
Inadvertently breaking into the scene of betrayal, I conspired with the university professor to bring them to the brink

author:Lao Zhang's health theory
Inadvertently breaking into the scene of betrayal, I conspired with the university professor to bring them to the brink

The protagonist of the story is called Xiaoqi, an ordinary designer of an advertising agency. Although her work is not a big company, she has a sense of accomplishment. Emotionally, she has been talking to her boyfriend Xiaohan for several years, has a stable relationship, and is preparing to get married.

But who knows, the sky is unpredictable. One night, Xiaoqi went to a bar to relax, and ran into Xiaohan on an intimate date with another girl. That scene, tsk, is spicy. Xiaoqi was stunned on the spot, and her heart hurt like being cut by a knife.

After returning home, Xiao Qi didn't sleep all night, and her mind was full of pictures of Xiao Han's betrayal. The next day, she endured the heartache and went to work, only to find that she couldn't even draw the design well. At this moment, a new customer came to the company, a professor at a local university.

This professor's name is Wu Jiaxi, he is very handsome and very knowledgeable. He admired Xiaoqi's design talent, and the two chatted very speculatively. Xiaoqi couldn't hold back for a while, so she poured bitter water on Professor Wu about what happened to her.

Inadvertently breaking into the scene of betrayal, I conspired with the university professor to bring them to the brink

Unexpectedly, Professor Wu was very angry after hearing this, and said, "This kind of scumbag is not worth your sadness!" Let's find a way to get revenge on him together!"

In this way, Xiaoqi and Professor Wu began a series of revenge plans. They first secretly collected some misdeeds in Xiaohan's work, and then exposed them through Professor Wu's connections. As a result, Xiaohan's reputation in the company plummeted, and he was soon demoted.

For that junior, their methods are even more ruthless. Professor Wu pretended to be an executive of a well-known company and seduced Xiao San to take the bait. When the junior thought that he had climbed the high branch, Professor Wu suddenly removed his disguise, which ruined her reputation.

In the process, Xiaoqi discovered that Professor Wu was not only smart and capable, but also very considerate to her. The two got closer and closer, and gradually developed feelings. Once working overtime until late at night, Professor Wu gently put on a coat for Xiaoqi, and Xiaoqi's heart was warm at that moment.

At this moment, Xiao Han suddenly came to find Xiao Qi to reunite. He said he knew he was wrong and wanted to start over. But Xiaoqi had already seen his essence and resolutely refused.

Inadvertently breaking into the scene of betrayal, I conspired with the university professor to bring them to the brink

Xiao Qi said to Xiao Han: "It has long been over between us. I now have a better life partner and career plan. "

Xiao Han was shocked when he heard this, he didn't expect that in just a few months, Xiao Qi had changed so much. He walked away, leaving Xiaoqi and Professor Wu smiling at each other.

At this time, the relationship between Xiaoqi and Professor Wu has developed from ordinary friends to lovers. The two not only support each other emotionally, but also begin to have new ideas in their careers.

Professor Wu proposed, "Xiaoqi, why don't we use your design talent and my network resources to open a studio together?"

Xiaoqi's eyes lit up: "Good idea!" We can name the studio 'Rebirth' to symbolize new beginnings!"

In this way, the two joined hands to start a business and started a new chapter in their lives. The road to entrepreneurship was not smooth, and they encountered a lot of difficulties. For example, at the beginning, I couldn't receive orders, and it was difficult to turn over funds.

But the two encouraged each other and worked together. Professor Ng is responsible for business development, and Xiaoqi is responsible for creative design. Slowly, their studio gained a reputation in the industry and received more and more orders.

Inadvertently breaking into the scene of betrayal, I conspired with the university professor to bring them to the brink

In 2023, their annual turnover exceeded 1 million. This achievement makes Xiaoqi extremely proud. She recalled the despair when she was betrayed by Xiao Han, and then looked at her current self, it was really like a world away.

One day, Xiaoqi met Xiaohan on the street. At this time, Xiaohan has been reduced to being a grassroots employee in a small company, and he looks a lot haggard. And Xiaoqi is radiant and full of confidence.

Xiao Han wanted to talk to Xiao Qi, but Xiao Qi directly ignored him. Xiaoqi thought to herself: "My happy life doesn't need your blessing."

Back in the studio, Xiaoqi told Professor Wu about it. Professor Wu smiled and said, "Don't worry about him, we have more important things to do."

It turned out that their studio had received a big order to design a new advertising plan for a well-known brand. If this collaboration is successful, their studio will be at the forefront of the industry.

Xiaoqi and Professor Wu stayed up all night for this, and finally completed the plan before the deadline. The results were exciting, the client was very satisfied, not only gave a high remuneration, but also promised a long-term cooperation.

Inadvertently breaking into the scene of betrayal, I conspired with the university professor to bring them to the brink

At the beginning of 2024, their studio has grown to the size of more than 20 people, making it a small name in the industry. Xiaoqi has also grown from an ordinary designer to a creative director in his own right.

While the career is successful, the relationship between Xiaoqi and Professor Wu is also getting deeper and deeper. The two discussed whether to get married.

Professor Wu romantically proposed: "Xiaoqi, we have been through so much together, are you willing to join hands with me for the rest of your life?"

Xiaoqi was moved to tears: "I do!" With you by my side, I feel like I can do anything!"

In this way, Xiaoqi not only achieved a counterattack in her career, but also gained sincere love emotionally.