
The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

author:Professor Zhao Linyun

In April 1949, Bao Xianzhi, then the political commissar of the 11th Army of the Second Field, commanded the troops to break through the enemy's Yangtze River from Anqing in one fell swoop, and completely annihilated the 174th Division and the 1st Division of the 96th Army.

Subsequently, he led his troops into Zhejiang non-stop, conquered more than ten cities such as Lishui, Quzhou, and Jinhua one after another, annihilated nearly 60,000 Kuomintang troops, and liberated the entire territory of southern Zhejiang.

In mid-May, all parts of Huanggang, Hubei Province were liberated one after another, including Macheng. After the liberation of Macheng, political commissar Bao Xianzhi was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

Commander Wang Jinshan knew that this was Political Commissar Bao's hometown, and that he had not returned home for 15 years since he joined the army, so he was specially allowed to return to his hometown to visit his relatives.

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

On the day the notice was issued, Political Commissar Bao immediately arranged for the work in the army, and set off for home with two guards early the next morning, showing great excitement along the way.

Fifteen years ago, in order to protect his family from persecution, Bao Xianzhi resolutely chose to leave home and cut off contact with his family.

When she left home, his wife Yu Fengqing was pregnant. Fifteen years have passed, and I don't know how my wife and children are doing now.

But when Bao Xianzhi rushed back to his hometown like an arrow, and when he opened the door and saw the dilapidated courtyard and the surrounding overgrown weeds, the smile on his face disappeared completely......

Bao Xianzhi pushed open the courtyard door, and the crumbling house was covered with cobwebs, broken walls, and overgrown weeds, looking like he had never lived in it.

He wondered in his heart: where could a woman with a child go during such a turbulent war years?

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

Not daring to think deeply, he immediately knocked on the door of the neighbor's house and hurriedly asked about the whereabouts of his wife and children.

But the truth surprised Bao Xianzhi, his wife and children were sold to Guo Huozi of Guojiagang at a price of 50 yuan by the patriarch who had lost his conscience!

Hearing this, he rushed to the patriarch's house to settle accounts with him, but got the news that the other party had already died. He understood that the disaster would not affect his family, so he had to give up, and then hurried to Guo Huozi's house to find his wife and children.

Looking at the middle-aged man with his back in front of him, Bao Xianzhi was so angry that he pulled out his gun and pointed at the other party on the spot.

"You robbed my wife and children, where are they now?"

Before the man on the other side could answer, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy rushed out of the room, blocked in front of Guo Huozi, and shouted:

"Why are you pointing a gun at my father, he is a good man!"

Bao Xianzhi looked at the child in front of him who was very similar to himself, and immediately determined that this was his biological son! But the appearance of his son blocking the gun for others deeply pierced Bao Xianzhi's heart......

So, why were Bao Xianzhi's wife and children sold by the patriarch? Did he finally get his wife and children back?

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

His wife and children were sold, and he was furious

"You are the Zhi boy who went to join the army back then, I remember, you left, but you killed your daughter-in-law and children miserably."

The neighbor stared at him for a long time before he suddenly remembered who he was.

When Bao Xianzhi heard this, he didn't dare to come out, so he could only stare at his neighbor tightly and signal the other party to continue. The neighbor shook his head, sighed, and slowly told him what had happened.

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

Things have to start with Bao Xianzhi's patriarch Bao Jishui, Bao Jishui is not only the patriarch, but also the small landlord in the village, but he is not like other landlords who are crazy about squeezing the villagers.

On the contrary, under Bao Jishui's organization, the people in the village have fields and food.

Therefore, in the agrarian revolutionary movement, Bao Jishui was not controlled by the Red Army. But the bad things he had done before still hung in his heart like a thorn, which also made him more and more disgusted with those soldiers who joined the Red Army.

But he only dared to say that Bao Jishui was afraid of the Red Army, so naturally he would not persecute their families.

But later, the Kuomintang occupied Macheng and many surrounding counties, and the Red Fourth Front Army began to move.

After Bao Jishui determined that the Red Army in the villagers' homes had left, he immediately hugged the "thighs" of the Kuomintang.

With the support of the Kuomintang, Bao Jishui began to persecute the families of the Red Army one after another.

