
Regrets are in the past

author:Honest Love Ambassador
Regrets are in the past

Life is not without regrets

Life is not without regrets. Those who regret are dissatisfied, unwilling, and remorseful. If someone says that he has no regrets in life, I think there are roughly two situations: one is forgetfulness, and the other is big-hearted. There are all regrets. Even if something seems to be perfect, after thinking about it carefully, there are still hundreds of secrets and regrets.

In the poem "Ten Rhymes of Tribute to Zheng Zheng" by Du Fu in the Tang Dynasty: "There are no regrets, and the waves are alone." The meaning is to praise Zheng Zhiyi's poems for being superbly written and natural, and there is no trace of regret. Of course, it is a fact that Zheng Zhiyi's poems are well written, but it is an exaggeration to say that there are "no regrets". Because no one's poetry dares to say perfect. Probably this is related to the fact that Du Fu was seeking an official at that time and needed the recommendation of Zheng Zhiyi, so it was inevitable that Zheng Zhiyi would be suspected of being a pat on the horse. Objectively speaking, Du Fu's move at that time was a last resort. However, the subsequent development of events made Du Fu regret his life. Due to the power of the court and the jealousy of the virtuous, Du Fu's ambitions could not be displayed, so he had no choice but to resign from the small official with a large sesame grain and go elsewhere to look for opportunities, but the result was that he failed to do so until he died and wandered on the way.

Regrets are in the past

Regret is everywhere

In fact, regret is everywhere. No matter how big or small, more or less will leave regrets. It's just that some regrets are directly disclosed, and some regrets are euphemistically expressed in poetic language, even without a trace. Du Fu's poem "No Regrets" is just a whitewash, and I don't think anyone will believe it. Later, when Du Fu cried and worshiped Shu Xiang, he really expressed the regret that Zhuge Liang "died before leaving the school, and the hero was full of tears" to express the regret that his career was unfinished and there was no successor. His cry is not only for Zhuge Liang, but also for himself.

Later, Liu Zongyuan and Liu Yuxi, who were in Du Fu, were a pair of political partners and close friends in life. The two of them entered the rank and the first rank in the same year, and they had the same ambitions. After the failure of the "Yongzhen Reform", the two were demoted at the same time. At the intersection of going to the same debasement, the two broke up and agreed that "if the emperor is allowed to return to the field, he will be a neighbor in his old age". It means that if the emperor is generous and allows us to return to the fields, we will be neighbors and spend our old age together! As a result, four years later, Liu Zongyuan died of illness, and his last wish was not fulfilled, isn't it the biggest regret in life?

Regrets are in the past

Career and love, there will be regrets

There are regrets in career, and there are also regrets in love. "Returning Jun Mingzhu to tears, hating not to meet when he is not married", this is the regret of seeing each other late; "This situation can be recalled, but it was already clear at the time", this is a regret that cannot be regretted; "I was not born, and I was old. Hate not to be born at the same time, day by day with the king", this is the regret of being born at the wrong time; "Ten years of life and death, without thinking, unforgettable", this is the regret of deep affection before life and yin and yang after death.

Even if it looks like a picture full of smiles and a spring breeze, there are still regrets. For example, He Zhizhang in the Tang Dynasty "left home when he was young, and the eldest returned, and the hometown accent did not change, and his sideburns declined." When the children don't know each other, they smile and ask where the guests are from." It stands to reason that when I return to my hometown, I should be happy to return to my roots, but in the author's opinion, it is a pity, and his regret is not that he "left home when he was young", wandering for half his life, nor that he had white temples and vicissitudes on his face, but that things are wrong with people. I don't know whose child this smiling "child" is, but he treats himself as a guest. Listening to this laughter, my heart was full of sourness. Wang Weishiyun "is alone in a foreign land as a stranger", don't you know that after being away from home for a long time, her hometown has become a foreign land.

Regrets are in the past

If the picture of the spring breeze is like a spring breeze, there will also be regrets

In a person's life, there must be many regrets, and some things have been lost and can never be recovered. For example, beautiful time, such as beautiful love, such as wonderful characters. But since we can't find it, what can we do? Can you be stuck in regret for the rest of your life? Instead of sighing and making yourself miserable every day, it is better to raise your head, puff up your chest, grasp the present, and not let it become the next regret.

