a suite in my hometown

My mother sighed, and then said to me: "It is not easy for your Aunt Lan and Uncle Xiang, and it took a lot of effort to go to school for the baby. Now the rent near the school is getting more and more expensive, it has risen to more than 10,000, at this price, it may not be able to rent, your uncle Xiang finally rented a house a little farther away from the school, it will cost more than 9,000, which is still the cheapest. ”

After listening to it, I was shocked and stunned: "Is the rent in our eighteenth-tier small county so expensive?" That's more expensive than my rent in Shanghai! It's just that people here in Shanghai are buying houses in the school district, and our people are rural people who are not in the city, so they can only rent a house near the school to accompany them. ”

At that time, I thought that I had found a business opportunity, and immediately said to my mother, "Mom, the housing price in this hometown should not be expensive, right?" Since the rent near the school is so high and still so sought-after, if you buy a house there and rent it out, you can make a lot of money from this rent. And our school is the best school in the whole county, so we don't have to worry about running out of students. ”

My mother's words almost made me ready to buy a suite in my hometown

After hearing this, my dad immediately stopped my self-righteous thoughts: "In this market, even if the house price is only six or seven thousand, if you buy this house for decades, you won't be able to return to the capital!" ”

I was stunned and asked my father, "Isn't the rent more than 10,000 a month?" If you buy a house of 100 square meters at this price, it will be 60,000 or 70,000 yuan, and according to the current rent, it will be back in six or seven years. ”

My mother interjected at this time: "It's not more than 10,000 a month, it's more than 10,000 a year!" ”

"Huh? A year? Isn't that only a thousand dollars a month? I'm afraid I won't be able to get back to my roots when I'm facing the sky! Instantly, I was half angry and funny when I spoke to my mother.

Because of my mother's "incomplete" sentence, I came up with the idea that I thought I had found a business opportunity that could make a lot of money, and I was almost ready to go back to my hometown to buy a suite! It's really my mother, I was almost cheated by my mother!

My mother's words almost made me ready to buy a suite in my hometown


(Figure 1 from the Internet)