
Why can't those extended versions of luxury cars be seen now? The insider's word is too real!

author:Raven-kun's first aid workplace

Remember those "extended versions" of luxury cars on TV? Have you noticed that, in recent decades, you can't see it at all on the side of the road?

Looking back, these "extended luxury cars" were once the new favorites of the domestic market, and almost every rich person in their garage would own one.

Whether it is a business tycoon or an entertainment star, owning an "extended version" of a luxury car has almost become a symbol of status and status.

On special occasions, such as weddings, renting an extended luxury car as a wedding car is definitely a full choice - not only to show the dignity of the couple, but also to impress the guests.

However, feng shui takes turns, why are these former "street superstars" gone now?

Consulted some professionals and they gave answers!

Why can't those extended versions of luxury cars be seen now? The insider's word is too real!

First of all, it's because the body is too long.

Although this car is very striking in appearance, it can be the center of attention.

But the problem is that there are pros and cons. The extra-long bodywork, and with it, the problem that comes with it, driving on narrow city streets, becomes very difficult.

Especially when you need to turn and make a U-turn, if you are not an experienced professional driver, you may not even be scratching your head.

Many people may not have a concept, and the family car we drive every day is usually about 5 meters. And this extended version of the luxury car, basically starts at 6 meters, and the special model is even 9 meters long.

What does this mean?

To put it simply, driving this type of car, three lanes may not be able to make a successful U-turn, which is really not convenient.

Why can't those extended versions of luxury cars be seen now? The insider's word is too real!

The more important problem is that 20 years ago, there were only 26,937,100 civilian cars in China, and at that time, there were few vehicles on the road, and driving was relatively comfortable.

But now, the number of civilian vehicles has exceeded 300 million.

Not to mention the extended version of the car, the average car is sometimes difficult to drive - which is often fatal for the efficiency of the big guys.

In addition, the current major commercial centers and conference venues basically do not take into account the parking needs of such extended models.

In such a realistic situation, how to park and where to park is often a difficult problem. After all, you can't expect the bigwigs to park their cars and then have to change to other means of transportation to reach their destination!

Due to the above predicaments, it is rare to see such luxury cars again.

Why can't those extended versions of luxury cars be seen now? The insider's word is too real!

Secondly, cars over 6 meters must have yellow cards.

On the mainland, vehicles over 6 meters in length are classified as large vehicles and must have a yellow card. It's not just the color change of the license plate, it's more restrictive than you think.

For example, yellow plate vehicles are subject to stricter traffic restrictions than ordinary vehicles.

In Shanghai, for example, yellow plate vehicles are restricted during the morning and evening rush hours on weekdays, generally from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The restricted locations are mainly concentrated in the downtown area, including the Ring Expressway, the Inner Ring Road and some main roads.

Other large cities, more or less have similar regulations.

Then the problem comes, I finally bought an "extended version" of the luxury car, but you won't let me go this way, and you won't let me enter that road - then why should I buy it? Do you want to stay in the garage and enjoy it yourself?

In addition, yellow plate vehicles are usually equated with tool trucks and transport vehicles in terms of social cognition.

This means that the luxury car that was originally meant to show its identity and highlight luxury is now greatly reduced because of the yellow card.

Considering all these difficulties and problems, it is almost impossible to see such a car.

Why can't those extended versions of luxury cars be seen now? The insider's word is too real!

Finally, it is very inconvenient to maintain.

After all, the special structure and large size of the extended luxury car require special maintenance and repair techniques.

Conventional car repair shops often do not have the equipment and space for this type of vehicle, and car owners can only look for extremely rare repair shops.

It's just this problem, in fact, it's easy to solve, it's just a matter of running farther.

But what's even more troublesome is that the parts of a lengthened luxury car are not as easy to buy as ordinary cars.

There is basically no domestic production of this model, and most of the parts need to be imported from abroad.

Considering that many parts are custom-made and take longer to produce and ship, it can often take months to repair a single vehicle.

In this case, it is natural that people will be dissatisfied - after all, the purpose of buying a car is to facilitate transportation. The result is not only inconvenient, but it is like raising a "father".

Think about it, what will the bigwigs choose? It's definitely a shift towards more practical and maintenance-friendly models.

Why can't those extended versions of luxury cars be seen now? The insider's word is too real!

In short, stretch luxury cars were once the stars of the streets, but now they seem like old dreams forgotten by the times.

This transformation is not just due to driving inconveniences or maintenance problems, but also because of the passing of an era mark.

The fast-paced pace and pragmatism of modern life have reshaped our selection criteria.

Therefore, even if there is nostalgia in our hearts, the reality makes it impossible not to look forward and choose a path that is more suitable for the future.

This, perhaps, is the power of time that constantly urges us to let go of the past and embrace change, isn't it?