Zhang Guimei, the winner of the "July 1st Medal", once faced the sadness of the death of her lover and the helplessness of her own illness, and it can be said that her life is full of regrets. However, she regarded her regrets as the past, let her love take root in the mountains, and gave her life to poor children in the mountains who were eager for knowledge. As the award speech given to Zhang Guimei by Moving China 2020 said: "In the splendid mountain flowers, we found you." Nature strikes you with wind and snow, and you repay it with singing. Fate puts you on the precipice, and you give the world fragrance. is not afraid of crushing dust, has no intention of fighting for spring, and expresses stubbornness to the world with a blooming life. You are the Katsura on the cliffside, the plum in the snow! ”

Regrets are in the past

You are the Katsura on the cliffside, the plum in the snow

Sometimes, regret is not entirely negative, and the things that can make people regret are often good things. In order to prevent new regrets from happening, people will cherish everything in front of them even more. It is a pity to lose, but it is also a pity to want to get it but not get it. The best way to deal with this situation is to turn regret into new motivation and strive to make your dreams come true.

Life is not without regrets. If you have regrets, you don't have to regret it, you don't have to be depressed, you don't have to beat your chest. Because regret is in the past, it is useless to worry about it and cry sadly, it can only increase the troubles.

Look at the problem from a different angle, and you will find that regret is also a kind of beauty. For example, Venus with a broken arm. Her beauty lies in her broken arm, although it is sad, but it can also inspire people's infinite imagination of beauty. For example, the beauty of the dead vine and old tree lies in its curved shape, although it often gives people sadness, but under the artist's hands, it can be rejuvenated and become a beautiful bonsai.

Regrets are in the past

Regret is also a kind of beauty

Some people envy the vastness of the sea, but the sea can also devour life mercilessly. In addition to regrets, there is a beautiful legend of "Jingwei reclamation".

Some people admire the brilliance of the sun, but the sun also glows and rages mercilessly. In addition to regrets, there is the mythical story of "Houyi shooting the sun".

The flowers withered and fell red all over the ground, and people couldn't help but regret it, but in Gong Zizhen's view, it was "turned into spring mud to protect the flowers", and the gentleness of the falling flowers became more and more obvious.

The wild goose folded its wings and fell into the red dust, and people couldn't help but regret it, but in Yuan Haowen's view, it was "a thousand miles of stratus clouds, thousands of mountains and twilight snow, and only a shadow to whom", which showed the infatuation of the falling geese.

Regret is in the past, although the taste is bitter, the aftertaste is still sweet. Li Bai's career was not smooth all his life, and others regretted him, but he said, "An Neng broke his eyebrows and bent his waist to deal with the powerful, which made me unhappy", so he took it upon himself, and finally fell into the name of "poet immortal". Tao Yuanming resigned and returned to the countryside, others were not worth it for him, but he said, "Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan", reflecting an unusual detachment.

Regrets are in the past

Regrets are in the past

Regret is in the past, and since it is in the past, there is no need to be nostalgic or regretful. After walking hundreds of kilometers, you suddenly found that you took the wrong road, of course you regret it, but regret is useless, just turn around and walk again, don't make a mistake; It was a confident face against the opponent on the chessboard, but the opponent killed a piece of armor without leaving a piece of armor, of course you regret it, but regret is useless, summarize the lessons and lessons, and fight again, don't be pessimistic; Originally, I took my girlfriend to enjoy the moon before the flowers, but the moon did not come out for a long time, which is disappointing, you may regret it, but regret is useless, use Su Shi's words "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is cloudy and sunny" to comfort yourself, don't be hot-headed, point to the sky and scold the moon, and let your girlfriend think that you are a careful eye and a neurotic.

We may ask, "Why are there so many regrets in the world?" The Buddha said: "This is a world of whirlwind, and whirlwind is regret." There are no regrets, and no matter how much happiness you give, you will not experience happiness. "Regret is in the past, but it warns of the future; Regret is a flaw, but it is also a perfection that can be imagined. We throw our regrets into the sky, and it becomes a crooked moon, although it is not round, but it is like a crooked boat, carrying our dreams to the distant horizon.

Regrets are in the past

Throwing regrets into the sky is a crooked moon boat