
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

author:Rice narration

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On June 29, actor Zhang Shuhao finally proposed to Ouyang Nini!

Sister Ouyang Nana posted the whole process of the proposal, the scene was arranged warm and happy, and the parents of both sides were present to witness this romantic proposal together.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

This proposal was originally a secret, but it was discovered by Ouyang Nini the day before the proposal, but Ouyang Nini did not choose to debunk it, but still pretended not to know, feeling this elaborate proposal.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

However, due to Ouyang Nini's "theory of going abroad" before, few netizens in the comment area sent blessings, and even some netizens were glad to speak: "The first person to harm my sister by cheating my father" finally let go of Ouyang's family.

What did Ouyang Nini do so that netizens would not forget to "step" on Ouyang Nini even on such a happy day?

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed
The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [Baidu Encyclopedia] [Ouyang Nana Personal Platform] [Ouyang Nini Self-Media Platform] (the detailed source is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

The marriage proposal was leaked, and Zhang Shuhao "threatened" his parents

On June 29, Ouyang Nana posted a video of her sister Ouyang Nini being successfully proposed to her on social platforms.

In the video, it is recorded that Ouyang Nana and her brother-in-law Zhang Shuhao arranged the proposal scene and rehearsed the proposal process together, Zhang Shuhao was very nervous, chattering at the camera, and was very nervous.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Ouyang Nana carefully prepared ring boxes and clothes for her sister, rehearsed and arranged the scene with her family, controlled the atmosphere of the audience, and created surprises for her sister with her heart.

When Ouyang Nini was brought to the proposal scene, she was wearing a fluffy pure white short skirt, Ouyang Nana and Ouyang Didi rushed out from behind and hugged her sister to put on a flowing veil for her, and sent a large bouquet of flowers to make her beautiful and pure.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

However, in the face of such an elaborate marriage proposal ceremony, Ouyang Nini "demolished" the stage on the spot, saying that she had actually expected it.

She said she had seen Reuters before, and that her careless sister had filled in the wrong address, and that she knew what was going to happen when she thought about it.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Although she had a premonition, she was still very surprised, and her tears flowed uncontrollably at the scene, at this time, her hair was well groomed, and Zhang Shuhao, who was wearing a striped shirt and gray trousers, took Ouyang Nini's hand.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

His sincere confession tells the process of the two falling in love from the first time they met, his eyes and nose were red when he cried, and he was almost choked up when he wrote a 3,000-word essay.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

After saying what he was going to say, he also "warned" his mother at the end: "She will become your daughter in the future, I hope you can love her very much, because she is happy, I am very happy".

The family members at the scene were moved to moisten their eyes, and Ouyang Nini's tears couldn't be stopped, she stretched out her hand and said I am willing, and asked Zhang Shuhao to put a ring on her.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

They received the blessings of all their families, but they did not receive the blessings of netizens, and the reason was Ouyang Nini's "operation against the sky", which almost ruined all the popularity of passers-by.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Ouyang Nini caused controversy, and she was the first person to harm her sister

Ouyang Nini's father Ouyang Long used to be a first-line actor in Taiwan, and now he has a position, and his mother Fu Juan has starred in many TV series, released albums, worked as a host, and got a master's degree at the age of 59.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Her sister Ouyang Nana is a famous Taiwanese cellist, and she also won a full scholarship while studying in the United States, appeared on the stage of the National Center for the Performing Arts, and won the best supporting actress.

The family is very powerful, and Ouyang Nini is the only one in the family who is not famous, but still likes to cause trouble everywhere.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Before her debut, she liked to share her daily life on social platforms, and in October 2013, she quickly became popular on the Internet because of the boring sharing of "200 yuan found in the coat".

She also received 6 endorsements because of this, seeing that the development prospects are good, she made her debut and developed in the entertainment industry, and in 2014, she received starring opportunities in many film and television dramas.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

It is said that "there are many people who are popular", and Ouyang Nini was angrily scolded by netizens for her improper speech as soon as she debuted.

The reason is that after the "200 yuan" incident became popular, she showed off the matter in front of the media, and this kind of "unearned" behavior made netizens feel very angry, and they "crusaded" against her for a while.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

In order to settle the matter, her father had to come forward, apologize for his daughter's behavior of occupying public resources, and let his famous daughter Ouyang Nana return to Taiwan to hold 3 charity performances.

The matter finally subsided, and it didn't take long for Ouyang Nini to start "being a demon" again, and this time it was really a "cheat father".

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

In 2015, she posted a few photos of juice, which seemed to be a sharing recommendation, but she wrote "Dad likes it too" in the copy, and then some netizens picked up that this juice is a sky-high juice worth 1320 yuan.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

At that time, her father was on the rise in his career, but her words made her father Ouyang Long's image of incorruptibility collapse all of a sudden, and the public's favorability towards him plummeted.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

At this time, it was Ouyang Nana who came forward, she explained that this drink is very healthy, so her family likes to drink it, and she thought that after this incident, Ouyang Nini would restrain herself, but she became even more "unscrupulous".

