
The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!


2024-06-30 23:22

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!

Written by Lu Zi


The rose in the original book is more out of line and more scolding than the drama version.

"Do you love him?" Su Gengsheng asked Rose.

"I've never loved him." Rose replied.

"Then why be with him?" Su Gengsheng is more gentle.

"I'm lonely, and he's good to me."

"How can you be lonely? Aren't there so many classmates? Your homework is also enough to keep you busy. Su Gengsheng was a little surprised: "The eldest brother said that you are not at home." ”

"Yes, but no one knows I'm lonely, no one really cares about me."

When I saw this conversation, I was shocked, Rose said she was lonely.

Rose knew that Zhou Shihui had a wife, and when Zhou Shihui picked her up and went to school, she did not refuse; When Zhou Shihui asked her for a date, she did not refuse.

Her brother Huang Zhenhua scolded her for being confused, her parents beat her, and even locked her at home, but Rose didn't feel that she was wrong.

Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line and destroying Zhou Shihui's marriage, but no one cares why Rose doesn't refuse, only Su Gengsheng wants to understand the truth behind this.

After Rose was locked up for several days, Su Gengsheng couldn't stand it anymore, so he wanted to understand the cause and solve the problem, so he had this conversation.

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!

Rose obviously has her parents, mother and eldest brother who love her, but she said that she was lonely, and even Su Gengsheng said that she and her eldest brother cared about her, but she refuted it.

"My eldest brother and parents like me to be obedient, and if I don't obey, they will no longer love me, but I will do things according to their hearts, I am like a puppet, and I can't stand it."

In Rose's cognition, both her parents and eldest brother love her obediently, and once her behavior is deviated, she will be suppressed and hated.

I think it's sad.

Obviously, she has a good look, studies well, has knowledgeable parents, and has an outstanding brother who is capable and loves him, but she feels lonely and will retreat from her bottom line because of the man's kindness to her.


On the day she moved in with Su Gengsheng, Rose said a word.

"My mother wanted to give birth to me to play, but when she found out that I wasn't a doll, she gave it to someone else."

I think she must be very sad as Rose's mother, but it's also worth reflecting on.

There is a 15-year difference between Rose and her brother, and it can be seen from this that the birth of Rose probably filled some regrets of Huang's father and Huang's mother.

Therefore, the rose was brought up with pride, because it was the youngest in the family; But she is also the most strictly controlled, because she is a beautiful girl.

Rose was not restricted too much, which caused her free and willful personality, only to be happy; But it also determined her ups and downs on the emotional road, because she had never suffered and did not understand the sinister world.

The same is true of the rose in the drama version, she dares to love and hate, because of the support of her parents and brother, so she is not afraid of losing.

But because she was not afraid of losing, she paid a great price and took a lot of detours.

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!

Brother Huang Zhenhua loves roses, but he also hates this sister, because roses can always cause a lot of things because of their beauty.

In the original book, Rose does things more casually than the drama version.

And Huang Zhenhua's view of his sister is more like a man's perspective on women.

In the emotional intersection between Zhou Shihui and Rose, Huang Zhenhua was limited to dissuading Zhou Shihui, but he was almost harsh on Rose.

Of course, I'm not in agreement with the rose's approach.

Keeping a rejection with a married man, even a 16-year-old rose, should slowly become aware of this.

But Huang Zhenhua's approach was more inclined to stand from a male point of view, and he couldn't advise Zhou Shihui, so he turned around and scolded his sister and protected her in his wings.

In the feelings of roses, Huang Zhenhua's truest thoughts in his heart are that roses are the fate of red faces and troubles.


Fundamentally, the Huang family gave Rose the confidence to dare to face all gains and losses.

Of course, this is also due to her own efforts, although she says that she is not good all day long, but she is excellent in the exam, and she is still in a state of study.

In the hard days of her ten-year marriage with Fang Xiewen, she did not forget to study.

This is the confidence she gave herself, so she dared to file for divorce and dare to do different things in that era.

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!

But it is precisely because of the confidence given by the Huang family that Rose has not really seen it, and it comes from the scheming of people at the bottom.

It's like if she hadn't married Fang Xiewen, she would never have been belittled and brainwashed like this.

She uses the most civilized etiquette and the purest mind to contact everyone, without any darkness at all.

Because even if she divorces and remarries 59-year-old Sir Luo, his evaluation of her is pure and good, like an ignorant child.

It can be said that Rose's sensibility has created her unfortunate ten-year marriage, she forbears, and reports good news but not bad news.

But it's not because of her bad behavior, she has more experiences, and every relationship brings her years of precipitation.

What is good for girls to be educated in? Can you live your life safely and smoothly?

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!

Recently, there is a saying on the Internet about training my daughter, which I think is quite meaningful.

"Suddenly I don't want to train my daughter anymore, the story of Rose made me understand that girls don't have to be too sensible, and how many sensible people can see it? You don't have to be too diligent, how many diligent people feel sorry for you?

So my darling, you must remember that you don't have to be so sensible, it's okay to be willful; You don't have to be too well-behaved, you can refuse what you don't want to do, you don't have to force what you can't do, and you don't have to listen to what you don't want to hear.

You must know that your parents raised you to grow up, not to let you blindly take care of others and wronged yourself. ”

But in the end, even if there is a family to support them, people will inevitably be wronged in their lives, but the most important thing is to retain the ability and courage to end and leave.

Especially girls, encouragement.


Image source/Screenshot of stills from "The Story of Rose", invaded and deleted

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  • The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!
  • The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!
  • The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!
  • The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!
  • The original work of "The Story of Rose": Everyone is scolding Rose for having no bottom line to destroy Zhou Shihui's marriage, only Su Gengsheng used a question to tell the truth, which is really sad!

Personal opinion, for reference only

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