
A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

author:Say a lot about entertainment

Wei Dongyi's name may not be unfamiliar to many people's impressions

He has participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad many times, won many gold medals, and is a well-known mathematical genius in China, known as "Wei Shen"

Wei Dongyi's mathematical talent is very amazing, he can be said to be a genius in the field of mathematics, and his grades have always been very good, so he was able to be admitted to the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University to continue his studies

A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

However, although Wei Dongyi has a very high attainment in the field of mathematics, in real life, his lifestyle is very simple, which can be said to be "simple to touch".

It is understood that Wei Dongyi's monthly living expenses on the campus of Peking University are less than 300 yuan, which makes many people surprised and even a little unbelievable

A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Because Beijing, where Peking University is located, is not only a famous city of education, but also the political center of the country

And the cost of living is also very high, generally speaking, a month of living in Beijing, 300 yuan is not enough to spend

And the reason why Wei Dongyi was able to achieve such a low living expenses is mainly because his lifestyle is very simple. During his time at school, he almost relied on eating steamed buns and drinking mineral water to make a living, and he did not pursue too much other food. Moreover, his clothes are torn, and no one helps him to sew them, looking very simple and low-key, which makes people feel very distressed.

A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

In fact, the reason why Wei Dongyi has such a lifestyle has a lot to do with his family background. Wei Dongyi's family can be said to be a very simple and academic family, his parents are teachers at Shandong Jianzhu University, and they usually live a very simple life, and they will not pursue too much material enjoyment.

A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Especially his father, who used to be Wei Dongyi's biggest spiritual pillar and his mathematics teacher, is unfortunately that when Wei Dongyi participated in the Olympiad training, his father died of illness, which left a certain impact on his life. Although Wei Dongyi's math scores have always been very good, and he has achieved excellent results many times, his life has always been very simple, he does not pursue too much material comfort, and he is not good at expressing himself.

A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother
A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

In his eyes, studying and studying mathematics is the most important thing, and everything else seems very small, including material comforts and the temptation of fame and fortune. Therefore, when he is on the campus of Peking University, he also uses the same lifestyle to face challenges, and will not change just because he is in a prestigious school, and still maintains a simple and low-key quality.

A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

For students like Wei Dongyi, he should actually get more attention and encouragement, because the qualities he shows are rare enough and other students do not have. In today's society with very strong material desires, being able to be so low-key and simple is a great encouragement for many people, and it is also a positive guide to the social atmosphere.

A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

I hope that Wei Dongyi can continue to maintain his love and passion on the campus of Peking University, and not be swayed by the influence of the outside world, and I also hope that more people can pay attention to him and give him some help and encouragement, so that he can make greater breakthroughs in his studies and scientific research. I also hope that Wei Dongyi's life can be improved, no longer too simple and simple, after all, in today's society, proper enjoyment is also very important.

A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

The quality of simplicity is valuable, but a person's wonderful life should not only be academic and scientific research, and appropriate enjoyment and experience of life can make one's life more colorful. At the same time, I also hope that Wei Dongyi's family can take more care and companionship, especially his mother, as a mother, she must be very proud and relieved to see her child have such excellent results, and she also needs more companionship and encouragement.

A rare appearance of Wei Shen's parents! Uncle spoke: Home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

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