
Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

author:Five Finger Mountain Popularization Law
Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

The awareness of "courtesy zebra crossing" is constantly increasing

The number of traffic accidents has dropped significantly

But the dangers of traffic are not completely away from us

On the road

Have you met it too?

Pedestrians of all kinds of "fancy crossings".

Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

1. Joy ceremony

Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

"Come on, chase me, hehe......"

2. Conversational style

Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

"Oh, listen to me tell you......"

3. Telephone

Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

"I'm walking slowly, don't worry......"

Fourth, reading

Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

"Reborn me as a domineering president......"

V. Song Ceremony

Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

"When you wear headphones, no one loves them!"

Sixth, the show style

Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

"This wave of operations, show!"

Fancy crossing the street? Familiar!

Obey traffic laws

It's not just the driver's responsibility

It is also a pedestrian and a cyclist

and the responsibility of all traffic participants

Travel safely and civilly

That's the closest way we get home

Source: Gansu Public Security