
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

author:Five Finger Mountain Popularization Law
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy
"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

Nine anti-fraud tips

1► Be wary of game scams

"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

Game account transactions are the hardest hit area of fraud. One is a white wolf with empty gloves and no account after receiving money; One is that after the transaction is completed, the scammer submits identity information to the game platform in the name of account theft and retrieves the account. In the second case, after the account purchased by the scammer is recovered, the user suffers from the lack of original registration information and often has nowhere to appeal. Game equipment is also a high-risk area for fraud, mainly including low-cost recharge, sending props and equipment, equipment winning fraud and other traps. Specific methods include charging game currency at a low price as bait, and running away after receiving the money; Notify the player of the winning bonds, but ask them to pay taxes first. In addition, game plug-ins and auxiliary tools that imply ransomware viruses also have the risk of fraud, and users need to pay to return to normal after downloading the computer.

Police Reminder:

Install security protection software for your computer, download online game plug-ins from official websites, and pay attention to verify the online game address; Do not easily open unknown links, files, compressed packages and QR codes sent by merchants when playing games online, and install virus detection and killing software to regularly check and kill computers to protect account privacy; If you find that your account is abnormal, you should contact the game operator immediately.

2► Be wary of part-time job scams

"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

Some illegal and non-standard intermediary agencies and false institutions take advantage of the psychology of college students who want to work in the summer, some exaggerate the facts, and some make things out of nothing, and put forward lucrative conditions to lure college students to sign up and collect intermediary fees. After paying the fee, the "recruitment information" is far away.

Police Reminder:

Online part-time jobs are not gullible, and scammers often use recruitment conditions such as low threshold, free time, and high commissions to attract the attention of victims. I would like to remind students not to easily believe this kind of "unearned" part-time job advertisement, and to apply for jobs through regular recruitment websites as much as possible.

3► Be wary of scams

"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

Fraudsters use "easy money" as bait to lure victims into the group, and the members of the fraud gang play different roles in the group, posting screenshots of profits one after another, creating a false impression of high returns to confuse the victim, until the victim believes that it is true and transfers a large amount of money to participate in the swiping, and then blacks the victim. Or let the victim make a few small orders first, give the victim a rebate as agreed, and when the victim tastes the sweetness and then invests a lot of money, the scammer will cut off contact and disappear.

Police Reminder:

Don't believe the content of online swiping advertisements, scammers use swiping as an excuse, and use simple requirements and lucrative benefits to attract attention, there is no unearned money in the world; Do not click on or scan web links and QR codes sent by strangers; Keep the password of the network account, ID card, mobile phone number and other personal information, and use anti-virus software to disinfect the computer; Beware of fake customer service using professional jargon and "caring" service to gain your trust; After discovering that you have been scammed, you should call 110 to report to the police in time, and at the same time pay attention to keeping evidence, such as bank transfer records, communication records, chat records, etc.

4► Be wary of "campus loan" scams

"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

Fraudsters often falsely claim that they need to pay thousands of yuan in insurance money to deceive students into transferring and remitting money. Or they use "unconditional" and "low interest" to lure students into borrowing, and the result is often to use unconventional means such as threats and joint sittings to control students to repay high interest rates, which is essentially tantamount to usury. The essence of bad campus loans is to commit fraud and extortion under the guise of good intentions. Some illegal institutions threaten "low interest rates", "low risk" and "convenience and speed", but in fact they make false propaganda to trick students into borrowing from them, and eventually lure students into the trap of "routine loans" and "usury", and "small loans" roll into "huge debts".

Police Reminder:

Students should establish a correct concept of consumption, fully understand the hidden dangers and risks of online non-performing loans, and enhance their awareness of financial risk prevention; It is necessary to establish a rational and scientific outlook on consumption, develop the excellent quality of hard work, simplicity, diligence and thrift, and try not to take out loans and shopping on online borrowing platforms and installment shopping platforms, where interest and liquidated damages are very high; It is necessary to actively learn financial and cyber security knowledge and stay away from bad online lending behaviors.

