
The Big Four disintegrate! The Clippers are seeking to trade Wei Shao after renewing Harden's contract, with only 1 year and 4.03 million left

The Big Four disintegrate! The Clippers are seeking to trade Wei Shao after renewing Harden's contract, with only 1 year and 4.03 million left

Drunk and floating

2024-07-01 06:55Creators in the field of sports

On July 1, Beijing time, according to a report by Yahoo Athletic Fischer, the Clippers are now seeking a trade to send Wei Shao away after Wei Shao chose to exercise the player option of $4.03 million for the remaining one year. After Harden signed a two-year, $70 million contract extension with the Clippers, the Clippers did not want to continue to keep the backcourt combination of Harden and Westbrook.

The Big Four disintegrate! The Clippers are seeking to trade Wei Shao after renewing Harden's contract, with only 1 year and 4.03 million left

Although the Clippers formed a super Big Four combination last season, the combination of "Little Card + George + Harden + Wei Shao", even if it once topped the first place in the West, lost to the Mavericks 2-4 in the playoffs and was eliminated in the first round.

The Clippers have already signed a contract extension early last season, and now it is a two-year, $70 million extension for Harden. The Clippers are unwilling to give George $212 million for four years, and the 76ers, Warriors and other teams are interested in pursuing George.

The Big Four disintegrate! The Clippers are seeking to trade Wei Shao after renewing Harden's contract, with only 1 year and 4.03 million left

As for Wei Shao, he previously chose to exercise the player option of $4.03 million for the remaining year, but now the Clippers are looking for a trade to send Wei Shao away, after all, Wei Shao's one-year contract is very cost-effective.

During the regular season last season, Wei Shao averaged 11.1 points, 5 rebounds and 4.5 assists per game, shooting 45.4% from the field.

(Text/Drunken Sleeping)

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  • The Big Four disintegrate! The Clippers are seeking to trade Wei Shao after renewing Harden's contract, with only 1 year and 4.03 million left
  • The Big Four disintegrate! The Clippers are seeking to trade Wei Shao after renewing Harden's contract, with only 1 year and 4.03 million left

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