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

In June 2016, she was revealed to be looking for a "gunman" to take the exam at the end of the term, which quickly caused public dissatisfaction, in order to calm the turmoil, her mother Fu Juan came forward to say that Nini was bewitched by her classmates, so she did the thing of letting her classmates take the exam.

But then some netizens broke out that the person who took the exam was not a classmate, but a "gunman" outside the school, and Ouyang Nini's classmates were also dissatisfied with Ouyang Nini because of this, and more black material about her was exposed.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Like spending money to let classmates do duty for themselves, early love was caught by the teacher and punished, and other outrageous behaviors, but this did not affect Ouyang Nini.

In 2018, she almost implicated her sister Ouyang Nana because of her wild words.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

At that time, she went to Beijing to participate in the filming because of an endorsement job, but after she arrived in Beijing, she quickly fell into a storm because of a sentence in the video.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Ouyang Nana also lost a lot of endorsements and performance opportunities because of this, and even the magazines that had been filmed were coded for her, seeing that the star journey was about to be cut off, Ouyang Nana quickly posted a statement to make her position, and she was able to keep her job.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

There are many other things like this, such as "complaining about her sister's big face", "showing off her wealth one after another", "studying abroad but her English pronunciation is not standard", etc., she was also called "the first person to hurt her sister" by netizens.

But on March 19 this year, after the variety show that Ouyang Nini participated in was broadcast, her performance made her image "beautiful" in the eyes of the public.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Ouyang Nini's reputation was almost reversed, and Zhang Shuhao's marriage proposal was successful

"The eldest daughter reassures me" This is Fu Juan's evaluation of the eldest daughter in the variety show.

Ouyang Nini was favored by her family before she was 4 years old, but with the birth of her younger sisters, Ouyang Nini, as the eldest sister, was forced to be sensible and took the initiative to take care of her sister.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

In the show, she took the initiative to admit that she had also been jealous, but then she began to adjust her mentality, began to understand her mother, and even took care of her sister like an adult.

She will take the initiative to give her sister delicious food, not compete with her sister for things, stand up when her sister is bullied, and she herself has developed the habit of taking care of others.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

In the show, Ouyang Nini was injured and didn't want to trouble others, someone wiped her wounds, and she kept saying that it didn't matter, knowing that Wang Luodan didn't eat cold food, she gave her hot soup.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

As soon as this show was broadcast, many people's impression of Ouyang Nini changed, and she also gained a lot of fans, so after she and Zhang Shuhao were together, there were still netizens who were willing to send their blessings.

Zhang Shuhao has also received a lot of praise as an actor, he debuted in 2006, and won the Golden Bell Award for Best Actor at the age of 19, and his development has been very good.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

In 2012, he also starred in a romantic movie with Gui Lunmei, which was nominated for Best Supporting Actor, and he and Lin Junjie are still good brothers.

Looking at it this way, he and Ouyang Nini are indeed very compatible, the two met during the filming of "Miss Brainwave", and they had different feelings in the process of getting along, and the two came together after the filming.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

In October 2019, the two generously announced their relationship, and even met their parents that year, and the prospective father-in-law Ouyang Long also said that he had a good impression of Zhang Shuhao.

In the next few years, they began to travel together, date and go shopping, and were often photographed by the media in love, and in 2023, some media asked Zhang Shuhao when he would develop the next step.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Zhang Shuhao didn't answer at that time, but this year he successfully proposed to Ouyang Nini, and his actions were very fast.

However, some netizens soon discovered that Zhang Shuhao turned out to be Chen Yanxi's friend, and the two had worked together in movies before, and would often send birthday wishes to each other on social platforms.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Chen Shuhao even called Chen Yanxi "wife" on social platforms, promoted Chen Yanxi's new dramas and variety shows, and posted some very puzzling copywriting.

Many netizens said: This relationship is definitely not just a friend. But now that Zhang Shuhao has successfully proposed to Ouyang Nini, this rumor has been completely dispelled.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

Write at the end

Now that Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nini have successfully proposed, many people have begun to care about the other two daughters of the Ouyang family.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

I hope that they can all find happiness as soon as possible, and I also hope that Ouyang Nini can pay more attention to her words and deeds in the future, and stop "cheating people". #长文创作激励计划#

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed
【Disclaimer】The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.
The content information in this article comes from: [Baidu Encyclopedia] [Ouyang Nana Personal Platform] [Ouyang Nini Self-Media Platform]
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Sister Ouyang Nana came to the scene to send blessings, and the romantic scene was exposed

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