
The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!

author:Shaanxi Yangling Fire Protection
The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!

in everyday life

People inevitably use lighters

The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!

Tiny lighters

It was convenient to make a fire

But if you don't pay attention to use and save

There will also be great dangers

June 18, Zhumadian City, Henan Province

When the guy buried himself in cooking

The lighter suddenly made a loud noise and exploded instantly

Oil also spilled into the eyes of a small group

"I didn't pay attention to the meal after buying at that time,

Put the hot meal directly on the lighter,

The temperature is too high and it explodes. ”

The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!
The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!

Looks like a small lighter

It's also very powerful to get angry

It is not uncommon for accidents to be "eaten back" by lighters

The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!

Sichuan: The bottom of the lighter cracked and burst into flames, and the fireball hit the face

On May 7, 2024, the employees of a gold store in Yibin, Sichuan Province were knitting jewelry, and they needed to melt it with fire at the end to prevent the line from falling apart, when the clerk was using the lighter, a sudden deflagration occurred, and the fire rushed to the clerk's face in an instant, it turned out that the bottom of the lighter had cracked, and the clerk's eyelashes were burned off, but fortunately no other injuries were caused.

The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!

Liaoning: The bottle cap of the lighter was suspected to be cracked, causing a fire

On February 25, 2024, in a restaurant in Benxi, Liaoning Province, a man was about to light a cigarette after lifting the lid of beer with a lighter, when suddenly a flame shot out, wrapping the man's head entirely, causing his neck to be burned. After preliminary investigation, it is suspected that the cigarette was caused by the crack and air leakage caused by the use of a lighter to lift the cap.

The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!

Sichuan: The lighter burst into flames, and the eyebrows and hair burned out

On January 28, 2024, a man in Dazhou, Sichuan Province was baking bacon at the door of his house, and he felt out a cigarette and was just about to light it, when suddenly there was a "bang" sound, the lighter exploded, and the flames immediately swept his face.

The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!

Tiny lighters

Why is it so "grumpy"?

The main component of lighter fuel is butane

It is a flammable and liquefiable gas

Explosive mixtures are formed with air

Butane is pressurized and charged into a closed gas box

Once released into the air, it expands rapidly

It is very easy to ignite in case of open flames

Ah Xiao reminds

Lighters also have a "temper tantrum"

Improper use is easy to "set yourself on fire"

Therefore, we need to be extra careful when using it

Please keep these precautions in mind!!

The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!
The guy buried himself in cooking, and the lighter exploded instantly!

Material source丨Hangzhou fire protection, integrated network

Editor丨Zhou Xueliang Proofreader丨Tang Chunli

Editor-in-charge丨Li Zhaohan Review丨Qiao Tao

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