The first to bear the brunt was Bao Xianzhi's wife Yu Fengqing (nicknamed Yu Mao). Bao Jishui didn't care about Yu Fengqing's newly finished body, and sold their mother and son to Guo Jiagang's Guo Huozi family at a price of 50 yuan.

After Bao Xianzhi found out, he was furious: "It's me who is sorry for my wife and children, such a person is not worthy of being a patriarch, so I will go to him to settle accounts!" ”

With that, he took out his gun and rushed to the enemy's house.

The patriarch's son opened the door tremblingly to apologize to Bao Xianzhi, and while kneeling down to apologize, he did not forget to ask him to be angry with himself and not to hurt his family.

"I know that my father is sorry for you, and that my father is in debt, and that I have to bear any sin.

But my family is innocent, please don't hurt them! His wife was holding the baby and weeping silently.

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

Bao Xianzhi, who calmed down, looked at this scene, his eyes were hot, and he thought:

It turns out that your family also knows the truth that "disaster does not affect the family", but why did you treat my wife and children so cruelly back then?

Bao Xianzhi never expected the family to take care of their family well. But what I never expected was that the patriarch would become an executioner wielding a knife and a devil who stretched out his claws to the families of the Red Army!

The funny thing is that now that the patriarch has long passed away, Bao Xianzhi, as the political commissar of the People's Liberation Army, can't vent his anger on the other party's family like the patriarch.

Time was urgent, so he immediately set off for Guojiagang, two hundred miles away from Macheng, to find his wife and children.

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

Father and son recognize each other, mixed with joy and sorrow

When he arrived at Guojiagang, he hurriedly asked the villagers where Guo Huozi lived. The villagers saw the PLA uniform on Bao Xianzhi's body, and saw the two guards behind him, and kindly pointed out the direction for them.

When I arrived at Guo's house, I saw a hunchbacked man in his 40s fetching water from the well.

Suddenly seeing this unattractive man, Bao Xianzhi was angry, immediately took out his gun, and asked loudly:

"You robbed my daughter-in-law and children, where are they now?"

Guo Huozi, who was fetching water, was suddenly pointed at a black box gun, and he was so frightened that he quickly knelt down and begged for mercy:

"Chief, if you have something to say, I didn't rob your daughter-in-law and child!"

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

The guards on the side were also startled when they saw Bao Xianzhi suddenly pull out his gun, and they hurriedly stepped forward to stop the political commissar from being impulsive.

Bao Xianzhi's original intention was just to scare and scare Guo Huozi, and he didn't plan to really shoot.

Just as he was about to withdraw his gun, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old child rushed out of Guo's house.

"Why are you pointing a gun at my father, he is a good man!"

As soon as Bao Xianzhi saw this child, he knew that he must be his son, because this child looked too similar to himself.

He didn't care about Guo Huozi, who wanted to speak, and immediately rushed forward and hugged the boy.

"Son, Daddy is back looking for you!"

"Impossible, you are not my father, I have a father, his name is Guo Huozi!" The boy struggled to break free from his embrace and hid behind Guo's camel.

Guo Huozi also understood at this time that the chief in front of him was his son's biological father, Bao Xianzhi, and Yu Maoji's husband for a lifetime.

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

He pulled the child in front of him and said, "Silly boy, he is really your father, come and recognize your father!" ”

After speaking, he leaned over and took the child's hand and handed it to Bao Xianzhi.

"Chief, the child's name is Bao Shengsu, I have been waiting for you for 15 years, and today I can hand him back to you personally, the task is completed, and I believe that the child can rest assured in the spirit of the sky."

Bao Shengsu was stunned, and didn't want to believe the facts in front of him, but recalled what he often said when he was a child, when his mother was still alive:

"Your dad is a big hero, and one day, he'll come back to us and you. Guo Huozi is our great benefactor, you have to be filial to him when you grow up, you know? ”

The young man seemed to understand all this, and immediately threw himself into Bao Xianzhi's arms, and the father and son hugged their heads and cried, and everyone present saw that their eyes were blurred......

Bao Xianzhi hugged his son tightly in his arms, tears welling up in his eyes.

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

Guo Huozi on the side saw that the father and son finally recognized each other, and muttered: "Okay, now it's okay, you don't have to suffer anymore, and you don't have to suffer anymore if you follow your father in the future." ”

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

Knowing the kindness of the retribution, the kindness is deep and the righteousness is heavy

Bao Xianzhi knew that he had wrongly blamed his benefactor, and after making an apology, several people sat down calmly and listened to Guo Huozi tell what happened back then.

