
Understand you, it is a wordless confession, understand you, it is a gesture

author:Yu Qiuxue's beautiful essay
Understand you, it is a wordless confession, understand you, it is a gesture

Author: Zhang Xueyong

There is a kind of acquaintance, which is called understanding your joys and sorrows, and there is a kind of love, which is a wordless confession. If you have similar interests, why bother to argue, in the cycle of time, it is a rare opportunity to understand you.

You don't speak, I don't speak, three points understand and seven points understand you. Understand your joys and sorrows, understand your expectations, three thousand years of encounters, just for a soul understanding.

Understand you, it is a wordless confession, understand you, it is a gesture

Understand your lovesickness, understand your deep affection, you are the country and the city before the flowers bloom, and you are the soul-breaking lamp of lovesickness. An encounter, a lifetime of obsession. I want to talk about the spring breeze, and I look at each other like a shock.

Understand that you are fate, and sit by the river. The vicissitudes of life are sad, and the joys and sorrows are like dreams. Who has walked from whose poems? Stop writing and miss, lonely in the world.

I understand your joy and understand your soul. The guest came from Jiangnan and sent a letter between the eyebrows. There is always an understanding, haunted by dreams, there is always a acacia, heart-warming flowers.

Understand you, it is a wordless confession, understand you, it is a gesture

A season of flowers, it is better to be infatuated, looking back at the years, only you see. The end of the world fights the sword, and the ice heart is in the jade pot. Handle the vicissitudes of life, live up to the years.

In this world, someone who understands you is better than sweet words, and someone who accompanies you is true forever. There is never a shortage of cold and warmth in the love story, and the precious past is to accompany you to smile.

Understand you, it is a wordless confession, understand you, it is a gesture

Shallow joy and deep love, understand your feelings, gestures are in line with my wishes, laughter and anger are all love. Know how to cherish, know how to let go, all love is silent.