5► Be wary of online shopping scams

"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

One is that when I was shopping online, I encountered scammers, most of them were direct transactions, and in the end the money was paid, the goods were not received, and the people were lost. For this kind of shop, you must pay attention to online shopping on regular e-commerce platforms when shopping online, and do not make direct transfers for transactions; The second is in the stage of completing online shopping and waiting for express delivery. The real express has not yet appeared, the scammer who pretends to be the courier appeared first, this type is often to call the victim to tell the victim that due to transportation problems, the express delivery is lost or damaged in transit, and now a certain amount of compensation can be given, the "routine" is generally: click on an unknown link, enter a fake website, fill in the bank card information, and the money on the card is transferred; The third is that after the goods have been used for a period of time, I suddenly received a call from someone claiming to be a customer service, saying that the goods you purchased are now found out to be excessive formaldehyde and other problems, and now you have to handle the return and refund in a unified manner.

Police Reminder:

When shopping online, do not provide your bank card number, ID card information, and online payment SMS verification code received on your mobile phone to strangers, nor do you open the URL link from the other party, do not trust unfamiliar calls or text messages, and do not easily transfer and remit money; When encountering unknown couriers, especially those sent by "couriers" who have never delivered couriers to themselves, they should be vigilant. It is not clear whether the express delivery really belongs to you, you can check it through the official channels of the express company; If the transaction fails in online shopping, you can log in to the official shopping website customer service telephone consultation, do not trust the customer service phone number searched by search engines such as Baidu, and call 110 to report to the police if you find a suspicious situation.

6► Be wary of impersonating acquaintance scams

"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

Fraudsters obtain citizens' personal information through illegal channels or randomly select, fabricate false information through telephone, Internet and text messages, claiming that they are acquaintances such as friends, classmates and even relatives of the other party to set up scams, falsely claiming that there are very important matters that need money for emergency response, and induce victims to send money and transfer money.

Police Reminder:

Whether it is QQ, WeChat, Weibo and other chat tools or mobile phone text messages, when receiving a message from a friend or a "acquaintance" such as relatives and friends requesting a transfer, you must verify by calling the other party's phone.

7► Be wary of admissions scams

"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

Fraudsters often forge official documents, take advantage of parents' ignorance of special points, art examinations, military school enrollment and independent enrollment policies, and falsely claim that there are "internal indicators" or "unplanned indicators" of colleges and universities, and as long as the bid is reasonable, they will guarantee admission.

Police Reminder:

Candidates and parents should be highly vigilant against this kind of spending money to go to school, and when encountering difficult enrollment problems, they should inquire and verify through formal channels, and do not easily hand over the candidate's ID number, admission ticket number and other information to others.

8►Be wary of financial aid and scholarship scams

Fraudsters impersonate state employees to induce students to transfer money at ATMs in the name of granting grants and scholarships, asking students to provide bank card numbers and passwords.

Police Reminder:

If students encounter the issuance of grants and scholarships, please consult the teacher and the local education department first, and do not operate the transfer according to the other party's requirements without authorization, so as not to be deceived. Be careful when strangers mention "money".

9► Beware of flight delay scams

"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

One is that criminal suspects use web portals, travel websites, Baidu search engines, etc. to place advertisements and publish false calls such as ordering, refunding, and exchanging air tickets and train tickets, and luring victims to be fooled with lower fares. Subsequently, the victim was asked to remit money again on the grounds of "incomplete identity information", "account frozen", "unsuccessful ticket booking", etc., so as to commit fraud; The other type is that the criminal suspect illegally steals the real-time flight information of passengers, sends text messages through point-to-point, and "cancels the flight, provides refund or change services", and leaves a fake airline customer service phone number to induce the victim to contact the fake customer service staff, and then the suspect pretends to be the airline customer service to trick the victim into remittance operations many times to carry out serial fraud.

Police Reminder:

Fake websites can generally only be queried, and follow-up operations such as fare inquiry and order display cannot be carried out online, and can only be directed by manual phone transfer, while the official website of regular airlines can realize from inquiry to booking and online payment. When an airline sells a ticket, if it asks customers to send money directly to a bank account, it is a fraudulent website. When you receive a text message or phone call from the airline saying that the flight has been cancelled, do not call the phone number provided on the text message, and should log on to the airline's official website or call the official customer service number for inquiries.

"Anti-fraud" super full illustrated strategy

Whether it's academic fraud, part-time job fraud

or consumer fraud, etc.,

At the end of the day, the purpose of the outlaws

It's all about getting your money and personal information

Source: People's Daily, Capital Internet Police

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