It turned out that because Guo Huozi was born with a rickety back, coupled with his unattractive appearance, the people in the village thought that he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

But one day, Bao Jishui suddenly found him and asked him if he wanted to buy a daughter-in-law, so he took him to Bao Xianzhi's house and told him to "inspect the goods" first.

Guo Huozi saw that the mother and son were really pitiful, and they were family members of the Red Army, and he had saved some money in his early years, so he moved his compassion and bought the mother and son back at a price of 50 yuan.

After Guo Huozi bought the person back, Yu Mao often fell ill, and his remaining savings were spent on treating her.

But the stubborn disease that fell during childbirth was difficult to treat after all, and the remaining hair did not survive a few years before leaving. After Yu Mao died, Guo Huozi pulled Bao Shengsu alone and regarded him as his own.

The people in the village said behind their backs that Guo Huozi was raising a son for others!

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

After hearing about the past, Bao Xianzhi was taken aback, but he didn't expect his wife to pass away.

At this time, as if he had suddenly thought of something, Guo Huozi took out a cloth bag from the house and handed it to Bao Xianzhi.

"Before the child and his mother left, I asked me to hand over something to you, and I told you to hand it over to you personally."

Bao Xianzhi hurriedly took the cloth bag and opened it tremblingly, and the contents made his eyes, which had just wiped away his tears, instantly moisten again.

Inside are the medals and armbands awarded by the organization when he participated in the revolution.

His wife was risking her life to preserve her revolutionary proof, and she had not heard from her for fifteen years without hearing from her, and she had not been able to be with her when she left.

He kept asking himself: Why didn't he take his wife with him at that time? Why can't you come back sooner? Why didn't I even see the last side of my wife?

But the dead are gone, and the living must look forward after all.

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

Guo Tuozi took Bao Xianzhi and his son to his wife's grave, he put a stick of incense on his wife, and then silently wrote down the location of the tomb.

After explaining the purpose of his trip to Guo Huozi, he had to take his son away. The whole country has not yet been liberated, the country needs itself, and the mission on his shoulders has not yet been completed.

Bao Xianzhi looked at his son, who had grown to the height of his shoulders, and thought: This time, I finally don't have to leave my relatives behind.

Before leaving, he and two guards pooled together 100 yuan, which was undoubtedly a huge amount of money at that time.

He stuffed the money to Guo Huozi, thanking him for his help to Yu Mao's mother and son, and even more thanking him for taking care of Bao Shengsu for more than ten years:

"Brother, don't worry, your great kindness and great virtue Bao is unforgettable, and Shengsu will always be your son!

After I take him away, I will teach him to learn knowledge, serve the motherland, and come back in the future to be filial to you and repay your kindness! ”

After Bao Xianzhi took his son away, he did not directly arrange him in the army, but let Bao Shengsu start learning from cultural knowledge.

In the process of studying, Bao Shengsu met Li Xintian, a famous military writer later. told him about his life experience, and Li Xintian created the classic film "Shining Red Star" based on it.

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

In a later interview, Li Xintian said:

"The specific prototype of Pan Dongzi in "Shining Red Star" can be said to be three people, one of which is Bao Shengsu, the eldest son of the founding lieutenant general Bao Xianzhi, and the two of us are very good friends."

Soon after Bao Shengsu returned to his father, he persuaded his father to look forward, and also supported his father to find a lover who could accompany him until he was old.

After a few more years, Bao Shengsu returned to Guojiagang again and took his stepfather Guo Huozi to live with him.

Later, he did not live up to Bao Xianzhi's expectations, starting from the grassroots level, and did not "make a difference" just because his father was a general.

The political commissar of the Second Field Army returned to his hometown to find that his wife and children had been sold by the patriarch, and when he came to ask for someone, his son blocked the gun for his stepfather

General Bao Xianzhi's life is a legendary life and a bumpy life. He fought in the south and in the north, and made tremendous contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution.

In the end, he was treated favorably by the years, let his long-lost son reunite with him, and let General Bao have children and grandchildren under his knees, so that he could enjoy his old age in peace.


[Text: Jiang Chen]

[Editor|Chang Gung]
