
Shuocheng District: The apricots are ripe

author:Shuozhou Rong Media Center

"Enjoy the flowers in March and pick the apricots in June". In the middle of summer, Nanyulin Township, Shuocheng District, located in Bauhinia Mountain, wafts the sweetness of melons and fruits, which not only decorate the summer village, but also puff up the pockets of the villagers, reflecting the happy life of the fruit farmers.

Shuocheng District: The apricots are ripe
Shuocheng District: The apricots are ripe

In the Tianle Seedling Planting Professional Cooperative in Shuocheng District, the large apricots in the garden are round and full, and the bright colors of the apricots have been hung on the branches, and the fruit farmers shuttle through the forest to take pictures and publicity, pick samples, and welcome the arrival of guests.

Shuocheng District: The apricots are ripe

The green leaves rustle in the fruit groves all over the mountains, the plump apricots sway in the wind, and the fresh fruits of the trees are filled with a rich apricot fragrance. Due to the favorable climatic conditions and management in place this year, the yield of apricot trees has increased considerably. To this end, the park prepared in advance and adopted a combined sales model of "online + offline", which can not only broaden channels, but also promote special agricultural products.

Shuocheng District: The apricots are ripe
Shuocheng District: The apricots are ripe

South Yulin Township is located at the foot of Bauhinia Mountain, with high terrain, large temperature difference between day and night, sufficient sunlight, unique geographical environment and climatic characteristics, which have created the characteristics of high sugar content, good taste and long picking period of fruits here. Relying on the traditional planting advantages and the surrounding tourism resources, Shuocheng District continues to expand and strengthen the forest and fruit economy, promote the integrated development of "industry + tourism", continuously enrich the fruit plates of residents, and fill the money bags of villagers.

Shuocheng District: The apricots are ripe

Zhang Jianrong, deputy director of Shuocheng District Agriculture and Rural Bureau, said that in recent years, Shuocheng District has done a good job in excellent agriculture on the basis of stabilizing grain production, and the development of fruit production is an important option.

Reporter: Luo Wenping, Zhang Xiaoju

Editor: Li Yue


Shuozhou Rong Media Center