
Shuocheng District: Four good rural roads, beautiful!

author:Shuozhou Rong Media Center

A road changes a village, and in Shayuanhe Township, Shuocheng District, a "Four Good Rural Road" has built a bridge of revitalization among the rural countryside, making the countryside more beautiful and the farmers richer.

Shuocheng District: Four good rural roads, beautiful!

In Shaluhe County Road, Shaluohe Township, the cement road that was originally less than 5 meters wide will be upgraded in 2021, and a wide and flat road will be presented under our feet, and it has also become a main road connecting 16 administrative villages and 5 natural villages in the local area.

Shuocheng District: Four good rural roads, beautiful!

With a total length of 14.8 kilometers and a width of 7.5 meters, the county road belongs to the rural tertiary highway, with large trees on both sides of the road, passing through the countryside and pastoral, and becoming the road to get rich, happy road, heart road and revitalization road at the door of the local people.

Shuocheng District: Four good rural roads, beautiful!

Speaking of this road, Zhang Rui, a villager in half of the village of Shaluhe Township, Shuocheng District, is very happy, the road has been repaired, and it is convenient to travel into the city, which is really repaired to the hearts of the people.

Along the highway all the way to the south, you came to the local famous melon village half of the village, where the melon has entered the "harvest season" early, these days, the villagers are busy picking, carrying, packing, in the fragrant melon greenhouse, the villagers and tourists are harvesting their own "sweet days".

Shuocheng District: Four good rural roads, beautiful!
Shuocheng District: Four good rural roads, beautiful!

Lu Shuling, a villager in half of the village in Shaluohe Township, Shuocheng District, told us that before the road was built, she planted one or two acres for her own food, and she planted too much to sell. After the road was repaired, it was happy, it could be planted in large quantities, and the melons were increased from 2 sheds to 20 sheds, plus picking something, the economic benefits were significantly improved.

Shuocheng District: Four good rural roads, beautiful!

All the way through the industry, in addition to the development of traditional advantageous industries - planting melons, half of the village party branch secretary Tian Xinping was not idle, he led the village collective to do the "new business" of corn straw recycling, recycling corn straw, more than 500 tons can be processed every year, and each ton can earn about 200 yuan.

Shuocheng District: Four good rural roads, beautiful!

processing straw, building greenhouses, planting corn...... In the past two years, half of the village's industry has flourished, last year, the village collective income exceeded 100,000 yuan, the road was opened, the market was near, the people's pockets were bulging, and the days were happier, and the people in the village also spontaneously set up a rural road maintenance team, and 5 road maintenance volunteers regularly carried out village road maintenance.

Shuocheng District: Four good rural roads, beautiful!

At present, all 1,166 administrative villages and 346 natural villages in Shuozhou City have been connected to hardened roads, and 21 rural passenger stations, 488 rural passenger shelters and 770 greeting stop signs have also been put into use.

Reporter: Zhang Yibo, Gao Chuankun

Editor: Li Yue


Shuozhou Rong Media Center